Tag Archives: lights

The Truth about UFOs and Military Secrecy – Open Minds Magazine

FK – So how does all this gel with the idea(s)/claims that the ‘shadow govt.’ or even ‘official govt.’ has made contact with E.T. and/or maybe treaties?

Why are they monitoring our military facilities? Which group is doing this? Are they allies or foes of those our Earthly governments may or may not have agreements with?

Are we amoebas in their petri dish or possible enemies or both?

Judge Napolitano: Grand Jury May Soon Indict Hillary!


FK – The CFR witch likely has a scapegoat waiting in the wings that’ll do a little time in a playboy prison at best and be rewarded later.

Will we be any better off if Trump wins? I wouldn’t bet a moldy sandwich on it.

The fact that it’s still breathing to spew its bile says much about our country:


FK – The question isn’t over hitlery or Trump but as always are we ready to deal with what will be required regardless of what ‘appointed/anointed’ candidate wins?

I still can’t buy the Trump hype. If he wasn’t anointed I just don’t think the newswhores would give him the attention they do.

This one’s for grown ups only:

FK – I think I’m blinded…

Strange Happenings on Earth

FK – What if we’re the ‘non-natural’ phenomena?

Are they trying to tell us something or just playing and ignoring the ants under their feet?

This needs more sources, time/date, locations etc. A lot of it could be easily faked either by governments, NGOs or just Jim Bob with a cool new toy.

The Climate Change Cult’s New Target


FK – It’s the big pot of bravo sierra that’s gonna boil over. If over-population is the problem let the Marxist mutt stay over there and teach them about birth control. No wait, he’s doing too much good here keeping the tea-partiers and the republicrats off the couch.

If we don’t intervene soon there will no turning back…

Obama to require steeper emissions cuts from US power plants