Category Archives: April 2014 update three

Nevada Governor Calls Federal Cattle Roundup ‘Intimidation’

Sandoval says he’s most offended that federal officials have tried to corral people protesting the roundup into a “First Amendment area.”

Federal officials say 277 cows have been rounded up since Saturday from a 1,200-square-mile area that it has closed to the public for the operation about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

The BLM says Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy has allowed his cattle to trespass and graze for decades in the area.

Treacherous Nev. dispute evolving into the next Waco or Ruby Ridge?

The federal government is sitting on a powder keg in Nevada that could explode at any moment into another Waco, Texas or Ruby Ridge incident during which innocent civilians are murdered in cold blood by overzealous government law enforcement agents.

At the center of the dispute is rancher Cliven Bundy, whose family has owned ranch territory in Nevada for over 100 years. The dispute began over 15 years ago when Bundy’s cattle “trespassed” onto federal land that is under the control of the Bureau of Land Management.


Bundy Ranch Standoff ‘Boots on the Ground”

The opening is commie propaganda. This country hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

The union army established the ‘public lands’ out west by venturing forth after ‘freeing’ the black slaves to eradicate the native peoples and steal their lands thru treaty and violent attrition, kinda like now.