Category Archives: 2017 November

Texas Terror Attack – Mass Shooting Inside Church – What we know so far

FK – Only morons don’t carry. The sad fact is we live in a nation of morons in a country full of soft targets.

Live in the reality that the tool-using monkeys rose to the apex of the food chain because they weren’t afraid to kill when it was truly necessary.

The message is simple: Pass concealed carry reciprocity 

The message is simple, there are NO safe spaces:

FK – No. We must REPEAL the gun laws, all of them. The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t found in the Second Amendment. Stop sounding like the cowards in the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group.

320 million plus tool-using monkeys live in this country, with a high percentage of assholes who fully deserve to be shot. So the miracle is there aren’t many more shootings, mass or not.

The problem is the general population is a bunch of pacified morons who still think the police are there to protect them and elites who run the govt. do so for the benefit of the common sheeple.

They consider us all to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that. If they forbid guns for self defense in your workplace, church, whatever it’s for their safety not yours. It’s for their liability not the future of your family, liberty, property.

One thing that’s so despicable about this is that hey zeus allegedly told his disciples to buy and carry a sword in case they needed it. Yet modern morons think they’re supposed to be helpless because of some twisted version of pacifism that’s been interjected into the religions because it makes better sheeple.

Our Founders, many of whom were ‘christian’ of one version or another, had no problem killing their fellow British subjects in their quest for Liberty and independence. Millions died in the reformation over whose sadistic god gets to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever.

The ability of the sheeple to lie to themselves and prefer to be lied to still amazes me…

We have a cancer in this country. It’s way past time to do what will be required to excise it. Trump needs to bring the troops home and start at the top.

If only enough would see the real threat:

FK – He had to make a judgement call on whether the guy who got in his truck was telling the truth. But then we don’t know what he saw that he isn’t telling.

Too many today don’t think at all about what they might do in an urgent situation. Such decisions are never easy but it’s better than being a little pathetic pacified moron.

Pastor Robert Jeffress: Gun Control Could Not Have Prevented Texas Church Shooting

A more updated account:

At Least 27 People Reported Dead in Texas Church Shooting – Gunman Killed by Police

Sharpshooting plumber fired shot that took down Texas church gunman

Texas church massacre: Man hailed a hero for chasing gunman after killings

As I predicted long ago the commies when backed into a corner will strike out:

Rand Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs after attack at Kentucky home

We aren’t safe as long as we allow communists to walk American streets.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

The current official version:

3 Unbelievable Theories PROVED In October

FK – ‘National Security’ as always means the security of their rule.

The most important things to do

Want to Know What’s Gonna Happen November 4th, 2017? NOTHING!

FK – This is a test, and only a test, to see if we can create panic on social media. The drill is over and the sheeple graze on. We will still be slaves next month, the month after and on and on, and no one is gonna get beamed up.

Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them hunt the communist globalist leadership.

As we speak, the culture war continues:

FK – We’re all basically a bunch of spoiled children existing in a bubble unique to our time. Human history is slavery, high infant mortality, high child and adult mortality, orphans, step parents, marriages of convenience because in the not-so-good ol’ days there had to be a husband and wife unless an older child could take on the responsibilities of one or both of the parents.

They didn’t have a redneck mecca full of processed foods and cheap China made junk to shop in either. A trip to the county seat and back might take all day, or much longer. Before that it was the village and the local land Lord who our ancestors had to pledge allegiance to.

There was no welfare state that paid the stupid and the lazy to breed in the name of creating inter-generational parasites that could be counted on to be dependable constituents for the demonscat party.

Trump won partly because he’s a famous billionaire. Simple fact. That lent credence to what he claimed during his campaign regardless of the fact he had NO POLITICAL RECORD to back any of it up. Why do you think the ancient tribal propaganda promises those who seek ‘paradise’ pearly gates and streets of gold?

The beat goes on:

FK – As I predicted Trump would throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ or whatever and overall things would continue as usual, slavery and injustice for all. Now go pledge allegiance to that flag.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The most important things to do

These People Do Not Exist 11/2/17

FK – I’m surprised any of them have a recognizable gender. Still waiting on my own holodeck.

The most important things to do


Exorcism: Ancient Medical Practice?

FK – Why would any sheeple think a supernatural being is going to beam them up any second and ‘save’ them from a ‘great tribulation?’

Modern abductees claim aliens can walk through walls or float through ceilings.

What was that thing Clark or Asimov said about magic and sufficiently advanced tech?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing

The purposes of gods and golden rules

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

NYC Halloween Truck Attack – What You Need To Know

FK – Be careful what you joke about. The commie citiots funded by the corporate workaholic assholes would have us all riding in the bike lane or walking to our job in the village or the domed city. The only large consumer item we’d need would be a TV to make sure we get the proper daily indoctrination.

See their war on truck drivers and the freight movers.

Now the only question remaining is when did the federal bureau of instigators make contact with ‘this’ terrorist?

See how much the rich capitalists that fund the commies don’t respect our natural born liberty:

FK – The chief asshat of goolag, now of Alphabet it’s parent company, worked to get hitlery elected. So much for being saved by capitalism huh?

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us as products because they respect us as human beings. We are screw drivers to them, to be worn out and discarded.

Sounds as if youtube is committing suicide.

The modern patriot movement began with books, alt. magazines, shortwave radio, fax machines and videos sold at gun shows.

And you’d better understand the commie trash, not ‘leftists’ or ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ but communist globalist trash that we should be hunting to extinction will infiltrate all these other channels/sources/sites as well. Infiltration and deception is how the evil creatures that we should be hunting to extinction wage war on us all.

Have I mentioned we should be hunting them to extinction? Our failure to do so will doom us for they will never stop lying until we force them to do so. There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave or in our case further enslave those around you.

Oh for a nation of men.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

The most important things to do