Monthly Archives: November 2016

GUN GRIPES #121: “Gun Culture”

FK – I’m not crazy about the ‘gun culture’ thing. It makes it sound as if our Liberty teeth are about recreation and the Second Amendment is about fun and games. It’s about hunting men.

I’ve always hunted and owned guns, since I was a teenager or really a kid if bb guns and toy guns count. But my grandfather who really was the first one to teach me to shoot only owned one 36″ barrelled 12 gauge in all his life and probably wouldn’t understand our modern ‘gun culture’ because of the ignorance many in his generation were raised in. He was born in the horse and buggy days and raised by people who were born in the 19th century and had a grandfather that had fought in the war for Southern Independence but I’m not sure on which side though my ignorant relatives who think it was about slavery would probably prefer he’d been a Yankee even though his family owned slaves. Sigh.

I do have a Confederate cavalryman on my father’s side of the family. And the Kentucky Yankee officers almost mutinied when Lincoln issued his ’emancipation proclamation’ that only affected slaves held in Confederate territory. But I’m straying here, the point is that when the coming war is over there may be lies told about why it was really fought for generations to come. The victors write the history books as they say, and they run the schools and buy the newswhores.

The old folks here in the sticks would look askew at someone carrying a handgun because of the stories of the violence that permeated the countryside in the decades after the war. I’ve heard stories of gun fights and killers from those times. In short the older generations were afraid for whatever reason to own or carry a gun for self defense. As with many amerikans it would’ve been beyond the understanding of most of them. That doesn’t make them right, just ignorant, as I said. Sadly many are still this way.

But the short of all this is we don’t need a ‘gun culture’ so much as we need a ‘liberty culture.’ Many who own guns and even go to 3-gun shoots would look askew at anyone telling them they have a right, duty and responsibility to be involved in whatever way they are able in a local militia. They are both willfully ignorant, of the real situation we face, and simply afraid of the consequences of really publicly standing up for the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional whether they fear estrangement from so-called friends, lost business, career damage or even imprisonment and death at the hands of the empire’s black-suited Nazis.

If we had the govt.s and country and men and women we should have everyone would learn basic military skills from the earliest age and no one too afraid to serve the Bill of Rights in the military or militia would be allowed to vote.

This marketing of the ‘gun culture’ as a fun thing to do on weekends is not necessarily bad, it’s just a million miles from where we desperately need to be. The aftermath from next Tuesday’s quest for the idiot vote may well prove this.

And what will be the result?:

FK – So what does this mean exactly? Are we to have the Bill of Rights restored, the gun laws abolished, the IRS and Fed shut down and the BATF Nazis and leaders of the amerikan communist insurgency and its globalist masters the CFR/Bilderberg et al tried for war crimes?

Without those things there is no ‘coup’ at all.

Alaska River Monster Found? Green UFO Blasts Over Japan! 11/1/16

FK – That’s a Russian bigfoot treading water.

The UFO phenomena is ‘real’ as far as we understand what ‘real’ is. I don’t ‘believe’ in it or ‘them’ nor should anyone else.

Some of them may if we’re lucky be benevolent or at least not antagonistic or even have our best interests at heart, if they have hearts. Others probably not so much. Think ‘international relations’ on a grander scale.

If ‘disclosure’ or ‘contact’ ever comes, such that the average dumbass can’t deny it anymore, we shouldn’t blindly trust the first bunch that shows up or the second nor the 2002nd or any others. They will have ‘magic’ technology that will make them godlike to us in ways we probably can’t even understand. Many will seek to bow down to them as many amerikans now seek a new king every four years to magically wave away their problems or simply feed them bullshit to make them feel better.

As always we exist in interesting times while the masses vote for the lesser of two evils while those with intelligence wonder when we will again get more evil than we can handle.

But we have to be careful what we ascribe to ‘them,’ whatever they really are. From yesterday:

FK – “Did not this just blow your mind?”

Uh, no. If they have flown up in a saucer, stopped and waved and asked for a beer that would’ve blown my mind.

I’m not enough of a ‘scientist’ by whatever political persuasion or otherwise to say what the little balls of light are. Maybe they’re space sprites inviting the astronauts to come outside and play…

I’d want to know what kind of vents, jets or whatever might have been in operation.

Google is evil. I use it no more than I have to. And I have an android phone. As always the authoritarians among us, and google funds and assists them, will use the very real UFO phenomena as propaganda in the effort to enslave us further. Simple fact.

Leaving those dead astronauts floating around in space probably violates several galactic if not universal eco laws, statutes and regulations. We might not want to know what the penalties are for that, especially if our microbes resulted in the wiping out of some other planet’s ecosystem. You can’t even be buried in a lot of places in this country unless your body is in a box.


GOA’s 2016 Congressional Voter Guide

FK – We need to prepare for what will be required.

GOA’s Congressional Rating: A Powerful Tool to Help You Promote Gun Rights this Election

Not a GOA member yet?  You can join Gun Owners of America today for only $20 — and start getting postcards to put heat on the government officials representing you!

Forward GOA’s Voter Guide to Everyone You Know!

Election Day is less than two weeks away, and early voting has begun in many states already.

So I want to hand you a powerful tool.

It is GOA’s Congressional Rating for 2016 — a tool we hope you will use to determine the best candidates on the Second Amendment.

FK – For the sake of the simple minded I will state: Voting in elections other than the prez, or what I call the four year quest for the idiot vote, can be profitable to those who seek to restore Liberty to this land.

GOA is far superior to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group that has a very poor track record of scoring local and state legislative candidates.

Regardless WE ARE AT WAR and eventually blood, sweat and tears will be required for our white-skinned domestic blood enemies, the “Liberal” and ‘progressive(commie/globalist) trash will never throw up its hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Even if they do tell that lie they will be simply going off to some dark corner to re-group and re-arrange their lies to better affect the simple-minded among us.

It will require an eradication.

The patriot newbie guidebook