Tag Archives: water

This 77yo Vet is NOW in Prison for Building a Pond!

FK – If this were a nation of men all the garbage involved in railroading him into prison would be swinging from the granite gallows in front of the courthouse with the video on the net for the world to see.

I hope all you cowardly whores who think this can’t happen to you suffer horribly in this world for your apathy and cowardice.


FK – The header is inaccurate but it’s interesting never the less. What it lacks is proper explanation which I’ll attempt to provide:

At the end there is soft allusion to the ancient tribal propaganda, from the tribe of the unmentionables that is, and the actual rare mention of ‘watchers'(two or three times in the entire ‘king james’ edition) and ‘nephilim‘(not actually in there). I’ve watched a lot of docs on this issue and read some things over the years and don’t claim to be an ‘expert,’ especially since most experts are whores for one institution or another, and showing these skulls which may or may not be ‘human’ and stones that we supposedly lack the ability to work in a similar manner does not the ancient tribal propaganda prove.

Myth and legend and esoterica and symbolism which the ancient tribal propaganda consists of is as always a mix of actual history and utter Bravo Sierra. That’s just how it works. Someone sat down and made it all up, loosely based, or it was ‘inspired,’ like modern books and movies by ‘actual’ events that our primitive ancestors obviously lacked the knowledge to comprehend. That’s how writing works.

We could go back in a time machine and record one of the original writers, whoever they really were, while working on a scroll and bring back an original copy and it would still be a bunch of stuff someone made up.

Those who argue otherwise are basically children.

What passed for ‘knowledge’ in those times was normally controlled by a cadre of elites and their immediate servants, whether priests or bureaucrats, kinda like now.

Personally I ‘think‘ not ‘believe‘ from what I have seen and read that the ‘watchers’ have indeed been with us for a very long time and probably have subtly influenced our evolution into the self-replicating biological robots(trainable slaves) that we are now. This may include influencing the writers of various versions, sub-versions or subversions of ancient tribal propaganda from various ancient cultures, for whatever real purposes.

But again, that doesn’t ‘prove’ that any of the versions, sub-versions and subversions of ancient tribal propaganda of whatever tribe is ‘true’ or inerrant. Only a child argues otherwise.

The Global Economic Reset Has Begun

The schematic for the new world order, according to the admissions of the internationalists, cannot possibly include the continued existence of U.S. geopolitical and economic dominance. The plan, in fact, requires the destabilization and reformation of America into a shell of its former glory. The most important element of this plan demands the removal of the U.S. dollar as the de facto world reserve currency, a change that would devastate our current financial structure.

I outlined with undeniable evidence the reality that major governments, including the BRICS governments of the East, are fully on board with the globalist agenda. There is no way around it; the BRICS, including Russia and China, have openly called for a global monetary system centralized and dictated by the IMF using the SDR basket. This same plan was outlined decades ago in the Rothschild-owned magazine The Economist. We are witnessing that plan being implemented in front of our very eyes today.

For the past couple of years, the current head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has used the phrase “global economic reset” often in her speeches and interviews. There is some (deliberate) ambiguity to this notion, but after sitting through hours upon hours of her most boring and repetitive discussions in globalist think tanks such as the Council On Foreign Relations, the consistent message is pretty straightforward. If anyone can stand to listen to this woman’s carefully crafted prattle and well-vetted half-truths for more than five minutes, I suggest they watch this particular speech given in January at the CFR:

FK – If they mean to rule us by fear we must respond by making them afraid. We outnumber them. When enough understand this the giant will move. It must move swiftly with solid purpose, the restoration of the Bill of Rights and the expansion of human Liberty, here and on a worldwide scale or we will be led astray into fields of confusion and destruction. Deal with infiltrators quickly.

How Much Of America Is In A Drought?

FK – Wow, 4 minutes eleven seconds without mentioning ‘global warming(man caused).’ I’m impressed.

Climate change is UN-led hoax to create ‘new world order’ – Australian PM’s adviser

FK – Of course there’s been ‘climate change’ as long as there’s been a climate, which the evidence shows is billions of years. The evidence also shows the “Liberal”(commie) trash will use any excuse, real or imagined, to control every aspect of every existence on this planet. It’s in their nature. They won’t stop until we force them to stop.

California’s water supply headed for collapse in just one year; state has “no contingency plan” – NASA scientist

Add California’s water supply to your list of “things headed for imminent collapse.” The state has only one year of reserves remaining, warns Jay Famiglietti, the senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech.

In a widely-cited LA Times opinion piece, Famiglietti writes that “…the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing. California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought…”

But don’t worry: California has no plan for balancing its budget, either. Nor does it have a plan for how to pay for all the social entitlements it has promised its population of dependents. And finally, California has no real plan to fund its pension promises, either, which means that California state retirees not only face a future without water; they also face a future without a pension check.

FK – Commiefornia will have to be re-conquered.

Water hoarding begins in Brazil as one of the world’s largest cities runs out of water