Tag Archives: military intelligence

The TRUTH about Russia v Turkey!


FK – The print should be on the back of the shirt so the sheeple in line behind you might actually read it instead of having to stare at your chest, or some woman’s breasts. Oh the price we pay for Liberty.

Is it the ‘US agenda’ or some other party? So who or what is the CIA really? Who or what really commands it? The CFR or some other group? That would seem to be the question. It’s time we demand the congress critters get to the bottom of this issue.

Our biggest enemies are not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. At the least they wear expensive suits and carry smart phones.

Another version:


FK – Modern propaganda: Truth and lies ran through a blender or sausage grinder. None of these govt.s view us as anything but livestock. That’s because most sheeple act like livestock.

What the hell. Let’s kill a few more million or billion of them over ancient tribal propaganda.


FK – We’ve always been there. Primitive primates have long killed each other over resources. They call us ‘human resources’ for a reason.

Reset. I love that. I once asked my grandmother what the great depression was like, after a lifetime of hearing about the ‘not so good ol’ days’ and how impoverished they were. She just looked at me as if I were crazy and said, “Depression? What depression? We were already poor.”

They have plans for invading your bathroom. After the end of the first gulf war while I was standing post on the Saudi/Kuwait border a Marine Colonel told me they’d planned all this out before. Why he said this to me I’ll never know.

And one more version:


FK – Follow the money? Who or what will profit from this war? Could they be off planet?

It will take much less than nuclear war to herd the sheeple. I don’t think ‘they’ want to do that much damage to their investments.

Stumbling to war with Russia?

Former CIA Operative: Get Ready for WWIII

Erdogan Pledges to Start War Over Russian Anti-aircraft System in Syria

Dem Tulsi Gabbard: War Against Assad Illegal, Unconstitutional


FK – Her Wikipedia page.

Now from the other side?:


FK – Maybe it wasn’t ‘clever’ but a mistake and now they’re in CYA mode with too much pride to admit it was a mistake.

Now a globalist perspective?:

Turkey’s Diplomatic Dogfight


Army to Recruiters: Avoid Civilians Who Volunteer to Guard, Report Them

On July 20, a policy letter from the U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) instructed recruiters to avoid contact and/or conversation with armed “law-abiding” civilians who volunteer to guard recruitment centers and to report said volunteers to law enforcement “if the recruiter feels threatened.”

Stars and Stripes responded to the letter with a July 22 headline that read, “Army To Recruiters: Treat Armed Citizens As Security Threat.”

According to Stars and Stripes, the letter came at the beginning of a week in which citizens were organizing to stand guard at recruitment stations throughout the country: “Armed citizens — some associated with activist groups and militias — were standing vigil outside recruiting centers in Wisconsin, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho and elsewhere this week, saying they want to provide protection to service members barred from carrying firearms on duty.”

The volunteerism follows last week’s heinous attack on military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee, whereby Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez allegedly drove up to one office and opened fire from inside his car before going to a second military center, where he was able to fatally shoot four Marines and one sailor. News quickly spread that the military personnel were unable to defend themselves via policies mandating gun free zones on U.S. military bases, recruitment offices, etc., so citizens stepped in to fill the gap.

The military blog This Ain’t Hell published the USAREC letter in full; here is a pertinent excerpt:

Recruiters will not acknowledge the presence or interact with these civilians. If questioned by these alleged concerned citizens; be polite, professional, and terminate the conversation immediately and report the incident to local law enforcement and complete USAREC Form 958 IAW USAREC 190-4 (SIR)

A similar posture has been struck by Marine recruitment offices in some parts of the country.

FK – We need “Liberal”(commie) trash season. We desperately need it now…

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Gun production has doubled under Obama

FK – I knew what the Marxist mutt would do: Sell more guns and ammo than the klintons ever thought about, wake lot’s of sheeple up and piss lots of people off, and maybe, just maybe, do something so arrogant that even the most pathetic and cowardly ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ or ‘pro-gunner’ would finally accept and prepare for the reality of what will be required.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Rand Paul: “I’d put Clapper and Snowden in the same jail cell”

FK – Oh for leaders with some courage. Until we throw away the PC crap completely and start hanging the bastards nothing will change. No, not Snowden, the other guy, et al.

Rep. Massie on expired PATRIOT Act: Civil Liberties Restored

FKI heard snippets of this yesterday on national propaganda radio. I blame them. All who voted for that enormous law without reading it should be arrested for treason, tried for treason and executed for treason. I knew at the time it was a sham and act of war against the REAL American people, not some raghead hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. It’s time to stop playing games. There’s no excuse for most of the crap they do. How much longer? Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Citizens Fight Back Against Jade Helm Takeover


FK – Wow. What condescending arrogance. The distaste can be seen in his face.

Did anyone ask him what he’d do if asked to use this ‘training’ against real Americans, i.e. patriots who simply want to live in the free country we’re supposed to have here?

Did anyone ask the Lt. Col. if he’d immediately shoot the officer who ordered him to do so as he should?

Asymmetrical warfare? Many can play at that game. We outnumber them. Remember that. When enough realize this maybe then we’ll take our country back and re-establish Liberty here and shore up the Bill of Rights with a way to constantly force the governments to respect our natural born Liberties with a militia force in every county whose job it is to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse.

It’s time to stop asking absurd questions and prepare for what will be required.

More to come on this via this link…


FK – The entire meeting.


Probably the most important vid to watch:


FK – Regardless of what so many ‘patriots,’ and ‘libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ think they want we are existing in very dangerous times and a very dark age. It’s time to wake up and grow up and deal in this reality and stop waiting to get beamed up.

Schlafly warns America ‘may be at a breaking point already’