Tag Archives: anti-semitism

Israel pushes to have “anti-Semitism” recognized as international crime

Earlier this year, at the behest of the Jewish state of Israel, the organized international Jewish community, and traitorous politicians working for the Jews in the West, the United Nations held an informal plenary session on the alleged “rising tide of anti-Semitism” around the world.

Of course, all respectable mainstream politicians, journalists, and public policy makers agreed that “anti-Semitism” must not be tolerated anywhere in the world, that it should be immediately condemned, and that “anti-Semites” should be ostracized, shunned, and even criminally prosecuted for “hate crimes” and “anti-Semitic speech.”

FK – Regardless of what one thinks about David Duke or the unmentionables or ‘anti-semitism’ the First Amendment and free speech must remain inviolate. No group anywhere for any reason is immune to having their motives questioned.


FK – More key terms and phrases such as ‘racist,’ extremist, homophobe, right-winger, Nazi, ammosexual and on and on. Why are most modern ‘Jews’ secular Marxists and have so much in common with our domestic blood enemies?

FK – Some rare honesty.

More of the same:


What Does It Mean To Be Jewish?


FK – I’d get my DNA analyzed in a heartbeat if I could afford it. Supposedly I’m part Ameri-Indian and who knows what else. I don’t lie awake nights worrying about it. It’s time to get past all this crap and work for real Human Liberty and justice for all…

Jim Crow in the Holy Land

FK – In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned.

FK – Weren’t most of the European ‘Jewish’ immigrants to Palestine socialists? Aren’t most modern ‘Jews’ secular Marxists? What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

Israel wouldn’t exist if not for the British and American empires and the Rothschilds.

Why couldn’t they have immigrated to Western Australia and created their ‘promised land’ there and not endangered the entire world with a war over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda?

FK –  So why did the ‘Hebrews’ sacrifice animals in their temple to feed the priests? There’s even a movement today to re-build the temple and re-start the sacrifices which shows just how insane the human race is.

The ‘statements’ were created by humans for their own purposes. Common sense says this.

The modern ‘christian’ god wants us to be good to our fellow human beings so he can threaten to burn them alive in fire forever? Huh?

The ‘golden rule’ is great until you meet someone who doesn’t mind being treated as a slave, then votes to treat everyone else the same way.

So why didn’t the angel who threw Adam and Eve out of the garden hand them a copy of the ten statements on the way out?

Why didn’t Jesus, the ‘son of god,’ have a secretary so millions wouldn’t die in religious wars fighting over what he actually said/meant?

If it’s about ‘freedom’ why do most mainstream preachers tell their flocks to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while blindly obeying the ‘magistrates’ appointed over them and willingly paying a ‘voluntary’ income tax that has been defeated in the courts?

I’d be willing to bet the Pharaoh actually kicked the ‘Jews’ out of Egypt because he was afraid they’d end up running the place like they damn near do this modern empire. I say ‘damn near’ because we do manage to do a few things without the approval of the chosen unmentionables.

Even slaves need ‘self control’ to keep from doing things their masters don’t like…

Who are those who really seek to be our masters and why?


Congressman Steve King: How can Jews ‘be Democrats first and Jewish second’?

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) said he couldn’t understand how “Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second” and support the way President Barack Obama is dealing with Israel, in an interview with Boston Herald Radio Friday.

“There were some 50 or so Democrats that decided they would boycott [Netanyahu’s] speech … I don’t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their president,” King told Boston Herald Radio’s “Boston Herald Drive” program.

“It says this, they’re knee-jerk supporters of the president’s policy,” the congressman added.

When asked on the show if anti-Semitism was a factor – it’s not clear whether the host was referring to Obama’s policies – King said yes, alongside “plain liberalism,” according to CNN.

FK – If you’re living in the United States and don’t put this country and our Liberty and the Bill of Rights first you don’t belong here much less deserve to be here!!!!!

Israel Does Not Have A Monopoly On Evil


FK – The issue is a ‘group’ in this country we’re not allowed to question or mention. When you have a group whose motives cannot be questioned you have a real problem.

The issue is millions of idiots who put 3000-year-old tribal propaganda before our Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

The issue is that most ‘Jews’ are secular Marxists. Many to most of the immigrants to Israel were socialists. Simple historical fact. They don’t give a damn about their ‘god’s chosen’ status except as a propaganda tool.

The issue is billions spent to ‘create’ a country and support it. Why? Can you provide the real answer?

The key term ‘antisemitism’ is a control device:

FK – Not all ‘Jews’ are in favor of ‘zionism’:
