Tag Archives: peace in our time

UFO Disclosure: How We Are Being Told The Greatest Story Of All Time by Grant Cameron


FK – First of all the prez is a tool that is ‘allowed’ into the now red house and ‘allowed’ to make certain decisions within certain parameters.

If anyone is at 60,000 feet it ain’t him, or it, or whatever is allowed in there in the future.

It seems to me the mothership would be at 60,000 feet.

Propaganda has always been a mix of truth, half truths and blatant lies from the ancient tribal propaganda to the pink goo that flows on the internet and drowns us all in dis/information.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they told us the Aliens want us to give up our guns so they can teach us how to exist as peaceful slaves. Oh wait, they already did that in the 50s.

But, but it’s on the weaponvision so it must be real:


FK – The phenomena is very real but you can bet the enemies of human liberty will use it to their advantage every time they can.


FK – The Marxist mutt doesn’t have to ‘disclose’ anything. It will be obvious to all during the next prez administration regardless whether the big hair or the big ego(you figure out which is which) wins that the aliens are among us and the mush heads in the middle voted them into power.

‘IT’S COMING’ The UFO truth legacy more profound than Christ which Obama may trigger

A new Goldilocks for habitable planets

FK – We need to find the ‘Goldilocks zone’ for human intelligence. In reality it’s very narrow and we let too many with none vote. That’s the problem.

More propaganda?:

FK – ‘Compassion and evidence’ would be a dogma as well if it’s practiced no better than ‘modern science.’

Our Earthly enemies tell us lies and claim to be what they are not and will use the alien presence to their advantage if they can.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights



FK – This is childish. Voting is one tiny step in an on-going process. Most sheeple view it as their ‘civic duty’ to go support some piece of shit because of some spin they heard on a radio ad or some headline they might have read or some recommendation from some authority figure they trust.

But to say it does no good at all is a gross miss-representation, except on the prez level, where the four-year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote is really an exercise in elite control of what tool gets to occupy the now red house and do the will of those who would always rule us from behind the scenes.

As govt. is force voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in thus self-proclaimed pacifists should stay home on election day. But as history shows they have no problem sending the police and military they claim to hate to kill those who refuse to obey their statist laws.

The real fault lies with ‘the electorate’ who mindlessly refuse to pay attention and participate in the non-voting season process that involves watching what your candidate really supports and votes for and in being too cowardly to help raise, organize and train the militia force we will need to do what will be required.

So yes, I have no problem forcing the mindless herd animals to get an ‘education’ so they understand Liberty and that it’s wrong to vote for some piece of shit because it promised them a check or a job and to also force them to learn some basic military skills so they can fight for all our Liberty when its truly necessary.

There will ALWAYS be those who seek to take advantage of and gain power over the rest of us via those who are just in the game for their own interests.

Ideology won’t protect you when the hot metal flies through the air…

World War 3 Draws Near


FK – It’s been going on for decades. We may be looking at the climax, or not…


FK – We’ve been an empire since 1865. The bad guys won that one.

Chuck Baldwin: Conspiracy, Anyone?

Netanyahu Is “The Right Man” to Address the US Congress on Iran

FK – And what else are the ‘unmentionables’ up to?:


FK – Funny thing that. The point is that no state should be able to restrict human Liberty. While the ‘gay marriage’ issue is wound up in insanity on both sides it does involve a basic human right to live the ‘life’ one sees fit as long as one isn’t harming others. That’s what matters.