The GREATEST Threat to Humanity Pt 3

FK – “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Who said/wrote that?

150 years ago an airplane would’ve been pixie dust to the average person and indeed seemed useless to some military leaders when flight was first conquered, even after millennia of the militaries and governments seeking the high ground.

Similarly maybe someday someone will come up with a system that ‘works.’ Ours would ‘work’ if the sheeple didn’t have a slave mentality that was either designed into their DNA or has been bred into them over millennia of the submissive surviving to breed, or both. The elites have used this knowledge to their advantage, to the point of paying the stupid and lazy to breed so their offspring could be encouraged to vote.

All the excuses for govt. not working, chiefly the tendency of humans to seek to increase power over others, could be stifled if the average sheeple could be indoctrinated in the mindset that it has not only a right but a duty and responsibility to fight back. Most of them are nowhere near possessing such mostly or at least partly because the schools and churches are not set up to teach such. When my ‘liberal’ teachers told me we’re supposed to be ‘free’ here they meant their version, as socialist slaves and my sunday school teacher meant under a sadistic god patterned after ancient tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects(slaves) and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you.”

I’ve seen one or two good arguments for ‘anarchy,’ real anarchy not communism posing as such, but I cannot forget, while living out here in podunk, or even in some large city, that the average dumbass is never going to watch a video much less read a book about how much better it would be. Those dumbasses can be dangerous and sometimes need more than a smile and a nod.

When ‘we the people’ can’t even organize a militia force to stand against an obviously evil empire how are we to deal with the local miscreants?

What the sheeple and indeed many waking ‘patriots’ need to learn is they are the authority and the elected, hired and appointed public servants and even the black-robed shysters serve at their leave, not the other way around as was the standard through most of history. Maybe that old standard is still buried too deeply in our DNA.

In the meantime let’s concentrate on the battles we can win:

FK – Mccommie should’ve been tried and executed for treason decades ago but sadly we are no longer a nation of men.