Tag Archives: cats

Why Your Favorite YouTube Creators Will Disappear | Tin Hat Ranch


FK – At the end of the day ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians,’ those with actual money, care more about their money than their ’cause’ and will probably fail to congeal and create a platform to replace YouTube which is owned by google which is evil whose newer ‘parent company’ Alphabet is ran by a piece of schitt that worked to get hitlery in the now red house.

We are war but too many are still in denial of that reality.

The killer bees of fake news

Feral Cats Spread Parasites to Deer

Hunters are often concerned about feral hogs impacting a local deer herd, but feral cats? Well… it turns out that free-ranging house cats are doing more out in the woods than just killing mice and raiding songbird nests. Feral cats are also spreading parasites to white-tailed deer, other animals and maybe even to you. The problem is toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. Will cats infected with the parasite impact deer hunting in your area? Probably not, for a number of different reasons, but it’s important to pay attention if you eat venison since this disease is prevalent in many areas.

It’s currently estimated that more than 60 million people in the U.S. have the Toxoplasma parasite in them. Most folks will not get sick, though the parasite can cause serious problems for some people, such as those with weakened immune systems and babies whose mothers become infected for the first time during pregnancy. Problems stemming from an infection can include damage to the brain, eyes, and other organs; serious stuff.

Parasites in White-tailed Deer: Disease Spread by Feral Cats

FK – That’s one helluva mouse!

A few years back I had 5 female cats that all had kittens. All of sudden I had 30 cats. That’s when I got out of the cat business.