Monthly Archives: April 2016

Don’t Raise Pussies – Safe Spaces & Being Offended – Facebook Diaries

FK – Just standing up to commies is racist and offensive. Haven’t you been paying attention long enough to get that yet?

Student accused of violating university ‘safe space’ by raising her hand

There will only be two cures for them: hemp and hot lead.

FK – If Trump values human Liberty so highly why wasn’t he spending his billions to support it before he decided to run? How much has he donated to GOA, JPFO, Oathkeepers and on and on?

For Years, Trump’s Charity Gave Veterans Little More Than Peanuts

Why is InfoWars ‘supporting’ someone with no real record and who has said it want’s a CFR member working for it?(or vice versa most likely)

I like how the cameraman is trained to keep the young hot blonde in the picture.

As for the ‘union worker’ it’s what, a one issue voter? It won’t tell us. Most of them seem like such ‘nice people’ but would they admit that a vote for hitlery or sanders is a vote to kill those of us who are demanding the Bill of Rights be restored and our nation be cleansed of all forms of communism? Would they admit they hate the police and military but will readily send them to kill those who refuse to obey their commie laws and arrest those who have stopped their enforcement as is happening out west?

Who’s training the dupes and why aren’t we hunting them?

Does the ‘union worker’ know what said it was against NAFTA in its first quest for the idiot vote and then pushed it through a demoncrat congress and signed it and bragged about it?

We have a nation of morons that fully deserve what’s coming:

FK – Trump can’t ‘bring jobs back’ on his own. He has to have the help of a republicrat congress or of a new demoncrat congress, like the one that passed NAFTA in the first place. I’m not holding my breath.

How many workers has he treated like jackasses in his career as a multi-billionaire?

We have a nation of morons that stupidly think they can believe what spews from the mouth of a candidate in the quest for the idiot vote.

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

NYU Trump Supporter Says College Students Are Intolerant Of Conservative Views

FK – Oh good grief. Enough already. The commies aren’t interested in ‘understanding the opposing side.’ They intend to destroy us, our country, our Liberty, western civilization, the Bill of Rights which is what makes us exceptional.

When the hell are you people GONNA GROW UP?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a WAR!

Oh sorry, I didn’t notice it was a Trump supporter, i.e. brain donor.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends.’

You Won’t Believe What We Saw In Socialist Venezuela

FK – Will we sit back and allow this to happen to amerika? Are there any American men left?

Hillary, UFOs, Area 51 and Roswell – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – “…unless it’s a threat to national security…” Did ya’ catch that?

The CFR witch will tell any lie to gain the power, or pseudo power, it lusts after.

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. ‘They’ consider us to be livestock.

I shot my Truck!

FK – The plane of the sights intersect the plane of the round a little farther out, or something like that.

I learned this lesson many years ago on an old flat-roofed dog house. I was shooting my first deer rifle, a .243 Winchester Mod. 70 at a cow pie and instead of seeing dried fecal matter fly into the air it was roofing shingles 3 feet or so from my face.

A few years later I rode around with an older cousin in his Chevy Luv pickup during deer season for a day. This was in the day when ‘road hunting’ was not so frowned upon. We didn’t see anything but a day or so later he threw his .700 magnum across the cab of the truck and put a hole through the roof and out the passenger window or just above it. If I had been sitting there I might not be sitting here.

And please don’t lean a loaded weapon up against a truck or any smooth surface. At least catch it on something so it won’t fall over. I did see him flip the safety on.

It’s always best to try to think before one engages one’s mouth, keyboard or trigger, and probably a few other things

Oh, and here’s my version of ‘gun safety.’

Sootch took this vid down with no explanation as far as I can find. Ask him why.

“Kill Donald Trump” T-Shirts Are Being Sold Online Now!

FK – Maybe Trump’s real purpose is to incite the ‘race war’ that the Marxist mutt has been heretofore unable to produce, or at the least to create a distraction away from candidates that at least have a record of voting for and supporting Liberty. But the average brain dead mush head voter is too stupid to grasp this.

Only a child thinks anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth or any candidate’s mouth during a prez campaign can be trusted or believed.

Our real rulers don’t want the average dumbass to understand that only tools are allowed into the now red house:

FK – ‘National Security’ is about the security of the beast system and the evil scat that runs it not ours. They consider us to be livestock.

Do they want their paid for witch in charge of the plebes?:

FK – If only we had a nation of men.

Only a child thinks anything that comes out of klinton’s mouth or any candidate’s mouth during a prez campaign can be trusted or believed.

But it doesn’t really make any difference which one lies its way into power:

FK – Gee, a Canadian that’s smarter than the average amerikan voter. The brain dead mush heads are grasping for the Hell on Earth they deserve. I hope they get it.

I’ve lately been feeling a greater sense of foreboding than ever before in my 20 plus years of trying to understand all this. The sad part is we’re not ready. The militia force that should’ve been developed decades ago is still not even a distant dream for most because they’re too pacified and stupid to even consider the necessity of fighting back. I hope they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.

If Trump wants a CFR troll on its cabinet then it’s no different than hitlery. It’s just another tool just as I’ve suspected. So the only difference is that for a while after a Trump victory the brain dead ‘conservatives’ and ‘tea partiers’ that voted for it will go back to the golf course or fishin’ hole or couch and then blatantly ignore, as long as they can, probably until the next commie runs for the now red house, all the damage the latest tool is doing just as they did with Dubya.

As long as there’s corn in the trough the average hog will stay in the fence. Most of them have been castrated anyway.

Questions for your candidate

Unless of course we can awaken the brain dead zombies with ‘reason’:

FK – Have you ever watched the show ‘Rome?’ You remind me of one of the senator/philosophers who wanted Pompey to confront Caesar. A pointy sword in a willing hand beats a spear of reason every time.

Here in podunk the sheeple are oblivious as far as I can tell. They’re just gonna get on the trucks as ordered or at best die alone because they’re too stupid to organize for what’s coming.

I’ve been screaming my head off for years. One thing ‘libertarian’ and other ‘conservative’ activists can never seem to grasp is just how incapable the average dumbass obviously is of grasping these abstract concepts. The hundreds of millions that will be allowed to vote for the hair and the hitlery prove this. The elites have known it all along. They play us like a fiddle, whether Rome is burning or not.

As I’ve been writing for years:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?