Tag Archives: stds

Transgender Fad Rapidly Spreading in Primary Schools, ‘Clusters’ Emerging as Children Copy Friends

The number of primary school-aged children, some as young as four, beginning to “transition” their gender is rising rapidly in the UK. The popularity of the fad appears to be clustered, with children copying others in the same schools.

Up to 80 primary school-aged children a year are now seeking help towards potentially changing their gender, the chair of Mermaids, a charity which lobbies for families who believe their children and teenagers are transgendered, has revealed.

Speaking to the Telegraph, Susie Green said that, in some cases, British children as young as four are already in the process of “transitioning” to another sex.

She also described how her organisation has observed a cluster effect across the country, with children following one and another in the same school; a school where there might be a teacher who promotes transgender ideology.

Her anecdotal evidence correlates with the results of a study by Mark Zucker at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada, which found that transgenderism was more prominent and persistent among children when promoted by adults.

Researchers observed that children who saw therapists and others in authority who assume that they belong to the opposite sex can actually become more distressed, exacerbating their “gender dysphoric identity.”

FK – The sheeplets are only doing what future sheeple do, acting as the herd animals they are.

More from the same kind of animal that is generating the above:

Read The Epic Social Justice Warrior Smackdown That Is Going Viral

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

News Flash: ATLAH Church Defeats The Sodomites


FK – This makes me immensely proud even though I can’t ‘agree’ with all of their beliefs. At least these ‘christians’ are standing up for themselves in that pit of hell of a city.

If all amerikan ‘christians’ would stop waiting for the world to end and stand up for themselves and their descendants’ futures we could take our country back. An America ran by such wouldn’t be perfect, would be another form of authoritarianism, but at least we’d have some freedom left as opposed to what the ameri-commies want to do.

The amerikan communist insurgency is using the homos just as they use the other minorities, for their primary purpose of overthrowing our form of govt., what’s left of it, and the Bill of Rights, which they hate, and installing some form of communism which will completely enslave us all.