Facebook: Unethical, untrustworthy, and now downright harmful

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from zombie movies, it’s that when the word “contagion” is associated with humans getting experimented on without their knowledge at the hands of a cold, massive corporation — things never end well.

On June 2, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published “Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks.” It made headlines last weekend, which can be succinctly described as a ‘massive scale contagion’ of fury and disgust.

In “Experimental evidence” Facebook tampered with the emotional well-being of 689,003 unknowing users to see how emotional contagion could be controlled; basically, how to spread, or avoid the spread of, its users’ feelings en masse.

Everyone except the people who worked on “Experimental evidence” agree that what Facebook did was unethical. In fact, it’s gone from toxic pit of ethical bankruptcy to unmitigated disaster in just a matter of days.

FK – Facebook is as evil as Google. Both have been subsumed by the corporate mindset which puts profit over Human Liberty.