Tag Archives: literacy

Marianne’s Surprised That Leftists are Liars + Tim Pool Reveals Something You Should See


FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler

Politics is human nature and you’ll never get the politics out of politics. But we could do something about our Marxist globalists. Sadly there are no men here. They have been successful.

That chick is a nutcase or a scammer, like a tv preacher for commie trash.

I was thinking homeschooling is now ‘legal’ in most states. There are two problems with this process: Many ‘christian’ parents only homeschool so they can indoctrinate their kids in blind faith in the ancient tribal propaganda and teach them young Earth creationism, et al. Taking the smarter kids out of the govt. schools and leaving the less intelligent to be indoctrinated by the commie trash that runs the schools and universities means millions more voters for commie trash.

We must get the commie trash out of the schools and away from the children and re-insert guns and reality and a culture of liberty and an understanding of natural rights. But again, there are no men here. Our enemies have been successful.

The so-called ‘opiod crisis’ created by the ‘legal’ drug companies shows their evil intent. With all the studies that must allegedly be done to release a new drug they had to know how addictive their products are. Why do they want a percentage of the population addled by drugs, legal or not, and by communist propaganda?

The love of money(power) really is the root of all evil. Money is the god of this world. Fear and ignorance are its concubines, or its generals, depending on the situation. This is true of the wealthy oligarchs and corporate workaholic assholes and of the common worker bees who willingly waste most of their time in exchange for money when they should be furthering their adult educations and preparing for what must be done.

Never ever underestimate them. They are led by highly intelligent evil.

If self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ don’t understand the evil they face by now and what must be done about it, NOW, then the empire is indeed in a tailspin and there’s no saving it.

Our Bill of Rights, the basis of ALL our ‘law,’ is ignored on a daily basis in thousands of ways. We lost the ‘rule of law’ long ago.

The only question that matters is ‘Where are the men to do what must be done when they say “Turn them in?” If we’re not prepared for the worst case scenario we’re still losing. Lawsuits and trivial political details will mean nothing at that point.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Eight Books That Changed My Life

My list is at the bottom, of books to read before you vote, which is the most violent act you can commit. As always watch the vid then read my comments for context then actually follow the links to understand.

FK – For 25 years I have sought a restoration of human liberty and our Bills of Rights. We don’t have it.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

My snap judgements come from decades of being lied to by commie trash. I long ago figured out they won’t stop lying until they are forced to stop. The commie trash is not ‘disagreeing’ with those who want to be free. Their only interest is our submission. They are waging war. They know this. Why don’t you?

It’s about human liberty, not a piece of cloth or ground. The basis of liberty is the right to fight back. Private property is the right to fight back and destroy those who would enslave you or steal what is yours. Our enemies constantly claim otherwise and thus prove me right.

Yes it’s helpful in war. That’s what this is. The commie globalist trash has been working for multiple decades to destroy American society and make it amerikan. Actually they’ve very nearly succeeded. Your blindness to their evil proves it.

if think they love you you’re too stupid to have a goolagtube channel.

The patriot newbie guidebook

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Any book that’s recently won a Pulitzer is very questionable.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

The commie globalist trash is expert at seeming calm and reasonable and civil and compassionate and pacifist and full of love for their fellow man who they regularly use, wear out and cast aside like an old shoe. They will happily send their black-suited Nazis to murder you and your family if they get in the way for not obeying their commie laws.

On average I watch an hour of mindlessness a night on an online service. Much of it has the same purpose as the mainstream news media, the schools, the universities and religion: to keep the brain dead sheeple pacified and stupid.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

The killer bees of fake news

I was never required to read Marx’s Manifesto. I never imagined how much of it had been implemented here. When I did read it during my waking up what struck the hardest was his statement: “Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” That’s why the commie trash always refer to our representative republic as a democracy.

The average dumbass will never read it nor any massive Libertarian tomes. I was registered Libertarian for a while a few years back but I’ve also worked enough blue collar jobs to know they put way too much trust in human nature(see the isms column above).

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. See censorship of ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ by goolag, fakebook and twatter.

A modern 10 commandments

The sheeple do what they do because it’s easier. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time, since the creators of the new cave order rolled the malefactors around in the fire for not living up to ‘community standards.’

Maybe the best class I had in college was ‘Sales Psychology’ for what the professor taught us about human nature and what he didn’t know. He related a story about giving his sales spiel to a group of military officers and one of them told him “We can also simply take what you have.” I think this was truly a revelation to him as it is to most of the morons we let vote most of whom would rather die than think about the kind of world(reality) we really exist in.

The willfully ignorant want to be exposed only to those things that make them feel good or safe.

I think I’ve listened to one or two of Watt’s lectures on goolagtube. He seems to spend a lot time chasing his tail, like a lot of so-called philosophers.

My list: Books to read before you vote(It’s been up for years and Amazon has truncated some of my explanations.)

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The Horrific Weaponized Reality of Public Schools Today!


FK – It’s all about controlling the mob. You’ll never get away from the need for govt. schools. The point is to get the commie trash OUT of the govt. schools and away from kids and young adults.

The corporations and the workaholic assholes who run them are little better. All they wish for is a herd that will show up on time, do what it’s told and never ask inappropriate questions. They didn’t move their factories to foreign countries after NAFTA was passed because they felt sorry for the peasants. They wanted desperate workers who’d do/say anything to get or keep a low paying soul crushing job where they waste most of their time in this world in exchange for the filthy lucre that is really the god of this world.

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock.

A modern 10 commandments

As long as we allow any dumbass to go vote we must have a ‘literate'(very loosely defined) society. There will always be parents who can’t or won’t ensure their children learn the 3 Rs so to speak and get a sound indoctrination in the love and respect of human liberty much less understand our Bills of Rights, the documents that make us exceptional.

Who deserves to vote?

To do all this those who claim to want to be free will have to learn to RULE those who have no such desire and even wish to enslave those around them in whatever version, sub-version or subversion of authoritarianism they claim to ascribe to.

The elites learned long ago that that’s just how it works. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time and for most tool-using monkeys it’s ‘monkey see monkey do.’

Questions for your candidate

The parents job is to facilitate the transition from the blind obedience/faith of early childhood to an adult mind that knows better than to blindly trust any source. Most tool-using monkeys never achieve this. It’s intentional as much as it is hereditary.

What to teach your kids

Our goal must be an adult population this is really adult enough to take on the personal responsibility that real human liberty entails.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.

How not to be poor?

FK – I knew here was something about you. You’re part Kentuckian.

My parents were both factory workers or ‘blue collar.’ Their parents were essentially subsistence farmers or less. I’ve heard all about the not-so-good-ol-days.

My greatest fear was always that I would end up like my parents. My experience working ‘blue collar’ jobs and delivering freight and seeing many such facilities have proven my fears to be legitimate.

Most factories in Kentucky don’t even pay the $15 minimum wage the commies want while expecting their workers’ lives(very loosely defined) to revolve around helping their employers and their stockholders get richer. How people survive with mortgage, rent, car payments, kids, whatever on that kind of money is beyond me.

I call them the ‘working poor.’ While not ‘impoverished’ necessarily anyone who could quickly become so by losing a ‘job'(just over broke) is definitely among the working poor and that would probably include many who consider themselves to be middle class because they often go into debt for houses, cars, boats, whatever that take up much of their income so in effect they’re working to enrich their bosses and the banksters.

High school graduation means nothing now. My mother graduated high school in the 50s with about 30 or so fellow grads if memory serves. My class of 1980 had 200. Now Kentucky forces all students to ‘stay in school’ until age 18.

How many are just ‘literate’ enough to read their electric bill and not much else? How many can do math without their fingers and toes or a calculator?

Hell, what does a college degree mean now?

Someone was once quoted as saying “The poor you shall always have with you.” He allegedly said it in a very matter of fact way.

We have govt. schools because a percentage of the population would not make sure their kids even learned the ‘basics,’ whatever those really are. The govt. schools should not be in the business of making good worker bees and compliant taxpayers. But that’s what our masters want and most of their victims never ask the right questions and most teachers are only slightly less ignorant than the masses and are only regurgitating what they’ve been spoon fed.

While taking a ‘basic’ math course in college we studied some of the same things my ‘basic’ high school math covered, including compound interest and 30 year mortgages. I had watched my mother die at age 39 from cancer and my father was then or not much later disabled by asthma.

Those events combined with the fatalism I was raised in told me what a rip off our ‘system’ is. Now as someone in the ‘youth of old age’ I see many who have lost their health to working to make those payments for decades so what did they really gain?

But then the sad truth is that many who ‘work jobs’ all their days wouldn’t do much else if not forced to and would cling tightly to their natural-born ignorance all their days.

As always it’s up to that tiny minority to inch humanity forward, while most of the rest waste their time here waiting for the world to end or making it end, for themselves and others.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? – Learn Liberty

The ‘other’ side of the fence:

FK – The welfare state was created in order to breed inter-generational parasites that would be dependable voters. So at least part of it is a ‘conspiracy.’

The ancients knew single parent homes and fatherless children are bad for the tribe, the culture and the larger ‘civilization.’ Our modern creators of the ‘great society’ or whatever knew exactly what they were doing.

And this has harmed poor whites as well.

Who is teaching them to call you ‘coon’ and why and who or what is paying for it?

The patriot newbie guidebook

And then we have this:

FK – This guy is just as clueless as the the ‘snowflakes’ but in a different way.

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

Not all ‘vets’ will fight for Liberty:

FK – So are they really commies or being paid to ‘protest’ or whatever they’re really doing there, uh stir up shit for the cameras?

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

State Rep: It’s Unfair to Make Kids Recite the “Untrue” Declaration of Independence


FK – Our commie govt. has been paying stupid and lazy sheeple to breed since the 60s and allowing their offspring to vote and we expect better than this?

“Ax” and “mens” in a legislative chamber. They’re succeeding at what they failed to do with reconstruction.

The declaration was validated because men were willing to spill the blood of their enemies to do so. We are loosing it because we are no longer a nation of men.

More of what the commies have intentionally produced:


FK – It’s Frida reincarnated and it’s still a commie.

And more results of our failure to do what will be required:


Free Community College is a Bad Idea

FK – They want to go ‘all the way’ baby, all the way. The only limit to their insanity is the limit we force upon it.

They’re forcing kids to stay in ‘school’ until they’re 18 so that means they’re running sausage through the grinder without checking it for content and those who want to learn anything have to go to college.

Time to look at the way things were done in ancient times when kids were raised to be adults and not hairy children. When they turn 14 give them the opportunity to drop out for a while and work a job or enter an apprenticeship or some other ‘real world’ program.

We’ll not likely get rid of the govt. schools because there are too many herd animals breeding who’d never make sure their offspring learned to even read or write or do simple math. Simple fact. As much as it hurts to admit it the govt. schools do serve some purpose. The problem is we allowed the commies(who built them) to have too much say in how they’re run.

The govt. funded universities and colleges are no better.

And it’s time to require 3 things to vote: Proof of citizenship, proof of literacy in English and passing a test that shows the voter has a basic understanding of our history and the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here. If they won’t go to that trouble, and a lot wouldn’t, they don’t need to be voting anyway.