Tag Archives: marxist front groups

Want to Know What’s Gonna Happen November 4th, 2017? NOTHING!


FK – This is a test, and only a test, to see if we can create panic on social media. The drill is over and the sheeple graze on. We will still be slaves next month, the month after and on and on, and no one is gonna get beamed up.

Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them hunt the communist globalist leadership.

As we speak, the culture war continues:


FK – We’re all basically a bunch of spoiled children existing in a bubble unique to our time. Human history is slavery, high infant mortality, high child and adult mortality, orphans, step parents, marriages of convenience because in the not-so-good ol’ days there had to be a husband and wife unless an older child could take on the responsibilities of one or both of the parents.

They didn’t have a redneck mecca full of processed foods and cheap China made junk to shop in either. A trip to the county seat and back might take all day, or much longer. Before that it was the village and the local land Lord who our ancestors had to pledge allegiance to.

There was no welfare state that paid the stupid and the lazy to breed in the name of creating inter-generational parasites that could be counted on to be dependable constituents for the demonscat party.

Trump won partly because he’s a famous billionaire. Simple fact. That lent credence to what he claimed during his campaign regardless of the fact he had NO POLITICAL RECORD to back any of it up. Why do you think the ancient tribal propaganda promises those who seek ‘paradise’ pearly gates and streets of gold?

The beat goes on:

FK – As I predicted Trump would throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ or whatever and overall things would continue as usual, slavery and injustice for all. Now go pledge allegiance to that flag.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The most important things to do

Just Who Are Black Lives Matter?


FK – Not all ‘vets’ value human Liberty. Simple fact. The military always has it’s share of those who are just there for a check, career or ‘profession’ and will do whatever they are ordered to do. A lot of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars. This one apparently never overcame his ignorance or swallowed commie propaganda as ‘knowledge.’ Every prez election cycle proves there are millions of middle-aged and older mush heads who are incapable of making an informed decision much less abstract thought.

BLM is another arm of the beast that is waging war on us all. Our failure to recognize them as the domestic blood enemies they are and to hunt them to extinction is what’s killing us.

We must focus on the real issues:

FK – I don’t care what tools the cops have or use. What I care about is them acknowledging our right to own, bear and use the same tools. What I care about is what their hearts and minds contain. If they don’t respect and protect the Bill of Rights above all else they have no business with a badge or any authority over anyone.

By definition and Supreme court ruling their job is to enforce the will(law) of the state, not to protect anyone. So therein lies the problem. They force us at the point of a gun to apply and pay for drivers’ licenses so we’d be easier to track in case they decide we owe them money or time.

Part of this puzzle is probably a desire to make the police feel they are in a vice between the ‘right’ and the ‘left’ and the fundie ragheads and whoever else their masters(not us) tell them the ‘bad guys’ are and condition them through fear to do whatever they are ordered to do in service of the NWO and to preserve their own paychecks and retirement plans.

When the police are in any situation such as this they will use the military strategy of overwhelming force, what Clausewitz called ‘greater superiority.’ If that force is a robot that accomplishes the mission and saves their own lives/health than so be it.

The issue is who they think the ‘bad guys’ are.

As I’ve written for a long time now:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

Dallas Police Used Bomb Robot to Kill Suspect

This is all part of a long slow escalation:


FK – We must get control of how our police and military are indoctrinated/educated. If they don’t value the Bill of Rights above all else they don’t need a badge or any authority over anyone.

We don’t need reform. We need restoration. Then we need to move forward to a global era of human Liberty with a ban on all forms of socialism, gun control and all forms of human bondage whether it’s blatant or sanctioned by the states or any other institution.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

We must stop apologizing to our enemies:

FK – You Canadians need to establish Liberty there.

Here’s the answer we should all be providing to our enemies and domestic morons: We ‘need’ weapons for the trash that tells us we don’t ‘need’ them. History shows that’s always what you end up using your weapons on. It’s a natural born right not a ‘need’ that can be decided or voted on.

We must stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies for standing up for our right to kill them because they are working covertly and overtly to enslave us and in our case to enslave us further. They are waging war on human Liberty and the Bill of Rights and our Constitutional form of government. We are at war. Their elites fully understand what they do.

See my definition of the Second Amendment here.

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

We exist in a created society of sad sick pathetic pacified morons who have no understanding of reality beyond getting a job and paying bills and grazing and breeding. This is intentional. Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, seek to defeat us without firing a shot via Sun Tzu thus they must disarm us not only of physical weapons but of the mental ability to fight back. That’s what it’s about. All the rest if rhetoric. The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring.

Like North Korea. What a joke. Our masters only have to use force as a last resort. Most of the morons in this country are afraid of losing their steak, ice cream and big screens and mortgages so they willingly ‘comply’ with the thousands of regulations, taxes, permissions slips and on and on just to avoid ‘trouble’ like any quisling.

And the commies would happily have us all riding our bicycles from our govt. apartments to our govt. approved jobs in the big cities, or villages, they’d like to corral us all into. See Agenda 21. Auto pilot cars that the police have the ability to shut down and/or control are just over the horizon.

Hillary Thinks JUST LIKE This Idiot

Arm yourself to protect against mass shootings, some sheriffs telling public

With a backdrop of terrorism in California, mass shootings on college campuses and jihad in Paris, a handful of Florida sheriffs are urging citizens to arm themselves to be the first line of defense in such attacks.

That has outraged gun control advocates, who say the public is in more – not less – danger when there are more guns are on the street.

The debate between gun advocates and gun control supporters got new traction in recent days with some sheriffs suggesting more citizens should carry guns to protect themselves and others in case of terrorist attacks or mass shootings.

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” said Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey in a video posting on his agency’s Facebook page.

“Like each of you, I’ve had enough of terrorists and others who decide they want to target U.S. citizens because they want to make a statement or get their 15 minutes of fame,” he said. “Now, more than ever before, is the time for law enforcement and citizens to be fully prepared for an attack or an active shooter scenario with the right tools to eliminate or at least disrupt the attack.”

He urged those who are licensed to carry concealed firearms to have their guns with them at all times.

“You are the first line of defense,” he said, “for you, your family and others around you.”

FK – A right applied for is a privilege.

Good for these sheriffs, for the smidgen of bravery they are showing. But we must have much more. Our domestic blood enemies who seek to disarm and fully enslave us all are far more dangerous than a handful of fundie ragheads hiding in a cave or sneaking across an open border. We must deal with them or continue to watch our country and our Liberty die.

All real American patriots who are capable should be part of the ‘first line of defense’ against our greatest enemies, our blood domestic enemies, as part of their local militia. Every squad should have one of these:

FK – If we had a free country every militia unit would have one of these per squad, or fire team. If we had a nation of men we’d make it so.

Otherwise don’t cache it on your own property. That’s the first place the BATF Nazi trash will look.

Communist Defector Says KGB Created “Liberation Theology”

A high-ranking communist official who defected to the United States in the 1970s now says the Soviet KGB was behind the tidal wave of “liberation theology” that swept through Catholic countries in Latin America before the opposition of Pope John Paul II effectively ended the movement.

Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former three-star general in Romania’s Securitate, or secret police, said he first learned of liberation theology during meetings with Nikita Khrushchev and General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, then chief director of the KGB, when Sakharovsky accompanied the Soviet premier on a six-day visit to Romania in October of 1959.

“Khrushchev wanted to go down in history as the Soviet leader who had exported communism to Central and South America,” Pacepa said in a May 1 interview with the Catholic News Agency. “Romania was the only Latin country in the Soviet bloc, and Khrushchev wanted to enroll her ‘Latin leaders’ in his new ‘liberation’ war.”

Sakharovsky was little known to the world at large during the “hot years” of the Cold War, when secrecy was so highly valued that not all the members of the British and Israeli governments knew the heads of their own intelligence agencies, Pacepa said. But Sakharovsky played a key role in the East-West conflict as an architect of the export of communism to Cuba, the Berlin crisis and the building of the infamous wall, and the Cuban missile crisis that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, Pacepa said.

Liberation theology “was born in the KGB, and it had a KGB-invented name,” the former general said. During those years, the KGB had a penchant for “liberation” movements, he noted, citing as examples the “National Liberation Army of Columbia created by the KGB with help from Fidel Castro; the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB with help from ‘Che’ Guevara; and the Palestine Liberation Organization created by the KGB with help from Yasser Arafat.”

FK – Oh, but communism is dead. Dan Rather said so.