Tag Archives: farming

What is Hemp?

There is an urban legend that the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. This is not true. The documents housed in the National Archives were written on parchment, which is treated animal skin, typically sheepskin. According to the Library of Congress, analysis by paper conservators has determined that the paper that Thomas Jefferson used for his draft of the Declaration is mostly likely Dutch in origin. While hemp was commonly used to make paper in Southern Europe during this time, the Dutch were much more likely to use flax or linen rags.

Restriction in the United States began in 1937, according to the Hemp Industries Association. Taxing and licensing regulations made it hard for farmers to grow hemp.

During World War II, the lack of available abaca and jute prompted the government to start pro-hemp farming campaigns, including a video called “Hemp for Victory,” to meet the Navy’s demand for rope. Hemp demand fell after WWII and government restriction on the plant resumed.

FK – I know what my favorite use would be, that would involve 3-5 million patriots going to the District of Commie criminals and doing what will be required.


FK – Yeah, the cordage thing, we need lots of that now.

California’s water supply headed for collapse in just one year; state has “no contingency plan” – NASA scientist

Add California’s water supply to your list of “things headed for imminent collapse.” The state has only one year of reserves remaining, warns Jay Famiglietti, the senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech.

In a widely-cited LA Times opinion piece, Famiglietti writes that “…the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing. California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought…”

But don’t worry: California has no plan for balancing its budget, either. Nor does it have a plan for how to pay for all the social entitlements it has promised its population of dependents. And finally, California has no real plan to fund its pension promises, either, which means that California state retirees not only face a future without water; they also face a future without a pension check.

FK – Commiefornia will have to be re-conquered.

Water hoarding begins in Brazil as one of the world’s largest cities runs out of water

CIA Funding Geoengineering to Weaponize Weather – #NewWorldNextWeek


FK – Lots of links with this one.

Spy agencies fund climate research in hunt for weather weapon, scientist fears

Moment of Brutal Honesty: Political Commentator Quits Over HSBC Coverage, Accuses Telegraph Of “Fraud On Readers”

FK – The newswhore’s former bosses are right in that there’s nothing new about their infidelity with reality.

How to Fake an Alien Invasion


FK – Of course it’s fantasy to claim that whatever ‘disclosure,’ however defined, would automatically solve all our problems and make the various versions, sub-versions and subversions play nice with each other. The religions would find some verse that applies or re-write their books, scrolls, whatever as religion is always cultural anyway.

All the isms will seek to control, dominate, this issue to their advantage. Most of them simply haven’t been forced to yet.

Blue beam has been discussed for years. I don’t doubt some apparatchik dreamed up such a thing. Project Blue Book is another example of govt. duplicity, but that doesn’t negate this very real phenomena that’s been a part of human experience for a very long time, possibly since our beginnings, if it wasn’t a part of our beginnings.

Forget the guy with the funny hair on the History channel and think about all the pilots, going back to WWII, who’ve seen these craft and all those who claim they have had abduction experiences. The ‘Disclosure Project’ is one part of the ‘UFO community,’ many of which are well aware of these questions.

The ones to watch out for are those who claim they ‘know’ what it all really means.

The military was experimenting with projections over battlefields in WWI.

If the govt. or corporations have tech that is 50 years ahead of what we see in the department store or equal with ‘Star Trek’ as some claim what would a more advanced civilization from an older part of this universe be capable of?

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time, or maybe we were ‘created’ to be slaves, or to ‘worship'(serve) some sadistic god, so how necessary is ‘mind control’ tech when most of the advanced primates practice monkey see, monkey do?

Maybe as some claim the planet is only 6,000 years old and we were made to be the slaves of a sadistic asshole god that knew billions of years ago that it would create billions or zillions of humans knowing full well they’d be burned alive in fire for all eternity?

Which is more outlandish? The ‘evidence’ or 3,000 year-old tribal propaganda?

The real question may be are we someone’s ant farm, petri-dish, nature preserve or farm, or all the above?