Category Archives: 2015 April update two

An opinion on gun control – Part 1

Police are awesome. I love working with cops. However any honest cop will tell you that when seconds count they are only minutes away. After Colombine law enforcement changed their methods in dealing with active shooters. It used to be that you took up a perimeter and waited for overwhelming force before going in. Now usually as soon as you have two officers on scene you go in to confront the shooter (often one in rural areas or if help is going to take another minute, because there are a lot of very sound tactical reasons for using two, mostly because your success/survival rates jump dramatically when you put two guys through a door at once. The shooter’s brain takes a moment to decide between targets). The reason they go fast is because they know that every second counts. The longer the shooter has to operate, the more innocents die.

However, cops can’t be everywhere. There are at best only a couple hundred thousand on duty at any given time patrolling the entire country. Excellent response time is in the three-five minute range. We’ve seen what bad guys can do in three minutes, but sometimes it is far worse. They simply can’t teleport. So in some cases that means the bad guys can have ten, fifteen, even twenty minutes to do horrible things with nobody effectively fighting back.

So if we can’t have cops there, what can we do?

FK – I’ve only read the first page of this so far but it’s more than worthwhile.

One wonders if he’d train people how to deal with black-suited Nazis who’ll happily break their doors down and murder them for refusing to comply with the police state.

Governments will always be able to get weapons, thus we must remain better armed than they.

Bill Holter-Global Black Hole of Derivatives

FK – Get paid in something that’s real? How about ammo? It’s usable for decades.

Blind faith in the government, the banksters, the religions, our employers, and on and on is what got us into this mess and it won’t get us out.

Just keep waitin’ to get beamed up.

Someone somewhere has a ‘coherent strategy.’ They don’t care what we think of it because they consider us to be livestock.

Every year ‘they’ say it’s gonna blow, collapse, whatever, but this does sound different… Does this guy sell gold or silver?

US police killed more people in March than UK did in 20th century – report

FK – The numbers are likely true but ‘Think Progress‘ is a commie site. It’s staff and ownership should be kicked out of this country. Yes we can!

The amerikan communist insurgency will happily send the cops and soldiers it professes to hate so much to kill those who refuse to comply with their commie laws.

If you value Human Liberty when a piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash votes it votes to kill you.

Governments will always be able to get guns. That’s why we need to be better armed than they are, always.


FK – That’s ‘commiefornia.’ It will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Immigrant with Drug-Resistant TB to Be Released into US, say Congressional Leaders

Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to ‘national security’ after taking money from Big Pharma

CUE HYSTERIA: First ever feticide conviction in US

FK – The “Liberal”(commie) trash, the real ‘red’ team(their propagandists switched the colors) want to have sex with everything and anything and the ‘christian conservatives’ feel some deep set need to produce more babies for their sadistic asshole of a god to hold by their heels over hell-fire so it can tell them “Be my mindless slaves or I’ll torture you and/or kill you!” just like the ancient tyrannical kings it was patterned after.

The human race is insane and we still exist in a very dark age. Supposedly they’re working on a fool-proof birth control for men now. If it’s proven to work every 14 year-old should get it, but we know that won’t happen. As a society we’d rather hand out condoms and bibles to 8-year-olds.

Both sides in this absurd ‘culture war’ are getting it wrong:

FK – So all the great men/women of the past who gave us science, Liberty, matches, bananas, snow sleds, cars, milk shakes, their lives were meaningless?

Most are truly incapable of seeing beyond their own piddling existences. That’s why old grave yards are forgotten and children are told to ‘go get a job’ and billions are waiting to get beamed up before things get too bad and billions more waste all their time in the pursuit of money, things, false security, all while knowing they too will die.