‘Staggering’ Yee allegations: California corruption and anti-gun hypocrisy

Yee and more than two dozen others are named in the complaint, which was described as “staggering” by Bellevue gun rights advocate Alan Gottlieb, whose press release reacting to yesterday’s stunning arrests was picked up by the San Francisco Chronicle and other news agencies. Gottlieb is chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

“If these allegations are true,” Gottlieb said, “Sen. Yee is easily the biggest hypocrite on gun control to walk the halls of the capitol in Sacramento, if not the entire United States.”

The 137-page complaint contains allegations of gun and drug trafficking, liquor smuggling, money laundering, bribery and other crimes including a conspiracy to commit murder for hire. The complaint alleges that Yee “wanted to build in several layers of protection to shield (another suspect) and anyone else who may be involved with the weapons deal.”

FK – If we had the militia force and patriot government we should this creature would have already been executed for treason and we wouldn’t have to waste money prosecuting it for anything else.