GEORGE KNAPP ~ “The UFO & Alien Cover-Up & The Lost Tapes” [Age Of Truth TV]

FK – He gets away with it because it’s a local station and the average dumbass across the nation will never hear/see him.

Didn’t you know the galactic silicone market is a big thing? It’s like the drug war here.

it’s all about controlling the message, and the breasts.

Or maybe it’s about controlling their planet:

FK – Why would they want to breathe near the stinky tool-using monkeys?

I think I’ve figured it out. They’re intergalactic commie trash thusly have no common sense. And this guy may be one of them.

Emulating what one sees on goolagtube would not be the way to fit in.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions