Tag Archives: message me

China’s Social Credit System Begins


FK – We can already not be hired or be fired for exercising free speech on the net. This needs to end.

Prometheus got on the gods’ shit list for a reason. The tool-using monkeys can’t be trusted with their toys.

Millions have died in wars over whose ‘virtue’ is the most ‘righteous.’ It’s all about control.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock.

A modern 10 commandments

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

A Civil War Has Broken Out Inside fakebook


FK – Here’s the thing: There’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

The neighborhood commie may have the ‘right’ to stand on the street corner with a hammer and sickle sign or post it’s propaganda on fakebook, twitter, gootube, et al but the moment it gets elected and takes an oath to uphold the Bill of Rights it’s broken that oath by campaigning on the platform of destroying property rights, disarming the general population, forcing us all into commie care and on and on.

Permitting the trash to hold any real power in any way is the issue.

And we have a ‘progressive'(communist) caucus in the U.S. Congress. We have republicrats whose voting records clearly show there’s little to nothing ‘conservative’ or libertarian’ about them yet they have not been made to answer for their crimes.

Back in the 90s when all we had was a few alt. magazines, video tapes, fax machines, a handful of shortwave and AM ‘conservative’ or as I prefer Patriot radio talk shows we came very close to the critical mass.

But OK City happened and the cowards showed their stripes once more. We almost had the militia force necessary to do what will be required. Then many to most of them turned tail and ran. This is no longer a nation of men.

What is a man, really?

How are we still tolerating the commie globalist’s same ol’ tired lies after all these decades? Why do so many still call them ‘leftists’ and the other cute names the evil trash came up with to hide their evil from the average dumbass? Why do we still tolerate their cries for ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ when that’s the last thing they want?

Welcome to a nation of morons

Any ‘minority’ they can find is another weapon in their propaganda war.

They are waging war and they know it. Why don’t we?

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

More of this interview:


FK – In the net’s early days it was mostly patriot types. Big business and their funded communists and communist news media hadn’t caught on yet.

They were in control and didn’t see the need. The average sheeple didn’t know the difference and didn’t care. Now they all have smartphones and 24/7 access to the net. So the net must be controlled as the old media was.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

Speaking of devils:


FK – Everyone has smartphones now. The sheeple are seeing things they’re not supposed to and entertaining thoughts their rulers can’t tolerate.

When they become a ‘monopoly’ they begin to rule us.

They know they’re waging war. Why don’t you?

Google managers kept blacklists of conservative employees and one manager considered holding ‘trials,’ a new lawsuit alleges

fakebook Updates NewsFeed to Focus on ‘Friends and Family’

FK – It’s all about controlling thought and public discourse. Nothing new here.

More corporate billionaire globalist trash:

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Announces $33 Million in Scholarships for 1000 Illegal Immigrants

FK – So now he can hire them and they can find out what it’s like for bozo to shave every penny off their ass he can.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

The only real reason for the militia