News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About

I have said for years that it’s not what you hear in most churches that is the problem; it is what you don’t hear. The same goes for most conservative politicos. On the issues that are the most parlous to our liberties, the vast majority of Christians and conservatives are silent. I mean totally silent.

Here is about all most Christians and conservatives have to say about things:

*Donald Trump is very good.
*Democrats are very bad.
*Israel is very good.
*Muslims are very bad (except the Muslims in Saudi Arabia are good).

I don’t think I left anything out.

But what about America’s War Empire killing innocent people all over the world? Silence. What about America’s War Empire building military bases on Russia’s borders and pushing China’s territorial waters almost to dry land? Silence. What about America’s War Empire selling billions of dollars of weapons and munitions to the terrorists in Saudi Arabia and Israel who can then slaughter tens of thousands of Yemenis and Palestinians with impunity? Silence. What about America’s War Empire dropping thousands of bombs on innocent men, women and children all over the Middle East and Northern Africa? Silence.

What about the fact that the U.S. military is preparing for global combat—and WE are the aggressors? Silence.

What about Trump’s air war killing more than 2,000 innocent civilians (tell me when Donald Trump was authorized to wage war by a Declaration of War by Congress—and tell me when the wanton slaughter of civilians was ever just)? Silence.

What about the fact that the United States is supplying arms and munitions to 70% of the world’s dictatorships? Silence.

What about the fact that the U.S./Saudi Arabia war and blockades against Yemen have resulted in the starvation deaths of more than 85,000 Yemeni children (tell me again the threat Yemen—especially its children—poses to the United States)? Silence.

FK– Same shit, different decade.

The churches are full of cowards and whores that hire cowardly whores to tell them what they want to hear which can be summed up thusly:

“Ya’ll a gonna get beamed up any day now so there ain’t no need to pay any ‘tention ahtall at what is ah happenin’ in the world around ya nor do a damn thing about it. Just a keep passin’ ya’ll’s slavery on to ya’ll’s children like ya been a doin’. They won’t care neither, they’ll be too stupid to even know they’s slaves or that they’re not supposed to be.”

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within