Tag Archives: blind faith

Texas Teacher Forced 7th Graders To Deny That God Is Real Or Get Failing Grade


FK – Too bad children are caught up in this struggle between these insanities.

Sounds like the teacher is right but using the wrong methods. It’s pointless to argue with blind faith. It’s like blowing a soap bubble and saying “Oh look, my faith, isn’t it beautiful.” Then it floats off and pops and then they say “Oh that was just god’s will.” Then they blow another bubble. It’s a never ending process for those who choose to stop thinking.

But then the commie schools aren’t interested in creating thinking humans either. They’re just indoctrinating to love and blindly obey another god, the govt. or the corporation.

The Secret of The Muhammad Garland TX Shooting


FK – It’s not about the guns or the Second Amendment. We can win that battle and still lose the war. See earlier post below.

Former terror suspect well known to the FBI is named as one of two gunmen shot dead by cops after attack on anti-Islam ‘draw Muhammad’ art contest near Dallas


FK – Sounds like a poorly planned and poorly executed attack to me…


FK – Another reason we need a militia in every county in this country to protect the Bill of Rights.

Establishment GOP Wants to Provide Illegal Immigrants with Driver’s Licenses

FK – The best thing the ‘right wing’ could do for Mexicans is end the drug war.

Enforced Energy Poverty: Coal, Oil, Gas Must Stay in Ground Say Alarmists

National Geographic, like other choristers in the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) alarmist choir, is hyping the latest “climate research,” in this case, the new computer modeling program of a team at the University College of London’s (UCL) Institute for Sustainable Resources. The scientist-activists at UCL claim that their computer model provides overwhelming proof that the plentiful hydrocarbon fuels the developing countries are expecting will lift them out of poverty and that the developed countries are looking to for assistance for struggling economies must be put off limits.

Yep, lock up that coal, oil, and natural gas, and forget about ever getting clean, running water for your village … or electricity … or sewers … or basic industry, infrastructure, hospitals, housing, schools, etc. For a couple billion of the world’s poorest citizens, the UCL proposals mean condemnation to perpetual poverty, ignorance, hunger, disease, and suffering. For billions more of our planet’s inhabitants who qualify as working poor or middle class, it means a downward economic spiral toward lower and lower living standards, less opportunity, and less job security. But, hey, your misery, suffering, and privation today just may stave off the theoretical catastrophe of theoretical AGW fifty years from now — or not.

Never mind that even many of the top alarmist individuals, institutions, and media organs now admit there has been no measurable global warming for more than 18 years.

FK – Can’t blindly trust any of them. If the corporates weren’t making huge profits off oil and coal they’d be doing something else. The eco-commies are control freaks who want to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The corporates who only care about money will continue to make money off ‘carbon credits’ if they can.

The American Church Has Some Big Problems

Though many pastors and church leaders would probably not be willing to admit it, for all intents and purposes, our churches are mostly more concerned with being the compliant servant of the state than they are the obedient servant of God. The way most pastors teach Romans 13 is nothing more than the promotion of idolatry. Christians are taught to obey civil government almost without question. As was the case in Nazi Germany, America’s churches are taught that obedience to the state is obedience to God.

Have you been to a modern church wedding recently? If you have, as the pastor pronounced the bride and groom as husband and wife, you probably heard him say, “As an officer of the laws of the State of (your State) and in the presence of God…I now pronounce you man (or husband) and wife.”

The IRS 501c3 non-profit organization status for churches (instituted in 1954) has turned pastors and church officers into corporate officers of the state–and most pastors and church leaders KNOW it–even if they are unwilling to admit it.

It’s all about preserving the church’s non-profit status so contributors can deduct their offerings on income tax forms and so that the church doesn’t have to pay sales taxes on what they purchase or property taxes on what they own. And whatever pastors and church officers are required by the state to do in order to preserve that non-profit status, they will comply.


Our own federal government put the Taliban in power, put Al Qaeda in power, and put ISIS in power. Our federal government often uses war and conflict to cover up its own murderous activity or to kill the very people that they formerly gave arms to, supported, befriended, etc. Whether one wants to believe it or not, most of the conflict in the Middle East has been caused by our own government. We are our own worst enemy. How convenient that we make Muslim people everywhere the straw man to divert attention away from the real criminals.

Yes, the American Church has a BIG problem: much of it is filled with HATE. To be sure, Christians are instructed to hate “evil,” but nowhere are we instructed to hate people–any people. Yet, the hatred of Muslims by Christians in America appears to be epidemic.

Hatred is a cancer. Hatred, bitterness, resentment, bigotry, etc., kill the soul. When Jesus instructed us to love our enemies, it was NOT for our enemies’ sake; it was for OUR sake. How can God bless a hate-filled Church when He commands us to love our enemies? How can He bless warmongers when he tells us that it is peacemakers who are blessed?

FK – We won’t begin to fix our problems until we abandon blind faith, because that’s what got us into this mess and it won’t get us out, and until we cease choosing among the various forms of authoritarianism. I don’t expect to be here long enough to see that happen.