Tag Archives: legislature

Red States Move To Raise Gas Tax


FK – Those who wish to be our elected public servants should have to run a race that involves filling potholes on the way. Those who survive a week in the July sun and January cold while carrying a bucket full of asphalt and a shovel earn the privilege of being our servants.

Vanderboegh speech highlights gun advocate divide

Much is being made of Mike Vanderboegh calling an unsafe demonstrator a “moron” in a preliminary talk he gave before his main speech yesterday at the Washington State Capitol in Olympia. Contrary to some of the arguments being made, using that term for someone who ignored specific gun handling cautions is not equivalent to others who have invoked the word “extremist.”

Some of the detractors of yesterday’s actions are missing something big here in the rush to disparage and condemn actions they don’t agree with. And yes, no argument, more edicts may be enacted as retaliation against hard core protests by oath-breaking political opportunists we all ought to recognize as the true extremists. The thing is, these defiant citizens are going to disobey any future edicts, too. What government enforcers do after that will determine the reactions of those who will not obey them.

We’ve moved into new territory, or more precisely, been moved into it whether we want to go or not. And the only thing those who disagree with such direct tactics can do about it is side with the antis, the same people who would call them extremists.

FK – Maybe the guy is a moron. But then we have to slice and dice all the versions of that.

This is war. We’re gonna have fakers, psyops, idiots, double agents and on and on.

In the Militia we used to have a saying: “If there’s five guys at a Klan meeting three of them are probably FBI agents.” Look up ‘Hutaree Militia’ and see how the Fed Nazis failed to railroad them into prison.

Lot’s of ground has been gained by ‘working within the system’ that the Founders bequeathed to us. The keys are defining that so that we aren’t just playing dupes to our domestic blood enemies who’d call us ‘extremists’ because we throw a rock at a rabbit in our garden if it was advantageous to them and if rocks were all we had left.

The other key is being ready for what will be required. Our domestic blood enemies will never, that’s the ‘never’ that’s in the dictionary, throw up their evil despicable little hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Won’t happen. They’ve invested way too much time and money in the destruction of this country and the Bill of Rights. They will not walk away without a fight.

This means that when they say “Turn them in,” and the first raids happen and/or there’s a ‘gun turn-in point’ we’re ready to respond with the necessary force to stop them dead in their tracks. Why hasn’t the NRA focused on this as they should have long ago? I know, it’s a rich boys club and they’re too busy maintaining the status quo, for a short answer. Plus a lot of them are simply cowards.

Whatever starts the blood war, and it might not be over guns as events in Nevada last year so clearly proved, we shouldn’t rush headlong into it, but simply know ourselves and ‘know our limitations’ as a famous movie character liked to say. If all the ‘good people’ got off their mental and physical asses we could take our country back, but it would still be a costly affair, for the “Liberal”(commie) trash are just as sincere about enslaving all of us as we are about preventing them from doing so.

Freedom Knocks: Armed WA Patriots Deliver a Message for Their State and the Nation

Child demanding entrance to gallery captivates ‘Freedom Knocks’ activists

Moms will demand action in Olympia Tuesday

One account of what kicked this off:

In which crazy comes out… (Get off my side)

FK – If Fed or NGO or otherwise ‘instigators’ can show up and try to cause trouble at a commie rally such as happens all the time as it did in Ferguson why not at a Liberty rally? Simply don’t let them get away with it.

Indiana Takes First Step To Become Constitutional Carry State

Constitutional Carry is the precedent currently set in 5 states which dictates that a law abiding citizen needs no permission or permit from the government to exercise their God given right to keep and bear arms.

Alaska, Wyoming, Vermont, Arizona and Arkansas may have a new state joining their ranks if State Rep. Jim Lucas of Indiana has anything to say about it.

Lucas has introduced House Bill 1144 which would strike down the permitting scheme currently in place and would repeal whole chunks of the nearly 30 pages of laws dealing with carrying firearms.

Most important among them is the “poll tax” that requires law abiding citizens to pay for the ability to exercise their rights.  Colloquially known as purchasing a carry permit.

FK – A right applied for is a privilege.

Take Back Kentucky Capitol Tour & Training

In the past TBK has offered a Capitol Tour and Training, since it has been a few years since we did this we though we would offer it again. Basically what this is for is to help those that are new or may not feel comfortable going to the Capitol on their own yet a way to do it with others and get familiar with the place and process so in hopes that we can have more citizen activists involved in the legislative process. There will be seasoned legislative grassroots activists there to help guide you as well as people who are at the Capitol everyday to help explain the process.  The agenda is set to start early so please plan accordingly, this is the best way we could make the schedule work, besides, if you are going to go to the Capitol on a normal day to get anything done you probably need to get there early anyway. Please respond ASAP to us either through our email at takebackkentucky@gmail.com or contact us through our website if you would like to attend.  Below are the details of the event.

  • Thursday Feb 5th 8:00 Capitol Annex Room # 113
    • Robert Jenkins from the LRC to explain what the LRC does and the process of the bill.
    • Bro. Lee Watts to explain his ministry to the legislature.
    • Sen. John Schickel from Boone County to explain the legislator perspective.
  • 9:30  Capitol Tour – Meet at the Rotunda entrance (you can get there through the annex tunnel)
  • 10:30 – 2:00 Committees and Meetings – Use this time to attend Committees or if you want to meet with your legislator be sure to set up a time during this period. You may also get lunch at some point during this time, there is a cafeteria in the basement. Call 1-800-372-7181 and ask to be directed to your legislator to set up a meeting.
  • 2:00 Session Starts – We will get tickets for the House and Senate Chambers for you to observe the legislative process. This usually starts at 2PM everyday but it could be sooner or later.
  • Committees meetings available for us to observe:
    • Senate Judiciary @ 10AM Annex Rm 154
    • Senate Education @ 11:30 AM Annex Rm 171 – This is a good time to try and hit legislators up before or after about Common Core.
    • House Labor and Industry @10AM Annex Rm 149
    • House Tourism @ 10AM Annex Rm 131
    • House Health and Welfare @ Noon Annex Rm 169
    • House State Government @ Noon Annex Rm 154
    • Full Committee Meeting Weekly Schedule

FK – TBK has been around for years. Those with the patience and gumption should go help our elected public SERVANTS run the state. The “Liberal”(commie) trash and corporate lobbyists have been doing so for decades. It’s way past our turn.

TBK also meets today.

Fort Hood Survivor Rallies For Constitutional Gun Carry


FK – A right applied for is a privilege. Our blood domestic enemies are not ‘well meaning.’ The trash knows full well what it does. We’ve had the internet for 15 years. There’s no excuse for willful ignorance any more.

Best to prepare for what will be required.

FK – Well, you know my response to this by now… Not that I still won’t repeat it as long as I draw breath.