Tag Archives: black rifle

A ‘Well Regulated Militia’ the Basis of Private Gun Ownership

When the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791 the phrase, “well regulated militia,” underlined the importance of the words, “shall not be infringed.”

Yet today, due to the breakdown in education wrought by leftist academicians and media talking heads, many Americans presume a “well regulated militia” and “shall not be infringed” are polar opposites; that the former represents a collective right viewpoint while the latter presents the right as an individual one.  Such presumptions create a false dichotomy that pits one phrase against another in an amendment where both phrases were meant to be of mutual benefit.

Consider the Second Amendment: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

At the outset we must understand that the individual right to keep and bear arms is not in spite of the mention of a militia but because of it.  In other words, because the militia played a key role in the Founders’ minds, and is intended to play a key role even now, the right to possess arms, with which to gather in militia, “shall not be infringed.”

FK – So when is the Breitbart militia forming up?

Why hasn’t Trump brought the troops home and activated the militias and had them hunt our real enemies who are here and always have been?

What is a man, really?

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

What to teach your kids

The only real reason for the militia

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The most important things to do

Congress should use constitutional power to force states to honor gun rights

Even if a court were to hold that the Reciprocity Act is not a proper enforcement of the Second Amendment, the Act would still be valid as enforcement of the right to interstate travel.

Moreover, the Reciprocity Act is also supported by the same jurisdictional predicate as many other federal gun control laws: namely, that the firearm in question was once sold or transported in interstate commerce. This is not really consistent with the original meaning of the Interstate Commerce Clause. But if the Reciprocity Act were held to exceed Congress’s commerce powers, then much of the federal Gun Control Act would also be unconstitutional—such as laws that ban a person today from possessing a gun just because the gun was sold in interstate commerce four decades ago.

In short, whether you prefer that the Constitution be interpreted based on modern precedents, or based on original meaning, Congress has the discretion to pass the Reciprocity Act.

FK – So sad that our natural born rights have been buried under centuries of legalese while we lack the men to do what we so desperately need to do.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The only real reason for the militia

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The most important things to do

Doug Jones’s Victory Means Mitch McConnell Must Act on National Reciprocity Now

When Doug Jones (D) defeated Roy Moore (R) for U.S. Senate in Alabama, one thing was immediately evident — the window of time for passing national reciprocity just got smaller.

Reciprocity legislation was introduced in the House on January 3, 2017, but was not passed until December 6 after conservative representatives finally overcame Speaker Paul Ryan’s months of stonewalling.

National reciprocity now rests with the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been no more enthusiastic about it than Ryan was in the House. In fact, on August 13, 2017, Breitbart News reported that McConnell was mum on national reciprocity.

In other words, instead of seizing the momentum of a Republican-controlled Senate to pass the pro-Second Amendment legislation, McConnell dithered. He dithered so long that we are nearing the end of the year and, with Jones’s win, nearing the end of a 52-seat majority.

FK – I truly wish I knew what to say to the non-men in this country to get them off their asses and doing what must be done.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

Klein: Doug Jones is a George Soros-Tied Radical Leftist Rebranding Himself as Moderate

DEEP STATE DOES BAMA: Senate Election Stolen, Rigged By All The Usual Suspects


War is not always voluntary

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Will This Law End All Gun Control? | 2A Today

FK – The republicrats are striving desperately to lose the next round of elections because they don’t want us to be free any more than the commies do so I won’t be holding my breath on this.

Welcome to a nation of morons

A new birth of Liberty, or death

GOA Alert: Sens. Mike Lee and Mike Crapo with Rep. Steven King Introduce the SHUSH Act

New and Improved Suppressor Legislation in Congress!

As you know, Gun Owners of America strongly opposes all types of gun control — including the National Firearms Act and the NICS background check system.

And now there’s a bill that will deal a major blow to both of those ugly marks on the Second Amendment.

Senators Mike Lee and Mike Crapo, along with Representative Steve King introduced the “Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing Act” or SHUSH Act in both Senate and House (S. 1505 and H.R. 3139).

But you may be thinking: Isn’t there already a suppressor bill in Congress? Yes, there is. It’s the Hearing Protection Act which was has been introduced back in January.

Please click on the Take Action button to urge Senators and Representatives to cosponsor the SHUSH Act!

FK – That’s why I prefer GOA to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group. Have they ever openly said they are against ‘all’ gun control as any real American, not amerikan, would be?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The only real reason for the militia


Conservatives – Creating their Own Worst Enemy?

FK – That’s how war works. Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars. Lot’s of ignorant 40-year-olds send their kids off to ‘fight for democracy’ or some other bullshit when they don’t even know what ‘democracy‘ is(it’s evil, another form of manipulation).

Regardless of ‘how we treat them’ they’re still voting to kill us every time they vote, whether they’re smart enough to grasp this or not. By ‘us’ I mean those who think we’re supposed to be living in a ‘free country.’

There are plenty of little commies who were raised that way by their commie parents who haven’t changed since the 60s or whenever. The Marxist mutt was allegedly indoctrinated to be a ‘fellow traveler’ by its ‘real dad.’ Has it changed? What is chelsea? Did that rotten fruit fall far from the tree or will it stray?

We need to concentrate on winning the war for the Bill of Rights against whatever form of authoritarianism rears its ugly head, and there are several. The republicrats are proving that every day.

I knew gun control was wrong and socialism evil before I went to college. After attending a couple commie meetings I didn’t turn commie. I was slightly more ‘socially liberal’ then but not by much. But then I’m more ‘libertarian’ than ‘conservative’ anyway. Many college commie activists, the hard corps ones, will NEVER change. Look up Bill Ayers.

They are your ‘enemy for life’ by choice. I guess you ignored my post on your other vid where I told you we’ve had the net for 20 years. The ‘millennials’ or whatever grew up with it. It’s incredibly easy to learn how evil the twin evils of ‘gun control’ and socialism are, and how they operate hand in hand to disarm and fully enslave all of us, all of western civilization.

You are much younger than me. You’ll likely have to decide whether to kill them or get down on your knees and kiss, fondle and suck whatever they stick in your face. And there will be no limit to that.

Are they tools? Yes. But when millions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.

And they think the same of us. That won’t make the war any less likely to come, but more. It always does. Both sides usually pray for ‘their gods’ to be on their sides.

What did dubya and the heavily infiltrated original party of big govt. do with the Patriot Act after 9/11? Enslaved us further.

What did Bush the First do when it banned the importation of certain AK variants? Enslaved us further.

What did bill and hitlery do in the 90s? Enslaved us further.

What did Johnson and FDR do with their ‘welfare state’ and socialist security and ‘new deals?’ Enslaved us further.

What did Lincoln do when he killed 600,000 plus so he could continue taxing the southern states? Began the process…. that the ‘radical republicans’ forced on the Southern states after Lincoln was killed, 4 years too late.

And let’s be clear: THEY ARE CHOOSING TO BE THE ENEMIES OF LIBERTY! We did not choose this war. I certainly didn’t. When I was in school and college and watching the mainstream news shit until I was around 30 NO ONE explained to me the real difference between ‘liberal'(COMMUNIST) and ‘conservative'(now more loosely defined than ever). NO ONE explained to me that McCarthy and Hoover were right when they were trying to drive the commies from our govt. and national institutions that had been completely infiltrated by the late 60s to 70s.

NO ONE explained to me how the amerikan communist insurgency infiltrators were changing the terminology of ‘freedom’ to mean ‘democracy’ not real LIBERTY and over time stopped calling themselves ‘reds’ and learned how to pretend to be ‘civil’ and ‘pacifist’ and how to force ‘consensus’ on all of us in the name of ‘democracy.’

What indeed will we do when the republicrats lose power again? What will we do when the commie trash doesn’t hold back any more and some commie black-robed justices rule that it’s OK for them to tell us to ‘turn them in?’ Hint: The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

Will we simply comply or start killing them as we should’ve done long ago? Self-proclaimed ‘Second Amendment activists’ who are so frightened of our domestic blood enemies that they allow the evil ones to dictate what they say and do and thus are too cowardly to openly say we will have to use the Second Amendment as it was written: to fight the govt. and kill those who would enslave us totally by disarming us all are more pathetic than the sjws could ever be because they are supposed to know better.

Are you a coward or a faker? Decide now.

The Europeans have existed under the form of ‘socialism’ your dear sjws dream of, for decades. See what it turned them into. See how they allowed their govt.s to bring in hordes of invaders in the name of false ‘compassion’ that is really designed to destroy western civilization.

You really need to finish waking up. We must concentrate on be-heading the beast. Who or what is indoctrinating the children in this evil? Why or how or where do they get funding? Why is there still a National Propaganda Radio? Why do we tolerate Marxist professors in the universities? Why aren’t school teachers, that usually just assimilate and regurgitate whatever they are spoonfed, required to learn Liberty and weeded out if they want to teach collectivism?

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill

Once again my standard answer to such:

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

In reality some knew years ago what the real problem is:

FK – So what does one usually do to zombies?

“Whatever is in Heller is the Law and I Follow the Law”

FK – The words ‘illegal gun’ are not found in the Second Amendment. READ IT! THE BILL OF RIGHTS IS THE LAW!!!!!!!

THE SCOTUS IS NOT THE FINAL ARBITER OF OUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I’ve known for years the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group is part of the problem.

Once again my standard answer to such:

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

Proposed Executive Order Designating Certain Rifles for ‘Militia Purposes’

The faulty Fourth District decision issued last week upholding Maryland’s Scary Gun Ban runs afoul of good jurisprudence. The ruling found that Second Amendment protections don’t extend to individuals who wish to own certain semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, calling them, “weapons that are most useful in military service.” However, a document sent to me yesterday offers hope of correcting that in the form of a proposed executive order to be issued by President Trump.

Virginia attorney Lenden Eakin sent me the text of the proposed order and gave permission to share it. I’d like run it past the Armed Intelligentsia here at TTAG to get your take.

The simple mechanism of attorney Eakin’s proposal: by defining certain categories of rifles for militia use, the President could strike state and local bans on many of the most popular “assault rifles” and their magazines.

Mr. Eakin also notes: “An Executive Order like this could have a significant impact on the litigation to challenge Assault Weapons Bans currently making its way through the Courts. It would help the challengers.”

FK – Wow. I read about half the comments, there are lots, so I’ll try not to tread any ground already covered except to say:

Here’s what the Second Amendment actually means regardless of how much our domestic blood enemies with white skin, the “Liberal”(commie) trash and other assorted authoritarians lie about it:

The right of the people to overthrow or prevent tyrannical or authoritarian government by force of individually owned arms, purchased or manufactured without government permission or taxes levied or paid, inferior to, equal to or superior to those commonly carried by soldiers, marines, sailors or militia members of any fighting force in the world shall not be brought into question. The right of the people to protect themselves from criminals in government, or any institution that may seek authority over them or from any common street criminal shall not be brought into question. Those elected, hired or appointed public servants who do question this proclamation and/or the people’s natural, most basic right, that all our other rights are based upon, that of self defense, shall be arrested, tried for treason and executed.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

The Second Amendment, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is an acknowledgement of our natural born rights, not a granting. The entire Bill of Rights is about keeping the governments in their place as our servants, not our masters. The  Second Amendment is about the common person’s right to own weapons of  war so that we can keep the governments in their place by keeping the  ‘monopoly on force’ in the hands of the people where it belongs, as in  ‘We the people.’ Remember that? It will not be infringed any further and  the ‘gun laws’ in existence will be repealed. End of discussion.

Australia: A Nation of Defenseless Victims

FK – So what does ‘never surrender our rights’ mean to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group huh? Why don’t they have the guts to say what that will ultimately mean? What will the NRA do when hitlery or some other trash says “Turn them in,” or “Owners are grandfathered but they cannot sell their weapons nor leave them to their children nor teach their children how to shoot them?” and a commie SCOTUS agrees?

Our domestic blood enemies would be plenty satisfied with an inter-generational process. This must NOT EVER be allowed to happen.

The Aussies need to dig up the weapons they buried years ago before they turn into artifacts and use them to hunt and exterminate their “Liberal”(commie) trash just as we so desperately need to do.

Any whore manning a ‘gun buy back’ station deserves to be killed on sight, and will be. Those who helped destroy those weapons shouldn’t be safe in their own homes. They are traitors to their own people and to human Liberty.

4:33 and I can’t stand it any more. These sobby handwringers should’ve walked out their front doors and began hunting the trash that worked to disarm them. Now they are pathetic cowardly slaves who don’t deserve any respect from anyone.

When will the NRA really stand up and start working openly to organize, train and arm the militias for what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed?????

I’ve been asking this question for years and have yet to get an answer. Meanwhile trash that should’ve been executed for treason decades ago gets to walk around convincing mindless morons to vote for it to occupy the most powerful public seat in the world and maybe in human history.

I would be amazed if I hadn’t spent 20 years watching all this crap. Every day that goes by without millions of us publicly declaring what must be done and initiating the process of doing it is another day we spit on our Founders’ graves.

Well, some of us are still learning, if decades too late:

Military Wants On-Base Concealed Carry, Will Likely Get It

FK – This is why they want us disarmed:

German Law Would Give Police Power to Enter Homes to Check For “Refugee Suitability”

FK – Our domestic blood enemies will never stop until we force them to. There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to enslave others:

Wisconsin “Gun Safety” Advocates Want To Outlaw Your Guns

FK – Because they never ‘learn’ but that’s not the issue:

Maryland’s Controversial ‘Gun Fingerprint’ Database Shut Down After 15 Years, $5 Million — Here’s How Many Crimes It Solved

FK – The issue is they are waging war on us all.

And another reason they want us disarmed:

At Least 120 Dead in Paris After Multiple Terror Attacks; French President Blames Islamic State

FK – So they can kill us with distraction while our real enemies with white skin work to help the fundie ragheads gain political power over here.

And once again our greatest enemies prove who they really are:

In Paris Aftermath, Salon’s Chief Concern is Conservatives

FK – I don’t ‘disagree’ with the trash. A disagreement is when a couple go to buy a car and can’t decide on a color.

Our domestic blood enemies are waging war on us. It’s way past time to get over our denial.