Monthly Archives: May 2014

USA Freedom Act Gutted Before House Passage; Heads to Senate

On his Facebook page Justin Amash (R-Mich.), who has taken up the mantle from the now-retired Congressman Ron Paul as America’s premier defender of civil liberties in Congress, stated that the bill actually codifies into law practices that would legally sanction massive data-mining of Americans without either the judicial warrant, probable cause, or particularity required by the Fourth Amendment:

I was and am proud of the work our group, led by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, did to promote this legislation, as originally drafted. However, the revised bill that makes its way to the House floor this morning doesn’t look much like the Freedom Act. This morning’s bill maintains and codifies a large-scale, unconstitutional domestic spying program.

FK – There are those among us who would bow down to a king if they thought it would make their existences easier or safer…

Guns & Ammo state rankings highlight differences in people and parties

Coming in at 51 is Washington D.C. The mayor is a Democrat, as are 11 of the 13 City Council positions (with two “Independents”) as are all federal representatives. Presidential Electoral College votes went to the Obama/Biden ticket.

The next nine states listed, with “worst” listed first, are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Hawaii, California, Connecticut, Maryland, Rhode Island and Delaware, Democrat strongholds all. And while there are notable (and rare) exceptions, such as Republican Chris Christie in New Jersey, the governor, who occasionally gets things right, more often does not, and in very destructive ways against the right to keep and bear arms.

On the other side of the equation, the “best” state is Arizona, slightly edging out Alaska. The “top 10,” going down the list, include Georgia, Utah, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana, Kansas and Florida. Again, there are some splits, as in Kentucky, Montana and Florida, but in all those states, the influence of Democrats has been tempered by Republicans. See “Political party strength in U.S. states” for a breakdown.

Does that mean there are no “pro-gun Democrats” and gun owners should automatically back Republicans?

FK – Democrats in the Kentucky legislature have been useful to the ‘pro-gun’ forces over the years but the effort to pass Kentucky’s version of the Firearms Freedom Act was stopped more than once in committee by a demoncrat chairman from liberalville. We must take back Kentucky’s house of representatives which of course is no guarantee that Liberty will reign on ‘The dark and bloody ground.’

And don’t miss this one: Unintended Consequences and the
Difference Between Us and Them

A must read: Why War Is Inevitable — Paul Craig Roberts

President Lincoln issued an executive order for the arrest and imprisonment of northern newspaper reporters and editors. He shut down 300 northern newspapers and held 14,000 political prisoners. Lincoln arrested war critic US Representative Clement Vallandigham from Ohio and exiled him to the Confederacy. President Woodrow Wilson used WWI to suppress free speech, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt used WWII to intern 120,000 US citizens of Japanese descent on the grounds that race made them suspect. Professor Samuel Walker concluded that President George W. Bush used the “war on terror” for an across the board assault on US civil liberty, making the Bush regime the greatest danger American liberty has ever faced.

Lincoln forever destroyed states’ rights, but the suspension of habeas corpus and free speech that went hand in hand with America’s three largest wars was lifted at war’s end. However, President George W. Bush’s repeal of the Constitution has been expanded by President Obama and codified by Congress and executive orders into law. Far from defending our liberties, our soldiers who died in “the war on terror” died so that the president can indefinitely detain US citizens without due process of law and murder US citizens on suspicion alone without any accountability to law or the Constitution.

The conclusion is unavoidable that America’s wars have not protected our liberty but, instead, destroyed liberty. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.”

FK – Much more to this. Don’t ‘agree’ with all of it but he’s supposed to be the expert. What is supposed to make this country ‘exceptional’ is the Bill of Rights which was insisted upon by the anti-federalists who saw the dangers of the ‘constitution’ which is now largely ignored by the governments and other institutions that seek to rule us.

The bigger question may be: Who’s trying to divide humanity and for what reason?

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – Adolf HItler

Climategate 3.0: Blogger Threatened for Exposing 97% “Consensus” Fraud

In what is nearly a replay of the Climategate e-mail scandal of the University of East Anglia, independent climate blogger Brandon Shollenberger has been threatened with a lawsuit and arrest if he releases data that climate alarmists left online unencrypted showing their claim that 97.1 percent of climate scientists “endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming” is false — and a huge fabrication. The lawsuit threat is the latest development in a drama that began a little over a year ago, when Shollenberger scooped the global establishment media and the world scientific community to expose one of the biggest science frauds of all time.

We’ve all seen and heard reports and statements, too numerous to be counted, that “more than 97 percent” of scientists endorse the proposition that humans are causing catastrophic climate change. Al Gore, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Brown, et al — have repeated (again and again and again) this climate “consensus” claim. And the New York Times, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, et al, parrot these parrotings over and over and over, never bothering to check, let alone challenge, the absolute ludicrousness of the hyperbolic assertion.

FK – Eco-commies lying? Come on…

If they couldn’t lie they wouldn’t need oxygen. We should be depriving them of it.

The Real Battle For Ukraine

FK – In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. If you have that you have a severe problem and a good indication of who wants to rule/enslave you. But then who in their right mind wants to be ruled by 3000-year-old tribal propaganda?

Missouri Legislature Fails to Nullify Federal Gun Grab

The Missouri legislature failed to pass a bill nullifying the federal gun grab, leaving residents of the Show Me State vulnerable to the Obama administration’s assault on this fundamental right.

With 20 minutes left on the last day of the state’s annual legislative session, two Democratic state senators effectively “filibustered” a bill passed just half an hour earlier by the state House that would have repaired constitutional barriers around the right to keep and bear arms.

FK – If we had a nation of men and not cowardly whores those filibustering Human Liberty would have been immediately arrested, dragged out of the statehouse, shown a copy of their oaths to uphold the Bill of Rights, a vid of their most recent treason, immediately found guilty of treason and immediately executed.