Tag Archives: biblical truth

This Report Will Kill Web Censorship And Save America If You Take Action


FK – So how do we go dark web?

Are you sure Henry VIII didn’t come through a time machine?

The great savior Trump should’ve already brought the Marines home and sent them after our real domestic white-skinned blood enemies and hunted them to extinction.

Emergency: Big Tech’s Plot to Kill Free Speech Revealed

More on this:


FK – Simple sad fact: Modern ‘christianity’ is a big part of the reason we’re not living in the free country we’re supposed to be living in. It was infiltrated long ago if not created for control.

Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

Gee, why might Shapiro be PC to the powers that want to always be? What little special group does he claim to be part of and always defends?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions


FK – Whenever the mainstream newswhores are talking about something it’s a good bet they’re supposed to be. That’s another reason I couldn’t vote for Trump. They ignored Ron Paul at every opportunity. As Rappaport wrote there’s nothing new about this process.

The killer bees of fake news

As the ancient tribal propaganda notes, some of them look like us. Why else would the citizens of Sodom want to ‘know’ them? I doubt they would’ve felt the same about greys or ‘reptilians’ or ‘insectoids’ or 3-headed gorks.

If they walk among us are they friend or foe or frenemies?

If the tool-using monkeys can dig massive tunnels with nuclear powered machines what are ‘they’ capable of? Ever seen the Star Trek episode where they have an observation post dug into a hillside shrouded by a cloaking device so they can study the ‘primitive’ culture?

We should hope we’re the primitive culture and not their resource or their allies in some space war the authorties know better than to tell the average dumbass about. Think bringing back the witch burnings if the average dumbass starts looking at his neighbor funny.

Think we’re not capable of that? Billions are still looking forward to their sadistic asshole of a bronze age god burning billions including little kids and babies alive in fire forever because they don’t share their version, sub-version or subversion of what ‘god’ is or should be.

The real question may be “Is there some reason the elites will soon be forced to ‘pull back the veil’ and reveal our true situation?” That’s assuming they fully understand what that might be.

Think global ‘conspiracy’ and global ‘diplomacy’ and global ‘propaganda’ and then put ‘galactic’ in front of those words.

Meanwhile the herd grazes on.

Go look up those graphs that show how little of the entire planet is taken up by the ‘surface’ and the oceans and the ones that show just how small this water-soaked fire-spitting rock is compared to the rest of what our astronomers claim they can see.

What if the missing trillions are going off planet to pay the space tax? What happened when the British Parliament tried to make the colonies pay for the expenditures associated with the French and Indian War?

My standard answer to this:

What generally happens to primitive indigenous populations when they confront superior cultures?

We are the primitives… And it’s my guess ‘they’ don’t consider us ready for their tech.

‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

UFO Disclosure: the insider game of “reliable sources”

DARPA Subterranean Challenge Aims to Revolutionize Underground Capabilities

$21 Trillion Missing from US Federal Budget

And don’t miss this short vid from the above DARPA LINK:

FK – Has there been a spike in lost spelunkers or subway passengers?

WTF is this really about?

Wouldn’t this usually be up to local first responders? Why does DARPA have to spend tax dollars on this flimsy excuse for a cover story?

WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?


The most important things to do

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

An Interstellar Asteroid Just Flew Past Earth, Here’s What You Need to Know

FK – If we took an Apache Longbow back to the 700s AD via a time machine and flew it over King Arthur’s castle would the royal jester be able to ‘prove’ what it was or wasn’t?

And this is interesting:

The name comes from Hawaiian ʻoumuamua, meaning “scout”,[16] (from ʻou, meaning “reach out for”, and mua, reduplicated for emphasis​, meaning “first, in advance of”[3]) and reflects the way this object is like a scout or messenger sent from the distant past to reach out to us.[3][17] The first character is a Hawaiian ʻokina, not an apostrophe, and is represented by a single quotation mark and pronounced as a glottal stop; the name was chosen by the Pan-STARRS team[18] in consultation with Kaʻiu Kimura and Larry Kimura of the University of Hawaii at Hilo.[19]

Military ‘scouts’ are often sent ahead of invading forces…

Why no efforts to explain this?:

FK – ‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do