Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Game of Thrones Must Be Stopped | Learn Liberty

FK – My comment posted to the vid:

Write the IRS a letter telling them you’ll no longer pay their voluntary tax. Wait for the black-suited Nazis they eventually send out to break down your door at 3 a.m., shoot your dog, make your kids piss their pants, and your wife wonder why she married an ‘extremist.’ Then look the friendly officer straight in the eye and say “I deny you’re here, now leave.”

Let me know how that works.

This will, must, come to a bloodletting. Our masters will not likely let us go without it.

Don’t understand? Start here.

Declaring an Emergency, Idaho Governor Signs Gun Grab Nullification

This legislation is to protect Idaho law enforcement officers from being directed, through federal orders, laws, rules, or regulations enacted or promulgated on or after January 1, 2014, to violate their oath of office and Idaho citizens’ rights under the Idaho Constitution, Article 1, Section 11. This Constitutional provision disallows confiscation of firearms except those actually used in commission of a felony, and disallows other restrictions on a lawful citizen’s right to own firearms and ammunition.


Under the law of agency, finally, the principals (states) may revoke the agent’s (the federal government’s) authority at will. It would be unreasonable to force the principals to honor promises of an agent that has acted outside the limits of its authority as set out in the document that created the agency in the first place — the Constitution.


The Founders explained the philosophy behind the principle on several occasions:

In The Federalist, No. 33, Alexander Hamilton wrote:

But it will not follow from this doctrine that acts of the large society which are not pursuant to its constitutional powers, but which are invasions of the residuary authorities of the smaller societies, will become the supreme law of the land. These will be merely acts of usurpation, and will deserve to be treated as such.

He restated that principle in a later letter, No. 78:

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

James Madison, also writing in The Federalist Papers, recommended that state legislators, in order to prevent federal abridgment of fundamental liberties, should refuse “to co-operate with the officers of the Union.”

FK – One should ask the Confederacy what happens when one refuses “to co-operate with the officers of the Union.” It would take a naive person indeed to think they wouldn’t ultimately turn to the same remedy they applied to the danger that their tax revenue(tariff) wouldn’t be paid. That was Lincoln’s main concern. It would take a far more naive sheeple to think that as ‘racist’ as Americans were in the mid-19th century that they killed 600,000 plus people to free the black slaves. Slavery’s end was one of the consequences of the war, not it’s original purpose. Time to wake up and grow up.

Feinstein’s Bill to Kill Free Speech of Independent Journalists ‘Has Votes’ to Pass Senate

After fending off numerous attacks on the freedom of the internet last year, activists and independent journalists alike are now facing another hurdle that flies in the face of freedom of the press, the “Journalist Shield Law“.

Although the bill is being sold by the Obama administration and establishment politicians in both parties as a positive step in protecting free speech, unfortunately the name of this bill is highly deceiving. Remembering just how unpatriotic the Patriot Act was, this new law, although deceivingly named, is likely to crush freedom of speech of any journalist not on a corporate payroll. According to the AP, this is how the bill defines who a real journalist is:

“The bill’s protections would apply to a “covered journalist,” defined as an employee, independent contractor or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information. The individual would have to have been employed for one year within the last 20 or three months within the last five years.

FK – The First Amendment doesn’t say anything about a press pass.

Every time some trash introduces legislation like this it should be immediately arrested, drug out of the capitol building by its heels at such a rate that its head slaps the marble steps with sufficient force to bloody it well, just before it is provided a speedy treason trial and execution to be posted on YouTube for the world to see.

Such a cowardly country that we tolerate this garbage. How pathetic.


Maher’s stunning admission: ‘Common-sense gun safety is bull—-’

Maher has said what gun rights advocates have been insisting for many years. What gun prohibitionists pander as their campaign for “safety” is fresh off the feed lot, and Democrats should stop walking in it.

Republicans may make political hay out of the Second Amendment challenge – it is an election year, after all – but it would not be faulty politics for gun rights groups to remind voters, especially those in Washington State who are now forming opinions about Initiative 594, the 18-page gun control measure, that Maher has called a spade a spade.

Henceforth, the “Maher Principle” just might cover all the bases when the gun control crowd panders for “common-sense gun safety.” Now, courtesy of Mr. Maher, everybody knows exactly what that is.

FK – Funny how the creatures just never learn, nor stop lying. Eradication will be the only ultimate solution.

ATF Raids Ares Armor, Collects Gun Buyers’ Lists — Take the GOA poll and send a message to Congress

According to owner Dimitri Karras, an ATF official told him that if he would turn over his customer list, the raid could be avoided.

Nevertheless, Karras got a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the ATF.  But the agency got the TRO overturned by lying to the judge about Karras’ product — which, again, is not classified as a firearm.

During the raid, the ATF stole much of his inventory of the 80% lower receivers and his customer list.  That latter item — the Ares Armor customer list — appears to be what the ATF especially wanted.

FK – Contact your elected public servants and demand they de-fund, shut down and arrest and try for treason the BATF Nazis.