Tag Archives: assault

House Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Manufacture of ‘Assault Weapons’

On December 16, Rep. David Cicilline(D-RI-1st) will introduce the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

Besides banning the manufacturing of AR-15s and related firearms, the ban would put in place “new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.”

According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible. We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.”

His bill has “90 Democrat co-sponsors including House Minority WHIP Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.-5th) and Rep. Steve Israel(D-N.Y.-3rd).”

FK – Must not be too interested in the next election cycle.

Or the alternative:


FK – When they knock on your door it’s too late. They’ll happily pry your gun from your cold dead hands. It’s way past time to prepare for what will be required.

The Assault Weapon Myth

GOA: Calls for National Gun Confiscation

The Anti-gun Left Declares War on Your Gun Rights

President Obama took to the airwaves on Sunday night and told the nation we need more gun control.

Hillary Clinton — the one who will most likely be the Democrat nominee for president in 2016 — recently called for an all-out war on guns, as well.

And then, for the first time since 1920, the New York Times published an editorial on the front page of their newspaper.

This is important because the editorial page of the Times reflects the thinking of the anti-gun Democrat Left.

And what is the theme of the Times‘ most important message in nearly a hundred years?

In two words:  Gun Confiscation.

FK – So what’re you gonna do when they come for yours? They’ll happily take it out of your cold dead hands. Are you going to sit home and wait your turn or meekly ‘turn them in’ and bequeath to your descendants a legacy of pathetic slovenly slavery?

Why aren’t you training with the militia now for the inevitable?

Pelosi: California Gun Laws Didn’t Stop Terrorists, So ‘That’s Why We Need a National Gun Law’

Jerry Brown calls other states’ gun laws ‘gigantic back door’ for terrorists

Democrats more motivated to go after NRA than ISIS

FK – Because they know who their real enemies are: those of us who will begin to kill them when enough finally realize the necessity of doing so.

Supreme Court denies assault weapons ban challenge

Why are gun rights activists planning a fake mass shooting?

Which States Allow Concealed Carry? This Map Shows Who Can Legally Carry a Gun and Where

FK – If the governments were ‘by the people’ they would need our permission to carry guns but this has become a nation of cowardly pacified whores. Simple sad fact.

This one is really important:

Why Congress stopped gun control activism at the CDC

Kurt Russell: ‘Absolutely Insane’ to Think Gun Control Will Change Terrorists

FK – Well a few of the Hollyweird types have a clue.

Another really important one:

The facts that neither side wants to admit about gun control

FK – Our domestic blood enemies have no problem with violence when it suits their purposes and many of them have no problem with blood on their own hands:


FK – Who or what is more powerful, a tiny handful that manages to kill a few mush heads now and again, often with government help, or those that can disarm and thus fully enslave hundreds of millions?

Jerry Falwell Jr Defends Concealed Carry Policy On University Campuses


FK – Who are our greatest enemies? The fundie ragheads that occasionally kill a few mush heads or those who would disarm us so we can’t kill them when enough finally realize the necessity of doing so?

Maybe some are catching on:

Gun Sales Spike Across the U.S.


FK – Christians aren’t killing each other over their various versions, sub-versions and subversions(unless you count the Branch Davidians that mainstream ‘Christianity’ lifted not a finger to help) because they have successfully been pacified into moronic mush heads. This worries me almost as much as the fact that billions of them are still OK with the idea that ‘their’ god will burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever and all three groups of adherents to the ancient tribal propaganda are quite OK with killing millions or billions in their ‘final war.’

This tells us that humans are still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

New York Daily News Calls Mark Dice Mizzou Coverage “Sick” “Outragious” and “Offensive”


FK – I ask again for the umpteenth time: Who are our real enemies? Who or what ideology will prepare the way for the fundie ragheads to come wage blood war on us here if they ever really do, not counting FBI stings gone ‘wrong’ or ‘false flag’ attacks such as 9/11 and the early 90s bombing of the twin towers that the FBI helped set up?

The white “Liberal”(commie) trash down the street doesn’t ‘disagree’ with you, it’s waging war on you.

Whose security are they really protecting?:


FK – ‘Intel con.’ I like that. Sounds very apropos.

Newly-Declassified U.S. Government Documents: The West Supported the Creation of ISIS


FK – You think you have ‘liberal'(commie) friends? Really? Ask them what they’re willing to see done to you for not obeying their evil laws or for fighting back as we should be doing against their ongoing communist takeover to include bringing in foreign mercenaries(so-called terrorists) via immigration, legal and illegal, to wage blood war on the American the evil creatures want to finish destroying so they can finish building the amerika they want to force us all to exist in.

Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ will have no problem sending the ‘pigs’ and ‘cannon fodder’ they profess to hate to kill you for not obeying their evil commie laws. Simple fact. It’s all a facade. Yeah, the lower level dupes might actually believe the bile that spews from their upper scat holes but their ‘leaders’ know full well the evil they do. They consider us to be livestock.

Why are we incapable of focusing on who or what our real enemies are?

When the last big false flag attack happened the only thing I was surprised about was that they didn’t use nukes and there weren’t far more casualties. But then at the time I didn’t fully realize the extent of the treason. Have you seen the TV program ‘Jericho?’

We need real men and women who will fight on the ‘front lines’ here, and in the rear, and anywhere else they’re needed in whatever way they’re needed with whatever knowledge or skill sets they have. It’s time to start thinking Normandy, on our own shores.

McCarthy was right. I suggest you research it. Most of the sheeple will never see the ‘bigger picture.’ That’s how it’s always been. It’s always up to that tiny minority in every generation that cares about, is willing to fight for, and kill for, human liberty.

Sometimes when I lose a paragraph I think it’s something I should’ve re-written anyway, not lost.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’ 

The ultimate Realty TV

And what do the unmentionables have to do with all this?:


FK – Their tribal propaganda is bad. Our tribal propaganda that says we can move back to our ‘promised land’ is good. It’s just that simple. We like it that way.

Our tribal propaganda says it’s OK to kill millions or billions to make sure our version, sub-version or subversion rules:


FK – No, the trash that voted for the Marxist mutt so they could get a check or a job or soothe their false consciences have blood on their hands. Time to change who or what gets to vote in this country or the movie ‘Idiocracy’ will look like playtime.

Every Sunday morning and every prez election cycle proves the human race suffers from mass insanity. The most beautiful thing about it is their ability to lie to themselves.


FK – So the endgame as usual is the opposite of what they claim. What a mess, all due to willful ignorance, religion and good old fashioned greed. Welcome to Earth and it’s ‘civilization’ ran by a still very primitive ‘sentient’ species that’s working it’s hardest to make sure we all stay in a very dark age for a long time to come.

The Rape of Sweden


FK – The commie newswhores know exactly what they do, there and here. They are our enemies and should be treated as such. Not doing so is a deadly mistake.

He included several story links with this vid.

FBI Pleads “Stop Filming Police! It’s Making Them Look Bad!”


FK – Who’s following the BATF Nazi trash around, or the FBI? We need citizen militias in every county for this purpose. They should have to report their activities to a citizen body with the power to arrest them.

GOA: Senate “Sentencing Reform” Bill Could Crack Down on Gun Owners

The bill in question is supported by anti-gun Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT). They are cosponsors of S. 2123.

So what are they getting for their support?

Well, while many non-violent offenders are being let off the hook — and even some violent offenders who plea bargained down to “non-violent” offenses — the bill actually increases penalties for many law-abiding (non-violent) gun owners.

Hence, section 105 of S. 2123 increases — from 10 to 15 years — the potential prison sentences for “prohibited persons” and for those who merely possess a new machine gun, even if they are licensed under the NFA.

Have a gun, go to jail … for a long time!

Regarding the penalties for “prohibited persons,” the increased penalties in the bill would include the more than 175,000 veterans who have lost their gun rights, if there is still a gun anywhere in the house.

And it would include the 4.2 million seniors whom Obama proposes to strip of their gun rights by doing a computer search of social security.

Think about it: While this bill lowers sentences for many offenders, it raises the penalties for law-abiding gun owners who have had their gun rights stripped from them — like veterans and seniors mentioned above.


ACTION: Please take action today and urge your Senators to demand the removal OF ALL OFFENDING language that would penalize law-abiding gun owners.

FK – This is why we need a militia in every county in the country. Any time any BAFT Nazi trash tries to railroad anyone into prison it should be hunted along with any shysters participating. It’s garbage and should be treated as such.


Women Arm Themselves as Army of Rapist Migrants Invade Europe


FK – Sounds like we need to go over there again. This time we need to kill the commies that write the laws that make this evil possible. But let’s kill the commies here first.

The Police Have No Duty To Protect You: Joseph Lozito’s Story

FK – This needs to go viral.

If someone of smaller stature had been carrying a gun and used it to defuse the situation they’d be in prison. Time to get rid of the Sullivan Law in new yawk city and if they refuse bring the troops home and activate the militias and restore Liberty in these amerikan hellholes.

.45 ACP vs 9mm: 14 Experts Give Their Answers

Our round table of military, law enforcement and other industry experts answers the age-old debate between .45 ACP and 9mm ammo.

Of the many debatable topics of conversation in the firearms world, one that pops up a lot more often than others, relates to caliber. To be more specific, we’re talking about the age-old debate between 9x19mm Parabellum and .45 ACP.

Yes, it’s a classic argument that pits small caliber (9mm) versus large (.45 ACP) and extra capacity versus brute stopping power. While there are many varied opinions on this topic, we turned to a trusted panel of industry experts to weigh-in with their opinions on the matter.

FK – I have to agree with the ‘experts.’ It’s all about what feels good to you and what you can hit with. I carried a .40 for a while and never liked the recovery time due to recoil. When the average person knows they’re hit and sees blood they’re out of the fight. A .45 might be good to keep handy in the car if carjackings are an issue where you live or commute but most 9mms are easier to carry, handle and have more rounds for better crowd control.