Why is Gun Owners of America Under Attack?

This has been an incredible month and we’ve seen some fantastic victories.

Some of the successes we’ve reported on already — like the defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor at the hands of GOA-supported Dave Brat.

This week in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, GOA-endorsed candidate Ken Buck won his primary by an astounding 20 points.

This is great news for gun owners across the country.

Gun Owners of America doesn’t look for candidates who will merely vote right, but do nothing else. We look for strong leadership qualities and the willingness to stand up to the powerful elite in Washington D.C.

FK – Historically the NRA(the No Rights that aren’t Allowed group) has been part of the problem. Support GOA, the ‘no compromise gun lobby’ if you can, by informing all your NRA member ‘friends’ about them if you can.