Tag Archives: sodomy

Gay marriage vs. KY (10th amendment smack down)

OK kids its review time. People have laughed at a KY clerk Kim Davis over not issuing gay marriage licenses. Here is the deal. Are you ready for an education? If Kentucky did not have a chicken shit Governor, Steve Beshear (D) and an Attorney General with no testicles Jack Conway (D), then Kentucky could have led the nation, instead we are the butt of redneck jokes.

It works like this: in 2004 Kentucky had in an open election that it wanted “traditional marriage” by a margin of 75% of the entire states 3 million votes. That made it a constitutional amendment, the law of the land in Kentucky. So, when 9 black-robbed-wizards in Washington D.C. passed of their “opinions on law” as law to the (corporate) US from coast to coast they have no standing, except what we allow them to have. Guess what the States are to be run as little countries under the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution; each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right. If we don’t stand up to the Federal Government under the 10th amendment we are going to loose our country.

FK (This is a fakebook post so maybe it’ll link correctly) What a tangled web we weave… No, not that this is deception but the irony of ‘states rights’ vs. the Bill of Rights. If the same idea is applied to the Second Amendment then commie states would be able to disarm their sheeple entirely. Wait, we have a state ran by commies but enough rural voters who are otherwise clueless to at least keep our guns. It’s likely we’ll continue to have yaller dawgs in the governor’s mansion and legislature. I’ve puzzled over this many times in the years since I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ in a western county several years back during the klinton era. I was told it was a ‘democrat’ event. They were all sitting around eating watermelon and listening to gospel bands. The sad fact is that for most of the population ignorance is golden. All we can do is keep banging our heads against the walls…

How Common Are Gay Animals?

FK – Many birth defects and mental illnesses are ‘part of nature.’ That doesn’t make it ‘happy, healthy and normal.’

My female puppy often mounts my male dog. Doesn’t mean she won’t have puppies if I don’t get her fixed. But I suppose the fruits and nuts would want to take her for a sex change instead. Livestock do the same thing. They still breed normally.

Oh good grief. Many female animals raise their young on their own. That’s no reason to destroy the nuclear family. Studies years ago showed, and common sense dictates, human children are better off with two competent parents of the opposite sex. Time to stop lying for this propaganda war.

Time to wake up and grow up folks. Time to take this out of the ‘culture war’ and look for cures and preventions for these sick people.

The other side of this insane coin:

Where Is the Church Headed Now—And should we resist the trip?

In another article on http://www.standupfortruth.com Rob Bell is noted as part of the Emergent Church movement, which the article describes this way: “The Emergent Church movement is a progressive Christian movement that attempts to reduce or eliminate Christian doctrine in favor of experience and feelings. Most do not believe man can know what is absolute truth, and believe God must be experienced outside of traditional biblical doctrines.” This is just another version of “if it feels good do it.” No doctrine, no absolute truth, just experience and feeling. These people are the Transcendentalists of the 21st century. Emerson and Thoreau would have loved them! The article notes some of the leaders of this movement—among whom are Rob Bell and Rick Warren (“whom many of these leaders point to as their inspiration for the Emergent Movement.”) Does this help you to understand why Warren’s name was linked with Obama’s during the 2008 presidential farce?

It would seem that the arrogance and egotism of some of these apostates (and that’s what they are) knows no ends. In a brief article on http://www.beginningandend.com the following was noted: “In a stunning sign of the growing apostasy—the rise of the false church in Christianity that no longer treats the Bible as its final authority, Reverend Oliver White of Grace Community United Church, came on the radio show of Fox News Host Sean Hannity to proclaim that Jesus Christ was ‘wrong’ on the issue of homosexuality and gay marriage. White, speaking for Jesus Christ, said, with respect to the issue of gay marriage no longer being a sin: ‘If Jesus were alive today, I think he would be more inclined to say: you know, I didn’t know it all’…” There’s a photo of Rev. White at the top of this article holding what appears to be a big Bible—but then, with Rev. White’s attitude toward Jesus, maybe it’s really an enlarged version of The Humanist Manifesto. Here’s a man who thinks he knows more than Jesus Christ. Another 21st century Transcendentalist! Who says Unitarianism, Transcendentalism, and all the other unholy “isms” died in the 19th century? Some of them may have taken a little breather, but they are back, alive and well today and their practitioners are back, fooling another generation of “useful idiots” who have never read their church history anymore than they have their American history and so they continue to make grandiose pronouncements while not knowing upside down from inside out.

FK – Well now I know what I am, and a proud one at that. Though not the same kind as those listed above. I didn’t ‘turn away’ in the name of communism but because I recognize the modern mainstream versions(interpretations) are a dangerous threat to Human Liberty and the Bill of Rights because they lead the so-called ‘good people’ to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end when they should be fighting for their freedom and their country like their oft-mentioned ‘christian'(loosely defined) Founding Fathers did. Sigh.

Yes, the bible, concurrently 3000-year-old tribal propaganda and 1500-year-old official Catholic Church doctrine, politically determined in the name of reducing religious conflict because their savior couldn’t be bothered to write his own book or at least hire a secretary so his followers wouldn’t kill millions over whose version, sub-version or subversion is right, clearly frowns on ‘homosexuality.’

Common sense says the ancients probably built up this dislike because of disease, the desire for reproduction among their desert tribes and simple disgust for something most of them didn’t understand. But then the monks,  priests, whatever that normally write and edit such texts based on their own personal ideas of ‘right and wrong’ aren’t usually much for tolerating anyone who doesn’t want to exist within their version of reality, morality or normality. Always been that way and sadly probably always will.