Tag Archives: internet security

Stossel: What Trump’s Court Pick Means for Liberty

FK – They’re communist trash and we should be hunting them to extinction.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Congressman Issa Grills Google About Manipulating Search Results


FK – The net is way past emerging tech. goolag is vandalizing it along with the rest of the globalist corporate commies. When its CEO worked to elect hitlery that pretty much tells us what we need to know.

This trash’s version of ‘accountability’ is not ours nor is it likely to be. goolag is evil.

Search what Jefferson said/wrote about ‘newspapers.’ A ‘non-biased’ reporter/journalist has never existed and never will. The First Amendment doesn’t mention a ‘press pass’ or an ‘official’ news media.

Our press is now our computers and smart phones and anyone can use one to say what the hell they damn well please or question the motives of any individual, group, institution, ethnicity and on and on and any piece of shit that doesn’t like that doesn’t belong in this country or on this planet as far as I’m concerned.

The killer bees of fake news

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Stossel: Silk Road Founder Jailed, Drug Sales Up

FK – Obviously this guy got the same railroad treatment anyone who’s made an example of gets. You’re afraid to report on all of those right?

Too bad he didn’t understand the one failure of ‘Libertarian’ thought: That we will NEVER escape the need for government force, since all govt. is force and voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in.

Libertarians fail to see it’s not just the govt. that’s the problem. When I go to waste my time in exchange for money just because I’m poor and have to have an income and get treated like a jackass and kicked to the curb once my health no longer allows me to keep up with the ‘numbers’ or expectations of whatever facility I’m forced by my economic condition to attend every day ‘Libertarians’ seem to have no problem with it.

They just tell me to ‘relocate’ or ‘get another job.’ The problem is not my non-willingness or ability to move but the fact that any employer is allowed to treat their ‘human resources’ like screwdrivers or jackasses.

And yes, this is tied in to this issue. I had to submit body fluids yesterday so I could go waste my time in exchange for money for a different corporation. It’s not just the govt. that fears the sheeple developing independent minds or lives not dependent on the globo corporate structure.

Ulbricht probably just failed to pay off the right assholes or didn’t use the right banksters to launder his money, assuming he had any. Or he was simply competition for the wrong drug dealers.

The ‘drug war’ like the ‘war on terror’ and the soon to be ‘war on pedophiles’ or whatever witch hunt they dream up next in the name of profit for all involved would not exist if the right assholes on all sides weren’t profiting from it. Simple fact.

it’s not about some false morality or ‘saving the children.’ It’s about the money.

We should be able to buy and use whatever chemicals we need for health reasons. No govt. or corporation has the right to tell us what we can or can’t put in our bodies.

If some numbnut shows up at work drunk or high then give him a test and fire him if truly guilty. They have no right to do so otherwise. They certainly have NO right at all to fire/hire based on what we do or don’t do on our off time. THEY DON’T OWN US!

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the net because they respect us as human beings.

A modern 10 commandments

So which sites have stayed open through all this and who or what owns them? The CIA maybe? The Federal Bureau of Instigators?

What was it Stalin said about ideas?

This is all distraction. We should be hanging our corporate commie globalists not keeping up with the latest scandal or waiting for the world to end.

What can I do?

As our ancestors conquered we must be ready to defend or we will be conquered. Or maybe we already have been.

Why are we pushing democracy when we’ve lost our Liberty?

“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

The patriot newbie guidebook

So when will the republicrats repeal the 16th amendment and the evil gun laws and pass a constitutional amendment to ban socialism?

Why are we REFORMING COMMUNISM? WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

They consider us to be livestock. All they do must be assessed with that fact in mind.



FK – Don’t need a law here. The corporate commies are already doing it.

‘Internet Bill of Rights?’ See ‘United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights‘ or whatever they call it. Let’s them pass any ‘law’ they want with no regard to natural rights.

‘Hate’ is speaking out against the global communist insurgency, by whatever cute name it’s calling itself this week. Be a ‘reactionary’ and break their communist standards, get blocked or kicked off. See fakebook.

This is simply another way of waging war by other means.

We are AT WAR. Our enemies fully realize this. Why do so many who claim they want to live in a free country and world have such a hard time wrapping their little heads around this fact?

Welcome to a nation of morons

If fakebook and goolag and others are CIA fronts or if the CIA has infiltrated them as they did the mainstream newsmedia decades ago then they don’t need a ‘law.’

Who knows what they feel they can do under the ‘patriot act’ which of course was designed to fight patriots.

This was all easily predictable.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

How bout we have true ‘free speech’ rather than ‘policing?’

A clear and imminent threat usually leads to arrest. Directly threatening a person is usually deemed ‘illegal,’ not telling the commie trash what should be done to them or writing what Trump should be doing: Bringing the troops home and hunting our real enemies, our white-skinned commie trash to extinction.

It’s a good thing those who wrote our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional and that we’re actually fighting for, didn’t just ‘follow the money.’

How pathetic.

Our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS come before corporate greed or the desire of corporate workaholic assholes to get richer.

A modern 10 commandments

Since these new platforms have SO MUCH POWER over our lives now and will only continue to wield it in negative ways unless we stop them then yes we need real law that protects us as human beings, not as ‘human resources, or ‘consumers’ or ‘products.’

They don’t call us such because they respect us as human beings. They want to replace us all with robots as soon as they can, put us all on a UBI as a means of ultimate control then probably slowly weed out the undesirables over time.

All this is becoming an issue because most of the sheeple have smart phones now and are being exposed to realities it was formerly very easy to hide from them. The elites want to sweep all dissenters off into some dark corner or ‘dark web’ where the average dumbass sheeple will be too fearful to go and if they happen to see something that doesn’t measure up to communist standards will duly report it to the proper authorities.

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

What’s the ultimate question?

Censorship by Google

Our replacements?:

FK – I can tell you from years as a ‘political activist’ or whatever that most voters will never reach ‘consciousness’ much less achieve abstract thought.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

Who will control the robot vote? Who controls the vote of the biological robots or tool using monkeys now?

Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning”

FK – Were these nerds thinking they might get laid?

It’s time for legislation that bans these corporations from restricting free speech. They are corporations not human beings and have no right to treat any human like a jackass.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”


The Consequences of Losing #NetNeutrality


FK – I guess we’ll just have to read it to see what’s in it. goolag and others will find a way to mainstream the net regardless and push all dissension to the ‘dark net’ where the average sheeple will fear to tread if it even knows it exists.

Many places only have one available ISP.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

The most important things to do

Siri , Cortana, and Google Now are Always Listening to you and Even Storing Your Conversations

FK – If you have a Google + account or an Android device check the crap they’ve saved about you.

The Bilderberg Group’s Plan for Global Government

FK – The average dumbass is clueless about what’s going on around them and does nothing but graze, breed and die. It’s up to that tiny minority as always. That’s why we preserve and increase human Liberty, for the tiny minority in each generation that actually cares about it and will use it to advance humanity and civilization instead of sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end like mindless morons.

From the maelstrom:

FK – Oh I’d have to have one of those shirts. With all these young guns in the alt. media covering this maybe there’s a chance of getting the word out to the kids who’ll have to exist in the NWO, and fight it.

Their goal needs to be this: a real global Bill of Rights that forces all govt.s to acknowledge our most basic right: the ability, tools, mindset, training, education, to fight back against any and all who would enslave humanity or enslave humanity further. It’s ‘further’ for all of us actually. We have a long way to go.


FK – Vid could use some background on this guy.

Nothing wrong with getting rich, unless it’s done dishonestly or you’re fucking over people for profit. Then that needs to be addressed. If Wall Street is trying to run our govt. or our world that needs to be addressed as well. Maybe we need a granite gallows in front of the stock exchange and a New York militia force to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

FK – And a report from a homeboy:


FK – Someone needs to ask what the gun laws are over there and how ‘security’ would be conducted for these rich elites here in the states in such an area. I have no problem with them having some ‘security’ but their meeting(s), seminars, whatever, if about the things many say they are, need to be open to the public, recorded and posted on YouTube unedited.

It’s way past time to demand accountability of these creatures.

Rep. Massie on expired PATRIOT Act: Civil Liberties Restored

FKI heard snippets of this yesterday on national propaganda radio. I blame them. All who voted for that enormous law without reading it should be arrested for treason, tried for treason and executed for treason. I knew at the time it was a sham and act of war against the REAL American people, not some raghead hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. It’s time to stop playing games. There’s no excuse for most of the crap they do. How much longer? Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

What Deep Web’s Director Learned Investigating Silk Road

Silk Road Was Just Another Tech Company

Outside of the tech press, Winter notes, a lot of the media coverage on the Silk Road has been “drugs and guns and hitmen—just wildly off-base.” Off-base, he says, because when he started interviewing the people who knew Silk Road he didn’t see an outfit that was all that different from those littering Silicon Valley. “I started to meet all these core architects within the Silk Road: vendors, engineers, sellers, administrators, people who were helping with scaling,” he says. “It’s obvious in retrospect but it was just like any large tech company. But it was just not represented that way in the media, so even I was caught off-guard.”

FK – It’s all about keeping the skeer on while pretending to do something about a phenomena they really can’t and maybe don’t want to control…