Tag Archives: stock market

Why Low Oil Prices are Economic Warfare


FK – I remember when gas went up to 75 cents a gallon during the ‘oil crisis’ in the 70s and the adults were all complaining about it. I hope it goes back down to 50 cents a gallon and stays there.

The question is why aren’t food and other commodity prices going back down with oil?

Saudi Arabia in CRISIS: Kingdom reveals £66billion deficit amid falling oil prices

It’s another dimension to me:


FK – The most important commodities for the future are lead, steel, brass, smokeless powder, good shoes, cold weather gear and a resolve to do what will be required.

Despite various promises:


FK – Modern mainstream ‘christianity’ is part of the problem. Millions are wasting their time in this world waiting for the world to end. How pathetic and horrifying at the same time.

Are we really about to kill millions or more over ancient tribal propaganda? The human race is still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

All in the name of this?:


FK – I don’t think they ‘control’ everything but they certainly seek to manipulate.


FK – N. Korea nuking major cities on the commie coast? No personal offense but I don’t think we could get that lucky.

Why bad start to the year for markets could get worse: Fears investors, households and businesses face 12 months of turmoil

Shemitah 2015 – Prophecy or Quackery?


FK – This date setting and fear mongering is all a distraction(and money making) sort of a thing to keep would be activists spending time and money on their hidey holes instead of standing up like real men and women and taking responsibility for the world they exist in.

That doesn’t mean we totally ignore all such warnings. Some day one of them might be right, and there might not be a damn thing we can do about it. Focus on what we can affect.

If there are some elitist crazies who believe in this stuff or simply use the sheeple’s(and people’s) belief in ancient tribal propaganda or whatever for their own purposes then some of it might be ‘viable’ in a pedantic sort of way. Religion, like democracy, is another form of manipulation.

If you had a program that would predict crashes and upswings why the hell would you tell anyone!? That’d be like telling the casinos in Vegas you know how to beat them.

The patriot movement has for years been quaking in its boots every time some idiot sees some tanks on a train. Back in the 90s it was ‘This October the tanks are gonna roll.” I remember hearing that for several years.

I’ve been missing out all these years by not selling gold and dried food all while constantly setting a new date. It’s amazing how quickly they forget the last one. But then it should be amazing how every prez election cycle the idiots vote for demagogues who are telling them the same lies they heard the last time.

The govt. as most of our other institutions has been infiltrated by our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Quitting My YouTube Channel


FK – Read “The Art of War.” They’re defeating us without spilling a drop of blood. The religions are as much to blame as anything else.

I’m on the ‘side’ that says we should take our country back and conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season to rid our country of our domestic blood enemies that are waging war on us and the Bill of Rights.

Obama Care Here to Stay, Treason with Trade, Iran Nuke Deal Dead


FK – I had to look up the banksters’ numbers:

At $72.8 Trillion, Presenting The Bank With The Biggest Derivative Exposure In The World (Hint: Not JPMorgan)

As they used to say about the dollar, an instrument of debt, it’s backed by your future labor. Better get busy…

Oh, but it’s all an ‘opportunity’:


FK – If money is no problem please send me a check with a few zeros and commas on it and I’ll happily invest most of it via your recommendations. Otherwise best to prep for what will be required…


How The IMF Really Works


FK – I feel punch drunk…

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serous problem.

Senators Sell Out America To The Highest Bidder


FK – How much longer?


FK – Why waste money on keeping the trash in prison? This is another fine example of why we need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and a militia force in every county to make sure the gallows don’t fall into disuse.

The sheeple fully deserve what’s coming, for their apathy and cowardice:


Lord Rothschild Warns ‘Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII’


FK – Many spend their entire time in this world ‘muddling along.’

Why, they just want to make us all equal muddlers:(from 2011)

FK – After all, we’re in the same boat:(from Dec. 2008)

FK – Why did his daddy name him ‘Evelyn?’ Was he trying to make sure he’d be tough?

How many will have to get tough or die?

Former US Budget Office president warns economy is nearing final stage of collapse

Going To The Roots Of The Problem

Well, now, just who was this “John Brown” of Providence, Rhode Island, who ignited the Gaspee affair, and with its flames set afire one of the brightest torches lighting the way towards America’s War of Independence? After John Hancock of Boston, Massachusetts, Brown was probably the wealthiest man in New England, whose family fortune later endowed Brown University, in Providence. For his part in burning the Gaspee, though, Brown could have been convicted of treason and piracy—the punishments for which, if his ignominious death on the scaffold had not been enough, would have included the forfeiture of all his worldly goods to the Crown. (Hancock, too, would have stood in the shadow of the public executioner to pay the supreme penalty for his own acts of treason against Great Britain, had Major John Pitcairn and his Redcoats apprehended him in Lexington on the 19th of April in 1775.)

Although a shrewd merchant, John Brown did not organize the attack on the Gaspee because it was a good profit-making venture, a sound economic investment, or a clever hedge against inflation or depression. Neither did he mount the attack to curry favor from the political Establishment. To the contrary: From the moment he gathered his fellow patriots at Sabin’s Tavern, he stood to lose everything, including his life. His participation in the Gaspee affair was the riskiest speculation he had ever made or would ever make—under the circumstances, at least supremely reckless, in the view of the world perhaps insane. He was, after all, spitting in the eye of the entire British Empire, the supremely puissant “New World Order” of his day. Yet he—along with John Hancock, George Washington, and many other rich and influential Americans who wagered their all in the forefront of the fight for liberty—was eventually victorious!

So it is not impossible for the well-to-do to be clear-sighted, courageous, patriotic, and even self-sacrificing. Or at least it was not impossible then, although apparently it is very difficult these days. It should not, however, be too difficult, even today. For unlike John Brown, who in the comfort of his rich surroundings had nothing material to lose if he and his fellow Americans had simply sat down quietly under British rule, the wealthy among the middle class today have everything to lose if patriotic Americans—especially including themselves—do not stand up, muster their financial and other resources, and bring an end to the Federal Reserve System and the emerging national para-military police state. Because the Federal Reserve System will destroy the economy; and the para-military police state will clamp down on society in the aftermath of financial collapse; and then those who have wealth that can be stolen by political looters will have it stolen. Perhaps not as soon as tomorrow. But too soon for comfort.

FK – As I’ve said for a while, it won’t happen until the hogs figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.