Category Archives: 2016 January update one

Hammond Protest in Oregon Is Wounded Knee 3

FK – If we are such cowards that we kneel before their propaganda in any situation then we deserve to be their slaves.

We should have been ready years ago. We should already have a militia unit in every county in the country to deal with such evil.

From on site in Oregon:

FK – If you’re up there try to pick out the fakers and instigators and kick them out.

If you keep poking the 800 lb gorilla eventually it will rip your head off if for no other reason than it feels it can’t lose face.

I hope there’s some organization out there that I’m not aware of. We outnumber them but at this point I don’t see the organization in the form of a militia force in every county that we should’ve had years ago.

We will have to eat out their foundations. A full-frontal attack would probably be needless suicide. We don’t need any more Pickett’s charges.

More from on site:

FK – So many others have been railroaded into prison by our evil beast system. It’s unfortunate that we didn’t gather before, in a way that couldn’t be misconstrued as ‘stealing’ government or ‘public’ property.

We need a militia in every county of this country that can simply show up, not necessarily with a show of force, every time some evil like this is perpetrated.

It’s ‘non-communist’ or ‘reactionary’ lives that don’t matter to that trash. Race is just a tool they use.

And always pack the proper gear!

Which may include more than a copy of the constitution:

FK – Every time his “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ vote they vote to kill him. I’d like to hear his legal over analyzed commentary on that.

I’m sure this guy has assimilated and regurgitated far more law than I nor any other ‘Jethro’ but the document does read ‘We the People’ not ‘we the shysters’ or ‘we the communists’ or ‘we the authoritarians’ of whatever stripe.

Regardless of all the nitpicking the Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional.

I never was childish enough to think that whatever event kicked off the war would be a perfect example of ‘patriots standing up for their Liberty,’ but the opposite if we simply look at history.

We must have victory in our hearts and minds regardless of the circumstances, which will likely never be in our favor unless we make them so.

We’ll never have a perfect army or a ‘god’s army’ or a nation of voters who can regurgitate a paragraph from any document at random. What we need are fighters that can work together as a team against recognized enemies, that really are our enemies.

Militia antics aside, the mandatory minimum given to the Oregon ranchers is absurd

FK – The commie propagandists chime in:

Meet The Child-Abusing Arsonists That Inspired The Oregon Militia Standoff

terrorists memeThe Inside Story of Occupy Malheur

GOA Files Brief Challenging Federal Restrictions on Machine Guns

“GOA is correct.  There is nothing in the Second Amendment that excludes ownership of any weapon — machine gun or otherwise —  from within its protection. In fact, the text of the Second Amendment is very clear regarding the government’s ability to qualify this most basic liberty: ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.’” — The New American, December 27, 2015

A case currently pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit could push back against President Obama’s promise to make America safer by disarming civilians. Gun Owners of America (GOA) has filed an amicus brief in this case, U.S. v. Watson.

On its website, GOA provides the following short summary of the relevant issues in Watson:

At issue is the constitutionality of a part of the 1986 McClure-Volkmer legislation, which prohibits the manufacture and possession of machine guns by Americans unless they were registered prior to the date of the Act.

The case in Watson (submitted on December 9, 2015) involves a family trust that had applied to manufacture an M16 and challenged ATF’s eventual denial of that application.Specifically, the brief filed by the GOA challenges the ruling by the district court that held that regulations on the manufacture of machine guns were deemed constitutional in a prior Third Circuit Court opinion, the opinion in U.S. v. Marzzarella.

Dicta in the Marzzarella decision claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court had likewise held in favor of the constitutionality of prohibitions on machine guns.

The Supreme Court has never issued such a ruling. In fact, the decision in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) clearly states that “all instruments that constitute bearable arms” are protected from prohibition by the Second Amendment, unless challengers could prove otherwise. As GOA explains in its summary, “Heller noted that the definition of what is and what is not a protected arm does not turn on whether a weapon has a military or nonmilitary use.”

FK – Good for GOA but all this may soon be a moot point:

FK – Is he willing to use the ‘National’ guard and militias to do this? That’s what it will take.

The limitless arrogance of the “Liberal”(commie) trash is what will start the war regardless of what ‘event’ kicks it off. In reality it’s been going on for decades as they silently infiltrated every segment of our society.

Until we develop the resolve to do what will be required and then hold the treason/war crimes trials and pass a constitutional amendment banning all forms of socialism and those who push it from our country we won’t begin to see the light at the end of this tunnel.

You will be needing this:

FK – Then shoot at the parts that aren’t covered.

If feds slaughter patriot occupiers in Oregon, it will unleash an armed revolution across America… Civil War may be near

Reports that federal officials are headed to Oregon to try to “resolve” the situation where armed citizens now occupy a federal wildlife refuge building should raise warning flags for everyone. If the arrogant, tone deaf federal government attempts an aggressive assault on the compound that results in bloodshed, it might very easily spark a nationwide armed revolt against government tyranny in response.

On my podcast site, I’ve just posted a tactical analysis of the situation in Oregon, pointing out that if the federal government is rational, it is in the government’s own interests to see this resolved without bloodshed. After all, the nation is already on the verge of revolt as we’ve now seen with the outright rejection of both Democratic and Republican political establishments and the rise of presidential populist Donald Trump.

Tensions are running high across the board. More people than ever are now at the end of their ropes on issues like personal bankruptcy, loss of health care coverage under the Obamacare scam, loss of wages due to job cuts and the fear that comes from living with ISIS terrorists already inside U.S. borders thanks to an incompetent, race-baiting president who apparently seeks the deliberate destruction of America.

Add onto this the recent announcement that Obama and the cognitively insane leftists of the mainstream media literally wish to destroy the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights, thereby enslaving all Americans under a regime of total thought control and complete disarmament.

FK – As I’ve been writing the last couple days, let’s hope they’re not too heavily infiltrated by fed nazi or NGO instigators.

Has Civil War Begun In America? Trump Tells America Clinton And Obama Created ISIS, It’s Surely The Season Of Treason – Why Are Obama And Clinton Still Walking The Streets?

Feds Arrive in Oregon to “Take Control of the Situation”

New York Magazine writer: I’d vote to kill militia members in Oregon ‘standoff’

FK – I agree that the Feds could ultimately come after them, but have they gone after those involved in the Bundy Ranch standoff last year? Do they realize they’re outnumbered?

The feds’ case: What they said of Hammonds’ resentencing

FK – “The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. After committing the arson, Steven Hammond called the BLM office in Burns, Oregon and claimed the fire was started on Hammond property to burn off invasive species and had inadvertently burned onto public lands. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”

The fires were hot enough to fully consume several deer carcasses and make it impossible to determine if they died of gunshot wounds, poisoning, whatever? Uh huh.

My bet is this was once common practice by ranchers with leases and all of a sudden the fed nazis via the eco-commie trash decided to ‘crack down.’

‘Putting Lives At Risk’: Armed Protesters Vow Long Stay, Warn Gov’t Against Using Force–HC8N-8

FK – The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends‘ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights here.

How many will be truly ready for what we may have to endure?:

FK – Considering what’s going on out west right now this is very appropriate…

The ‘protesters’ held a news conference.

While others ask for help:

Good morning, new message from Jon Ritzheimer & Blaine Cooper to all patriots 󾓬󾓦😎share it please .

Posted by Saad Kooza Salman on Monday, January 4, 2016

The Truth About The Oregon StandOff

FK – It should be a restoration, not a revolution. The commies want revolution. We want our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, restored.

“We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – Charlie Puckett, KSM Commander

There’s more to it than appeasing the eco-commies:

FK – Same ol’ story, resources and money…

The Bundy Ranch was a justifiable standoff with a good outcome. This one not so much. It could very well be a setup.

Saying violence is never an option is childishness. We may as well turn our guns in since we’ll never use them right?

Facts & Events in the Hammond Case

Malheur County targeted for gold, uranium mines

Oregon militia standoff: Ranchers due at prison and what else to expect Monday

FK – Let’s hope all the participants are sincere patriots and not govt. or NGO instigators.

FK – The Secret Service is aware of the severity of the situation but they can’t find a way to rectify it?

No, The Bundy Brother’s Oregon Militia Are Not Terrorists

No, The Bundy Brother’s Oregon Militia Are Not Terrorists

Who owns the West?

Why You’re Still a Loser

FK – One man’s pig will be another man’s bacon…

My only major goal for nearly two decades now has been to see enough sheeple wake up to take our country back. Those that don’t understand or try to understand that can kiss my ass.

Our ‘lists’ should be about taking our country and western civilization back one piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash at a time.

A lot of sheeple need a lot of this:

REBELLION! — Patriots Just OCCUPIED Federal Lands!

FK – Let’s hope none of the ‘leaders’ of this aren’t just instigators.

Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters

Update at 9:15 p.m.: Statement from Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward: “After the peaceful rally was completed today, a group of outside militants drove to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, where they seized and occupied the refuge headquarters. A collective effort from multiple agencies is currently working on a solution. For the time being please stay away from that area. More information will be provided as it becomes available. Please maintain a peaceful and united front and allow us to work through this situation.”

The Bundy family of Nevada joined with hard-core militiamen Saturday to take over the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, vowing to occupy the remote federal outpost 30 miles southeast of Burns for years.

The occupation came shortly after an estimated 300 marchers — militia and local citizens both — paraded through Burns to protest the prosecution of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and Steven Hammond, who are to report to prison on Monday.

Fakebook vid:

Standing for the rights of men & women

FK – From on site:

FK – What we really need is a patriot government, apart from the evil beast system, to deal with situations like this.

Rules for the militia

Oathkeepers leaders decline to participate:

FK – Haven’t been following this but ‘juries’ help the fed nazis railroad patriots into prison all the time. But if they don’t want the help, let them go.

The Hammond Family Does NOT Want an Armed Stand Off, and Nobody Has a Right to Force One On Them

We cannot force ourselves or our protection on people who do not want it.   Dwight and Steven Hammond have made it clear, through their attorney, that they just want to turn themselves in and serve out their sentence. And that clear statement of their intent should be the end of the discussion on this.  No patriot group or individual has the right or the authority to force an armed stand off on this family, or around them, against their wishes.  You cannot help someone who does not want your help, and who are not willing and ready to take a hard stand themselves.

Letter from Hammond family attorney to local sheriff

Armed protesters occupying national wildlife refuge building vow long stay

FK – This is not a good idea. It will be harder to gain public support for such an action and may  not end well at all.

Oregon ranching case sparks anti-government sentiment

Civil Unrest, Militia On Alert As Government Attempts Double Jeopardy By Imprisoning Ranchers

Armed militia, incl. Bundy bros, occupy forest reserve HQ in Oregon, call ‘US patriots’ to arms

FBI to deal with militia group at Malheur Refuge

The Absolute Insanity of the World is Proven With #OregonUnderAttack

Armed group’s leader in federal building: ‘We will be here as long as it takes’

Full Story on What’s Going on In Oregon – Militia Take Over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge In Protest to Hammond Family Persecution…

No more free Wacos. A National Three Percent Declaration Regarding the Situation in Harney County, Oregon. “Why would I want to do that? There’s plenty of you federal sonsabitches around here.”

Oregon Standoff A Terrible Plan That We Might Be Stuck With

Armed occupation protests federal ‘tyranny’

The story behind the Oregon armed standoff

Claim: Oregon standoff due to rogue militia

Montel Williams: SHOOT TO KILL Oregon Protesters

Militia members occupy US building in Oregon after protest

The Oregon militia standoff, explained

Patriot Militia Seizes Federal Complex in Oregon; Armed Insurrection Against federal Tyranny Begins