Category Archives: 2015 December update one

Building a Budget Trauma Kit

FK – In some surplus stores I’ve seen the issue kits go for 20 – 40 bucks.

Something I had no clue about:

FK – Most of the tourniquets I’ve seen didn’t all have that stuff. Only one of mine has the red.

In case you have to:

FK – I keep one handy when I’m cutting wood with a chainsaw.

A different version:

FK – The time can also be written on the skin.

We need to apply that ‘neck tourniquet’ to most of our politicians.

Adolf Hitler’s Warning

FK – Is there an online text translation of this speech? It should be included for verification if it exists because most of us don’t speak German.

Hitler, like most ‘humans’ was ‘right’ about a few things and wrong about many others. One cannot cure heart disease with cancer and vice versa.

The point to it all is we need to stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.

Regardless of the real source:

FK – But what is ‘Reform Judaism‘ and why are most ‘Jews’ secular Marxists?

The Huge Political Repercussions Of The French Election

FK – I like how he said “repurricans.” Oddly appropriate that is…

Does this guy really think the commies are out to ‘protect’ the common folk when they work relentlessly to disarm them? Really?(I suppose and hope not. Could’ve used a little more intro on him, his background, beliefs, etc.)

The commies there did the same thing ours did, they simply changed their names. Their evil remains the same.

And of course those who simply want to save their culture and thus western civilization are ‘the devil.’

Gas is finally affordable again. I don’t call that a disaster.

Strange Happenings on Earth

FK – What if we’re the ‘non-natural’ phenomena?

Are they trying to tell us something or just playing and ignoring the ants under their feet?

This needs more sources, time/date, locations etc. A lot of it could be easily faked either by governments, NGOs or just Jim Bob with a cool new toy.

Hunting UFOs with Mini-Satellites – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – For ten grand I’d better get a ride on a flying saucer at least to the moon and back, since they allegedly use ‘free’ energy.

CubeSat for Disclosure – Low-Earth Orbit Satellite