Tag Archives: jehova

10 questions that every intelligent Christian must answer

FK – Christians and atheists are both wrong.

In their ignorance ‘christians’ of whatever version, sub-version or subversion believe their religion is the same as that practised by ‘christians’ of the past when in fact the interpretation of ‘god’s word’ is cultural, has changed, or evolved, over time and will continue to change, probably until the ancient tribal propaganda is completely re-written at some point when ‘believers’ can’t lie about their obvious contradictions any more such as modern churches being full of re-married divorcées or denominations that allow female preachers or active homosexual members.

Atheists in their educated intelligence arrogantly think they will somehow convince ‘believers’ to give up their beliefs, blind faith, ignorance, fear of a sadistic god who will ‘save’ them from all the things they fear and don’t understand. Bzzzz. Wrong answer. As stated above religion has evolved over time and will continue to do so. Christmas cards that proclaim ‘Peace on Earth’ in celebration of a ‘saviour’ that allegedly said, “I did not come to bring peace but a sword…” will likely still be mailed, emailed or texted or posted on social sites for some time to come because most sheeple would rather die than think.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

God is a Human Eater – Vatican Suppressed Scriptures – Gospel of Philip

 The purposes of gods and golden rules

Blind faith is one of the most repulsive things I know of…

FK – Of course ‘christians’ will claim Jesus changed all this. Did he really?

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. – Matthew 5:17

Of course that’s cherry picking a verse to prove a point. But ‘believers’ do that all the time, all while denying all the contradictions in the ancient tribal propaganda.

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

No, Really, What is Free Will?

FK – According to mainstream christianity ‘free will’ is being able to ‘choose’ between eternal torture or eternal slavery. Of course the morons don’t call it that. But if someone is threatening to torture you for not obeying them they consider you to be a slave. Christians and many over versions of ‘humans’ don’t mind being slaves. Every prez election cycle proves this.

Real ‘free will’ simply involves being able to choose a possible outcome, not guaranteed, that you actually prefer, say, living long enough to buy your own starship with a holodeck. In the ‘real’ world it simply means being able to choose which Earthly government or which corporation or both treats you like a jackass on a daily basis or deciding to say ‘screw it’ and ending up on the evening propagandacast because you gave an asshole or group of assholes what they so truly deserve.

Of course if you’re rich and highly educated and an excellent speaker with lots of charisma you might be able to convince lots of brain-dead sheeple and a few otherwise cowardly ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ and other such types to follow you and fight long enough to overthrow the ‘world order’ and install a system where everyone is as ‘free’ as they can possibly be. Good luck with that. The ‘human’ race isn’t really ready for that yet, because real ‘free will’ would scare the shit out of them.

So don’t try to over-complicate it.