Category Archives: 2014 October update two

CFR Reveals Plan to Neutralize “American Distemper”

Establishment Desperate to “Co-Opt” Populist Uprising

Pitchfork Politics The Populist Threat to Liberal Democracy

As the political scientists Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan famously observed, during the postwar years, the party structures of North America and western Europe were “frozen” to an unprecedented degree. Between 1960 and 1990, the parties represented in the parliaments of Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Ottawa, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, and Washington barely changed. For a few decades, Western political establishments held such a firm grip on power that most observers stopped noticing just how remarkable that stability was compared to the historical norm.

Yet beginning in the 1990s, a new crop of populists began a steady rise. Over the past two decades, populist movements in Europe and the United States have uprooted traditional party structures and forced ideas long regarded as extremist or unsavory onto the political agenda. The influence of populists has been especially striking in the past few months. In May, Euroskeptical and far-right parties demonstrated unprecedented strength in elections to the European Parliament, even topping the polls in France and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Tea Party has sparked a civil war within the Republican Party: the most recent casualty was the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, an influential party power broker who was defeated in a primary election in June by a previously obscure archconservative challenger. The movement is now poised to make major advances in November’s midterm elections and will likely be able to hold Congress hostage with its obstructionist tactics for the foreseeable future.

FK – Our domestic blood enemies’ arrogance is boundless, indeed I think it is cosmic. My comments on the CFR ‘Foreign Affairs’ site:

We have something better than pitchforks, thanks to our Bill of Rights and that tiny minority who have protected and expanded our natural born Liberties through the centuries and we recognize that we don’t have a distemper, we have a plague and you are it.

Get out of our country. You don’t belong here.

We ain’t askin’.

DHS raids investigative journalist; seizes confidential list of whistleblowers

One federal agent, USCG investigator Miguel Bosch, began asking whether Ms. Hudson was the same “Audrey Hudson” who had written “the Air Marshal stories” for The Washington Times. The stories he was remembering was a series of articles that Ms. Hudson wrote in the mid-2000s exposing holes in the Air Marshal program. Of course, Mr. Bosch — a former Air Marshal — surely knew whose home he had conspired to enter.

“I now know why he [Miguel Bosch] was spending so much time in my upstairs office,” Ms. Hudson later remembered. “They had pulled out every box from my closet.”

Following the raid, it became clear that the agents were rooting through her private files related to her journalism work. Among the boxes were handwritten notes and lists explicitly naming the whistleblowers who had helped her expose problems in the federal government. These individuals had spoke under conditions of anonymity to protect themselves from retaliation. Yet, using a warrant that expressly stated “guns” as the reason for the search, Ms. Hudson’s private documents were carted away and placed into the hands of the federal government.

FK – Perhaps she should have done what most newswhores do:

Obama Is So Damn Gay It Ain’t Even Funny

FK – True or not, this is hilarious.

Obama & His Ex-Gay Lovers (may be offensive) *videos*

When a bear hug is more than a bear hug

FK – The first headline link above has more vids on this. Of course the Marxist mutt’s munchkins don’t care about its past. They’ll vote for anything that promises them a check or that might soothe their “limousine liberal‘ false consciences.

‘Might as Well Just Say No Black Folks Allowed’: Bar Under Fire for ‘Racist’ Dress Code

But most commenters on KMSP’s website seemed to completely disagree, saying it was about conduct, not race.

Flat bill hat = hispanic
sleeveless undershirts = white trash
baggy clothing = black
Equal opportunity offender, finally, a store that wants decent people.

How did anyone come up with this Dress Code being Racist and Targeting Black People?
I see plenty of Whites and Hispanics that dress like this.
I look at the list and they are Targeting Gang Bangers, and wanna-be Gang Bangers.
And lets not look into Michelle Horovitz she has no agenda here.

FK – I see white kids out here in the stix dressed like this. They should include ugly, poorly done, or obscene tattoos. I miss the days when only sailors and ex cons had them.

And it’s not “Liberal” hypocrisy. They’re commies. Call them what they are. Calling them by their cute names only helps them hide their evil from the ignorant.