Monthly Archives: May 2016

What Caused The Fort McMurray Fire?

FK – As I’ve been trying to get patriots to understand for so long now: Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill you. How it’s accomplished is immaterial to them.

Finally The End Of Hillary Clinton Is HERE

FK – I’ll believe it when it happens. If we had a nation of men the creature and it’s husband of convenience would’ve been executed for treason decades ago.

More fun and arrogance:

FK – Arrogance is as arrogance does…

Meanwhile in the amerika these evil creatures helped create:

FK – The welfare state and drug war are both producing the exact outcomes they were expected to…

How Donald Trump Divided The Anti-Establishment

FK – If I agreed with myself all the time that would be a scary thing. I daily have inclinations I know better than to follow.

If only we had a nation of men.

Trump is a demagogue whose only real purpose may be to continue the ‘status quo’ for a few more years until certain goals are met, or not.

We exist in a nation of cowardly whores who still look for a savior instead of looking within themselves and at their neighbors in Liberty for a solution to this which would most certainly have to include hot lead and blood. Otherwise the long slow decline will continue.

Judging from the empires of the past that collapsed from within we may have a few generations left until the horror becomes obvious to the average dumbass. I don’t know for sure. I don’t have a crystal ball. But we daily tolerate what we should have long ago obliterated.

And sitting on a rock out in the woods meditating on a ‘new you’ is great until the black-suited Nazis show up to remind you that you don’t own the rock.

Until the second coming … let’s abolish government!

FK – Yeah let’s wait for heyzeus to take over and burn billions including little kids and babies alive in fire forever.

The golden rule is great if those applying it share your values. The problem being that we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and billions have no problem being slaves to one institution or entity or another and have no problem voting to force the rest of us into their version.

That’s why a portion of the Founders were ‘anti-federalists’ that insisted on a Bill of Rights that was designed to force the government to acknowledge our natural born rights which are based in the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to self defense.

They also enumerated the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment which negates the christian and raghead god’s version of ‘justice.’

The biggest problem we face besides our natural born ignorance that so many struggle so hard to not overcome is natural born cowardice. That’s why so few stand up to bullies on the train or where ever else, to include bullies with badges that enforce laws that have no place in a free society.

And I bet that train is a ‘gun free zone.’

What I’ve never heard the anarchists explain is what do we do about those who would seek to force their version of ‘justice’ or ‘just-us’ on others in a non-governed world? Since most humans are basically cowards few would stand up to them, as few stand up to the system we have now.

While there are times when many of us would like to be able to use the excuse ‘He needed killin,’ the simple fact is that others could apply the same to us for their own seemingly legitimate to them reasons.

And oh yes, I’d love to be shooting bullies, if only we had a nation of men…

GOA Alert: Will Congressional Republicans Hand Hillary/Obama an Anti-gun Victory?

A Vote for the Anti-Gun Sentencing Bill is a Vote for Hillary Clinton 

The Obama administration, aided by cheerleaders from the Left-wing media, is now mounting a push to pass its anti-gun “sentencing bill” (S. 2123 and H.R. 3713).

The bill was held up for quite some time, but media outlets are reporting that after months of backroom wrangling, this legislation now has a majority support in the Senate.

This is why it is urgent that you urge your Representative and Senators to oppose this legislation.  

Even though Senators have reached a compromise bill — and even though gun owners have protested this for nearly half a year — the sentencing legislation in Congress still endangers the rights of gun owners.

For beginners, the House version is still unchanged. It would increase by 50%, the maximum prison sentence for veterans and other victims of “gun control” — if they or a spouse fails to divest themselves of all guns when ordered to do so by the Veterans Administration or the ATF. (See section 6 of H.R. 3713.)

So a military veteran who is suffering from PTSD — and who has been labeled as a prohibited person — would get increased penalties for simply possessing a gun under this bill.  All this would happen to decent gun owners, even while penalties for drug traffickers would be reduced.

And while the sentencing legislation will do nothing to repeal the unconstitutional 1986 ban on machine guns, penalties for those who possess such a firearm would be increased by 50% (under the same section 6 provision in H.R. 3713).

So anyone like David Olofson who fires a semi-automatic firearm which malfunctions with a three-round burst could now find themselves imprisoned for several decades, if the ATF later determines their semi-auto was actually an automatic firearm.

Click on the Take Action button to send letters to your Representative and Senators opposing the anti-gun sentencing bill (H.R. 3713 and S. 2123) — legislation that will punish honest gun owners while helping restore voting rights to hundreds of thousands of Hillary supporters.

FK – If we had a nation of men we wouldn’t have to beg our despicable elected public servants for our rights. We’d be hanging them.

And some good news:

The Sun and Storms: May 2, 2016

FK – I wasn’t aware all these records had been broken.

Of course it’s all being caused by our SUVs…

FK – No, wait, it’s the ‘end times’ and we should all sit around with our thumbs up our asses waiting to get beamed up.

Would there be any way to ‘prep’ for 7 billion who are fed mostly by modern agriculture going back to the horse and buggy days, or farther? Get ready to eat Possum, or worse.

FK – So at what point if any will our electronics cease to work?

And the deities so far remain silent while billions waste their time in this world waiting for it to end.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Who Said It: Hillary or Trump?

FK – I don’t call it the quest for the idiot vote for nuthin’…

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Center Mass Mythology

FK – As an OJT Combat MP Marine Reservist back in the late 80s or so I had to ‘qualify’ with an old .45. I’m only a ‘decent’ handgun shot but would’ve shot expert but for the gun’s tendency to hit high and to the right. I don’t think it was me so much because I had a good group up there and shot ‘sharpshooter.’ It would’ve been ‘expert’ if I had simply held the sights according to Kentucky windage, allowing for the weapon’s malfunction or mine, whichever, but I was too stubborn and ticked off that uncle sugar would give me such a device to ‘qualify’ with. We are talking about the Marines here but they could spend billions on the aircraft industry and give us grunts crap to work with.

I know this is geared toward simple street self defense but what about when they’re wearing body armor, a situation that is guaranteed to come? I’m asking only because I’ve seen various scenarios discussed over the years. I often think of that scene from ‘Black Hawk Down’ where the Ranger bleeds out from a wound to his groin area. From my years of hunting I know that’s usually what causes death. A hit to the spinal column or brain being more rare or not possible for various reasons.

Don’t Believe The Unattainable Lie

FK – The fed nazis take an oath to uphold the Constitution and thus the Bill of Rights and violate both daily by enforcing evil laws that have no place in a free society. End of discussion.

The FBI needs to be taken out of the Justice Department and out from under the executive branch and turned into a group that only investigates government corruption on all levels and that only answers to the militia. The BATF nazis need to be shut down and the laws they enforce repealed and their retirement plans distributed among their victims. The murderers of the Branch Davidians and the Weaver families need to be brought to justice.

The hitlery is a criminal because it’s a Marxist and has worked to shove Marxism of whatever flavor down our throats its entire adult life and should’ve been executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.

But we don’t have a nation of men any more do we?

Will Trump do any of this? I’m not holding my breath.

And Kardashian is fat. End of story. Kendal is hot.

Different humans(loosely defined) have different addictions and different tastes. Some are addicted to the celebrity mags and some have simple minds that love to gossip and see who got killed or shot on the evening propaganda cast and some have unrealistic notions of what the Founding Fathers were or weren’t and on and on.

Everywhere I go I see fat people and many of them obviously don’t know they’re fat, or don’t care. I’m fat but I make some effort to do something about it while dealing with my lifelong addiction to sugar, ice cream, chocolate, soft drinks, whatever.

When our major religion even says prayer is more profitable than exercise you know we have a problem. But then the ancients were more worried about starving than buying more snack cakes than they needed.

Our ‘lifestyle’ choices as some claim are all screwed up. We need to stop waiting for the world to end and to stop allowing our employers to treat us like jackasses and require all our time just to earn enough money to exist, however one defines that, and to stop allowing the government to steal its money from our paychecks before it even reaches our hands.

No one with an income under 100 grand a year should even be in the withholding system so that people have a chance to get ahead financially and have something that approaches being a real life instead of a corporate/govt./fascist/commie/whatever slave.

But then all that is the last thing the elites want for us. They’ll replace us with robots programmed to work for them and buy their crap as soon as they can. Or maybe that’s what we’re already talking about…..