Tag Archives: comments

Facebook Prez Revealed Something About Zuck’s Dark Intentions You Should Know!


FK – I despise that beeping shit. I despise all computer sounds. I’m only on fakebook and other ‘social’ sites to disseminate ze propaganda.

I always post it in the comments under the ads.

We ABSOLUTELY MUST get away from the ‘individual prepper’ mentality and ORGANIZE, ARM AND TRAIN for what will be required.

Sitting at home waiting your turn is a recipe for defeat.

The only real reason for the militia

If any significant portion of the population starts ‘hunting and fishing’ for sustenance they will soon be hunting each other. Time to grow up and deal in reality.

There are fresh sheeple on these sites and others who are still waking. The key is to get congress to force the commies out of the control of these outlets.

Are we even close to ready? No:


FK – We were told in Feb. or March of 01 that there would be a major event in Aug. or Sept. of that year with a major change in law to follow.

So at the least the federal bureau of instigators or other ‘agencies’ knew 9/11 was coming and allowed it to happen.

The most important things to do

Facebook & Google: The New Faces of Big Brother

FK – This won’t work unless the average dumbass gets off google, youtube and fakebook with the rest of us.

Their obvious goal is to sweep us off to some dark corner of the net where the sheeple will be afraid to tread because the authorities warned them about ‘those extremists.’

The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

As they’re doing with mainstream weaponvision:

ABC Accused of Playing Politics In Canceling Tim Allen Hit ‘Last Man Standing’

ABC Besieged by Boycott Calls After Cancelation of Conservative Tim Allen’s Hit Show

FK – Gee, are ‘conservatives’ finally learning to stand up to the propaganda stream? Pity they don’t really understand what they’re really up against or what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

If Allen supported Kasich in the primaries he’s not a ‘conservative.’

Google fights online trolls with new tool

Last year, gaming entrepreneur Brianna Wu, along with Harvard professors, the International Women’s Media Foundation and the social-services agency Digital Sisters, sent a list of demands to technology companies for how they can clean up their services.

To build a model that can predict hate speech, Cohen said that the Jigsaw team had originally acquired a data set of 17 million reader comments from the New York Times. The company also mined the comment sections of Wikipedia and collected data from victims of online harassment who had kept a record of their experiences.

From there, the company hired several thousand people who rated the comments as toxic or not toxic, as well as whether they thought such comments were personal attacks. Jigsaw developed its toxicity scores based on the annotations. Because there was widespread disagreement on what constituted a personal attack, Cohen’s team ultimately decided not to use “personal attack” as a rating category.

FK – It’s not name calling if it’s true. So much for google, the evil corporation, and it’s non-respect for free speech.

If I call modern ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ commies, which is what they are, is that ‘toxic?’ Of course it is, to them. It exposes their evil and how they started calling themselves cute names to hide their limitless arrogance/hubris/statism from an ignorant, dumbed-down public.

The elites created the net now they’re trying to ‘clean it up’ by sweeping all who don’t reach their ‘consensus’ for national and global slavery under socialism, communism, corporatism, into a dark corner of the net where the average mush head voter will never see or hear them. This was easy to predict.

It only means those who know better must work all the harder to finish destroying the mainstream liars. We can do it. Yes we can.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

More evil google is up to:

This Is Bad…The Biggest Company In The World Just Backed The ACLU Lawsuit Against Trump

More corporate love for their ‘human resources’:

FK – This is an old idea, but a very entertaining one

30 million out of 7 billion? I’m not much of a math whiz but that doesn’t seem like much of a reduction. WWII killed 30 million. Around 200 million died due to Marxism in the 20th century alone, and they’re probably not done. Yet the tool using monkeys just keep breeding.

More love:

FK – The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. We have to work on one enemy at a time.

Really we should be rounding up our natural born white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash and at the least kicking them out of the country. They are the real ‘illegals’ since there’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Millions of morons voted for Trump, or hitlery, because they value their false security more than Liberty. Simple sad fact.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.” – Frank Herbert

5 Things Shills Don’t Want You To Know

FK – I’m glad someone has the time and patience to define all this. I don’t. It’s all about wearing us down…

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns,
why should we let them have ideas?” – Josef Stalin

Women Should Keep Reading the Comments

Never read the comments. It’s the resounding motto of the internet, for good reason. The truism knows no shame or bounds: it applies to Facebook posts, YouTube videos, parenting blogs, tweets, even pictures of your family, because that is all fair game for some of the most disturbing, disgusting, vile people write on the internet.

Unfortunately, you can’t always “never read the comments.” Some of us were lucky enough to be in the actual audience yesterday at Google I/O. But the rest of us were left watching livestreams of what looked like a fantastical, future-filled two hours of magic wherein everyone was pleasant and professional and respectful. If, like me, you were watching the show YouTube were subjected to passively noticing an unending stream of comments ticking up the right side of the screen.

It’s strange to be watching some of the most groundbreaking, innovative technology in the world, while your peripheral vision is populated by racist, misogynist garbage-speak.

FK – This is probably a created ‘problem’ in need of a ‘solution,’ i.e. kill off all comments so that only the ‘official’ version(lies) gets out to the common sheeple. Google is working to mainstream the net and kill free speech and human Liberty. Simple fact.

Google’s Plan to “Estimate Web Sources’ Trustworthiness” | Space News

FK – It’s not about dogma or groupthink, it’s about control. They consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

The corporations will save us from big govt. Not:
