Tag Archives: the devil

The Huge Political Repercussions Of The French Election

FK – I like how he said “repurricans.” Oddly appropriate that is…

Does this guy really think the commies are out to ‘protect’ the common folk when they work relentlessly to disarm them? Really?(I suppose and hope not. Could’ve used a little more intro on him, his background, beliefs, etc.)

The commies there did the same thing ours did, they simply changed their names. Their evil remains the same.

And of course those who simply want to save their culture and thus western civilization are ‘the devil.’

Gas is finally affordable again. I don’t call that a disaster.

Bad Future For Jerusalem


FK – All because of their ancient tribal propaganda. Millions, maybe billions dead over a ‘promised land’ that most supporters over here wouldn’t be allowed to move to. How absurd and insane. Billions, including babies, kids and teens burning alive in fire forever.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The Rise of Slender Man

FK – Next do an episode on the shadows that move quickly in the corner of your eye. I used to see them on the 4th floor of a pod in the local Amazon warehouse. A guy had allegedly jumped off and killed himself there a few years back.

This shows, the murders by the mentally ill teens, how made up stories and mythologies can affect the human psyche. In reality this is another version of ‘the devil’ or the dark one or whatever. All these stories combine and fuse and morph over time, like the different versions of Satan in the 3000-year-old tribal propaganda.