Tag Archives: wading pool

The Cure We Forgot

FK – So you didn’t say what you want to replace our current ‘cage’ with.

The science that did so much good in the past has been captured by the enemies of human kind, the haters of human Liberty and those who only seek control or profit or both. It has been politically corrected, from using the partial truth of ‘climate change’ to enslave us all to declaring that birth defects and mental illnesses are no longer ‘sins’ but ‘happy, healthy and normal’ our current cage is causing our brains to rot like so much badly stored citrus.

We exist as always in a very dangerous time and few see it, in fact most turn away at every opportunity, clinging to their authority provided ignorance in false hope of Earthly or heavenly salvation when neither has ever came before and likely never will. It’s up to that tiny minority as always to stand up and shout “NO! Hell no! We’re not doing it that way anymore!”

Waking up is hard to do

‘Bust up’ conservatives: Feds thrust lesbians into farming

FK – Just more insanity in an insane world by an insane species that daily proves it’s still very primitive.

Will a cure for this insanity ever be found?:


FK – Which further begs the question of why the PTAWTB want so badly, or are being forced, to shove the CFR witch into the now red house.

There are certainly more affable charismatic attractive tools they could’ve dug up at any graveyard.

Are we ready no matter which tool wins?