Tag Archives: presidential race

Why You Should Not Vote For Rand Paul In 2016

FK – Look at it this way. If Paul wins and turns into Dubya, it’ll piss a lot of people off and maybe wake them up to what will be required. If he gets elected and attempts to do what he should, within the power of the presidency which isn’t always much. the elites will kill him.

Either way maybe the average dumbass and the ‘libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ will finally wake up to and develop the resolve for what will be required.

If Hitlery or some similar commie trash wins, gun and ammo sales will remain high, the militias will continue forming and eventually enough will see the necessity of what will be required.

It’s a win-win situation. Got to think positive!

But will they #StandWithRand?


FK – If he actually attempts to ‘take amerika back’ he’d better have damn good security. The record for such is not good.

I’d rather he stay in the Senate where he might continue to do some good, especially if the mcommies die off.

Questions for your candidate

The outcomes of political campaigns

10 Rules for the voting booth

Stages of political awareness…

The 2016 Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet

FK – If the klinton creature is that well liked by the demoncrats it only shows that party has descended to a level of insanity, willful ignorance and evil greed never heretofore seen…

But let it win. If it gets into the now red house it’ll do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake lots of sheeple up, piss lots of people off, sell more guns and ammo than the klintons did back in the 90s and if the mutt doesn’t beat it to it maybe force enough to accept the reality of what will be required.

FK – Here we go again. Another year and a half of idiocy. Maybe I’ll just try to sit this one out.


FK – Does Rand have good security if he really tries to ‘save amerika?’ What will the NWO let him get away with? Will the militia stand with him? Will enough wake up to what will be required?

I think I’m gonna vote for this guy:

FK – It’s allegedly from the same continent as the occupant of the now red house… and probably smarter.

Nashville readies for NRA, let the bashing begin

Upwards of 70,000 Second Amendment activists will descend this week on Nashville, where the National Rifle Association is holding its 144th annual members’ meeting and exhibits, and will hear from declared, and likely-to-declare, presidential candidates.

Indeed, NRA staff and members of the Board of Directors are already showing up, and finding a hotel room anywhere around the city just might be impossible. It could be one of the biggest NRA gatherings in recent years, the kind of event that makes gun prohibitionists shudder. And there’s a full schedule of events and activities.

Translation: It’s “Bash the NRA Week,” something of an unofficial, but annual, media frenzy to bloody the political waters whenever the association’s leaders and members gather for their annual convention. It’s as predictable as November rain in Seattle. To hear the NRA critics tell it, the organization is responsible for every tragedy under the sun. They want to arm criminals. They want to arm terrorists. They’re a shill for the gun industry.

FK – One wonders if attendees will be required to disarm before hearing their future masters speak as they did when I attended the NRA convention in Louisville a few years back. I well remember the idiots standing in line to listen to the McCommie neocon NWO hack speak.

There’s absolutely NO EXCUSE for such complicity on the NRA’s part, They are applying to be our elected public servants, not our masters. They are supposed to FEAR us. When they cease to fear us they begin to rule us. Oh, they already are because too many lack the resolve, the backbone or the gonads to comprehend what will be required.

Ted Cruz: First President of the North American Union?


FK – And to think of all the energy about to be wasted over the next year and a half over a rigged contest…

Don’t miss the comments on the next one, way more than I’ve ever seen on a New American article:

Would Ted Cruz Make a Good President?

Heidi Nelson Cruz, Ted’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Ted Cruz Doesn’t Deserve Libertarian Support

FK – Our states are supposed to be bastions of Liberty, not ‘laboratories of democracy.’

Why do you push ‘democracy’ when democracy is the road to socialism via Karl Marx and democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch?

I prefer Liberty, where the well-armed sheep gets to shoot back. Without that we’re all mutton for ‘they’ consider us to be livestock.

Why Rand Paul running for president is important even if he doesn’t win

FK – If Paul runs what will we end up with in the Senate?

 Rand Paul, Revisited

FK – Indeed, who can we trust? As someone in a vid I posted the other day pointed out we existed with ‘mutually assured destruction’ from  the Soviet Union for three decades and we’re supposed to fear a small country of ragheads that the empire could turn into a glass parking lot at a whim?


Why I’m “Ready for Hillary!”

FK – Hey, the Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake lots of sheeple up, piss lots of people off, sell more guns and ammo than her husband ever thought about and maybe, just maybe, awake enough to what will be required.

A republicrat NWO hack in the now red house will put the brain dead tea partiers back to sleep or send them back to the golf course.

Too many don’t understand that what these whores say during a prez. campaign means nothing.

They must always be judged on what they do:


FK – Of course the creature used its own server to keep its evil from the public eye…

Bill Clinton’s Penis and Obama Could Stop Hillary 2016 Along With Jewish Pervert Jeffrey Epstein


FK – Ah the klinton years. Such bittersweet memories.

Let hitlery get elected. It’ll continue to sell guns and ammo and keep the idiot ‘tea partiers’ off the golf course and the couch. Electing another NWO hack republicrat will solve nothing. We need to let the commies continue to wake up the sheeple and piss the people off so that they will eventually be forced to come to grips with what will be required.

Bill’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again

They’re all tools:


FK – Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Rand Paul Will Save US!!


FK – No prez candidate or prez is gonna ‘save us’ until we get off our asses and go do what will be required. Any prez who tried to really put the governments in their places would experience a severe reduction in life expectancy.

The idea that he would ‘save’ us from the banksters who created the country he prostrated himself before is more than ludicrous:


FK – If the newswhores are telling you not to listen to someone maybe you should:


PM: Israel to erect Red Army memorial

FK – If Paul really believes the things he said to get elected he’d be better off staying in the Senate long term where he might be able to do a little good. If he’s under some illusion that he can ‘fix’ the country as president without activating the militia and bringing home the troops and opening “Liberal”(commie) trash  and bankster season he’s sorely mistaken. These creatures have killed in the name of their evil before and will have no problem doing so again.

Will we continue to elect our leaders based on their support for 3000-year-old tribal propaganda? Really?


Netanyahu Calls For ‘Mass Immigration‘ of European Jews to Israel

FK – Funny how the multiculturalism pushed by secular Marxist Jews is responsible for what’s happening in Europe.


Insanity 2016 Rant: Same Bullsh*t, Different Puppet Election

FK – Murdered? Really? Need to read “The Real Lincoln.”

The presidency has always been the office of the elites, back to Jackson, really from the beginning.

Our country was founded by the colonial aristocrats of the 18th century, plantation owners, shysters, banksters, smugglers, etc. The diff. is some of them did truly value their version of human Liberty. Now they’re mostly whores.

It must be stressed that we can make some difference in elections beneath the now red house and obviously they do respond to proper pressure, the ‘gun rights’ movement proves this. But our weapons and the Second Amendment without the will to use them are nothing but toys to be regulated and taken.

Some links she mentioned:

Ted Cruz: Don’t Believe What I Said to the Supreme Court

Ted Cruz, Pit of Vipers, and the Council on Foreign Relations member in his family.

Building a North American Community

A Wife Committed to Cruz’s Ideals, but a Study in Contrasts to Him

And something else:

Daddy issues: Are Ron Paul’s hard-core stands a problem for son’s presidential bid?