Monthly Archives: January 2015

Is It Possible For Evolution To Reverse?

FK – Walking around in any redneck mecca will answer this question.

This commenter seems to get it:

anubis2814 1 day ago (edited)

Wow, this video was just Awful! Evolution is just change caused by environmental pressure.  These is no REVERSE EVOLUTION the nomenclature is absolutely wrong. If genes change due to natural selection, that is evolution.  If suppressor gene breaks and old genes re-express and it is advantageous to the species overall, and nature doesn’t filter it out, it is still just evolution.  That is how evolution works. None of this is turning evolutionary science on its head, and scientists have known about this for years, if scientists are against it is because they are against the use of the word reverse evolution. People have a bad enough understanding of evolution as it is, and especially creationists claim to not believe in evolution but reverse evolution because we started out perfect and are getting worse.  When a usually legitimate science show get something this wrong, it just gives fodder to the bad pop-sci out there.

But our ‘scientists’ still have a lot to learn:

FK – Meanwhile we’re working hard at our own extinction:

Soda Habit May Prompt Early Puberty in Girls, Study Suggests

Supreme Court: Cops can now do anything if it’s an “honest mistake”

FK – They must really want some to consider that it’s open season on LEOs. What else are we to assume?

Any kind of trash with a good memory can make it through shyster school and kiss the right rear ends and become a black-robed shyster. We the people are the final arbiters of our rights, not some court of whores.

Panic In The Year Zero (1962) American Nuclear Holocaust [full movie]

FK – Just watched this last night. Pretty good for that era. Kinda like an early prepper flick only the thing back then was ‘mutually assured destruction’ and fallout shelters and pretending the worst commies were overseas instead of right here.

A special kind of hate

FK – I have no great respect for the fundie ragheads but when you have a group, any group, whose motives cannot be questioned, you have a real problem and a good indication of who or what wants to rule you:

FK – The human race is truly insane.

Insanity 2016 Rant: Same Bullsh*t, Different Puppet Election

FK – Murdered? Really? Need to read “The Real Lincoln.”

The presidency has always been the office of the elites, back to Jackson, really from the beginning.

Our country was founded by the colonial aristocrats of the 18th century, plantation owners, shysters, banksters, smugglers, etc. The diff. is some of them did truly value their version of human Liberty. Now they’re mostly whores.

It must be stressed that we can make some difference in elections beneath the now red house and obviously they do respond to proper pressure, the ‘gun rights’ movement proves this. But our weapons and the Second Amendment without the will to use them are nothing but toys to be regulated and taken.

Some links she mentioned:

Ted Cruz: Don’t Believe What I Said to the Supreme Court

Ted Cruz, Pit of Vipers, and the Council on Foreign Relations member in his family.

Building a North American Community

A Wife Committed to Cruz’s Ideals, but a Study in Contrasts to Him

And something else:

Daddy issues: Are Ron Paul’s hard-core stands a problem for son’s presidential bid?

Commie Black Panther Defends Hebdo Shooters, Calls For Gun Ban At PSU MLK Week Keynote Speech

FK – We need to bring back the way ‘communist’ was used, it’s what the “Liberal” and ‘progressive’ trash is. It deserves the respect one would provide a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag: Find a good stout stick and kill it.

Predictions coming true: More ‘UBC’ action on horizon

As the 2015 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) show winds down today in Las Vegas, a new battle front over so-called “universal background checks” (UBC) is shaping up in Arizona, and it is all-too-familiar to Second Amendment advocates like Alan Gottlieb.

Freshman Democrat State Rep. Randall Friese has introduced legislation to require background checks on private transfers of firearms. If the storyline unfolds the way it did in Gottlieb’s home state of Washington, and here in Nevada, the proposals will fall short in the legislature, and then there will be a push by the gun prohibition lobby to pass a citizen initiative.

Anti-gunners passed Initiative 594 last fall in the Evergreen State, and it’s evident they took notes. Nevada first went through the legislative process, and now gun owners there are facing an increasingly well-oiled effort to push such checks, with backing from anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other wealthy elitists.

It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that somebody was taking notes during the Washington campaign. With money as a weapon, Second Amendment activists are up against what appears to be a spreading juggernaut.

FK – When are ‘pro-gun'(should be pro Human Liberty because guns are just tools we’ll soon have to use to restore Liberty) ‘activists’ going to get tired of re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and start preparing for what will be required?

Powerful New York gun ban politician arrested for bribery, kickbacks

FK – Maybe it’ll be in prison and easy to find when it’s time for the war crimes trials and executions.