Tag Archives: walt disney



FK – That creature looks like a medieval euro witch to me.

Mehicans by definition are part Spanish, euro, and Moor. My ‘native american’ blood has never excited me one way or another. Color is not a prerequisite for understanding natural rights and human liberty.

I know what we must do but there are no men here to do it.

Our Bill of Rights, the basis of ALL our ‘law,’ is ignored on a daily basis in thousands of ways. We lost the ‘rule of law’ long ago.

The only question that matters is ‘Where are the men to do what must be done when they say “Turn them in?” If we’re not prepared for the worst case scenario we’re still losing. Lawsuits and trivial political details will mean nothing at that point.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

And it only gets worse:


FK – Don’t worry. It can and will get far worse. England is gone, probably irretrievable unless boots on the ground are applied.

But then so is commiefornia and most of the rest of the commie coast.

Our enemies have been successful. There are no men here to do what must be done to cease this insanity.

Calling them ‘left wing’ instead of communist proves my point. They control your thought and your speech.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

What to teach your kids

Coyote Mystery: Attack in Wild (Nature Documentary)

FK – It’s simple, people, real human beings, who aren’t sheeple, carry a gun wherever they go so they can deal with govt., two-legged, or four-legged predators. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be in a free country. But then none of that applies to Canada does it?

Any govt. that forbids its sheeple from defending themselves should be overthrown and it’s elected public SERVANTS executed for treason against human Liberty. “Liberal”(commie) trash that doesn’t ‘agree’ with our most basic right should be fed to the predators.

The end segment where this young woman’s brain-dead indoctrinated mother apologizes for the mindlessness that led to her daughter’s death is truly disgusting.

If we got the “Liberal”(commie) trash out of the schools as we should and got over many sheeples’ inborn mindless pacifism young people could be educated in how to act in such situations, beginning with not being stupid enough to venture anywhere,  that’s anywhere, without some kind of weapon(s) and the knowledge and practiced skill necessary to use it/them.

In this case a good walking stick alone might have saved her life, but not without a honed and practiced survival instinct that would have caused her to fight/bluff and not run as the ‘experts’ suggest was the ultimate problem. So-called ‘experts’ who are ‘surprised’ or shocked when predators do what comes natural aren’t worth the paper their degrees are stamped on.

Hikers disappear in parks all the time. Look it up. I simply can’t feel sorry for most of them when I know they’re venturing into the woods with a Disney mindset.