Tag Archives: stone age

5 Things PROVE Global Cataclysm Reset Ancient Human Civilization 12,980 Years Ago

FK – Good job and you did it quickly and succinctly and I rarely to never leave compliments on vids. Too many YouTube stars are blowhards and beat around the bush on everything.

Have you heard of the book ‘Forbidden Archeology?’ Things have been found in very strange places. Then there’s the 200,000 year old stone tools in Mexico. I don’t think any of them were as advanced as us or some fossilized cars or telephones or whatever would’ve been found by now.

We might want to ask what the modern empire of note has really been looking for in the Middle East and S.W. Asia all these years.

Maybe it’s not taught because too many sheeple might start asking ‘When’s it gonna happen again,’ and that might not be an answer the elites want to discuss openly.

It’s easier to indoctrinate them to wait for some god to ride in on a white horse and save them from the bad guys so they don’t actually take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in and stand up for themselves.

American Natives Ask UN to End U.S. “Occupation”

Elaine Willman, author of Going to Pieces: The Dismantling of the United States of America, has studied the complex issues surrounding tribal governance and independence, and she had a stark warning. “The radical Hawaiian human rights group concerns itself with the rights of only certain humans, so I find such organizations to be oxymorons,” Willman, who is of Cherokee Indian ancestry, told The New American. Beyond that, though, she said the broader agenda of the group “fits in with a perfect storm, totally consistent with Transforming America, by pitting cultures against each other.”

She also suggested that natives and federally funded tribal governments were being exploited for sinister purposes by the Obama administration and other forces. “The national multi-headed Hydra that I see assaulting America is being fomented by the present federal executive Branch,” she said, citing federal takeovers of key economic sectors, the exploitation of tribal governments to reduce state authority and jurisdiction, and the ongoing efforts to divide-and-conquer the American people along every conceivable fault line to advance a totalitarian agenda.

“Radical race-oriented voices in Hawaii, just like the ‘thugs’ in Missouri, Maryland and Florida, will find support as ‘victims’ when the mob violence begins, and Hawaiian law enforcement will find no respect or help at the federal level,” she added. “We are a deeply wounded country today, so it’s no wonder that ISIS, China, Russia and other potential adversaries are licking their chops to come in and capture the booty in our once great land of opportunity.” She also suggested pro-gambling forces hoping to cash in on tribal casinos may be at work in Hawaii, too.

FK – As if the Chinese and Russians wouldn’t take their resources. Russia once ‘owned’ Alaska.