Tag Archives: obese

Are Your Kids Too Fragile? How to Make the Next Generation More Resilient.

FK – The truly sad horrifying thing is most ‘parents’ now have no idea how absurd and pathetic this discussion is.

“No small shot gun, during my residence of seven years of war in America, was ever kept in the house of a backwoodsman. You will often see a boy not over ten years of age driving the cattle home, but not without a rifle on his shoulder; they never stir out on any business, or on a journey without their rifles. Practice from their infancy, teaches them all distances…

“I never in my life saw better rifles (or men who shot better) than those made in America. They are chiefly made in Lancaster, and two or three neighboring towns in that vicinity in Pennsylvania. The barrels weigh about six pounds two or three ounces and carry a ball no larger than thirty-six to the pound; at least I never saw one of a larger caliber, and I have seen many hundreds and hundreds.” – Colonel George Hanger, captain of a Hessian Jager corps of the American Revolution, as quoted in Muzzleloader Magazine’s ‘The Book of Buckskinning.’

“A well-grown boy, at the age of twelve or thirteen years, was furnished with a small rifle and shot pouch. He then became a fort soldier and had his port hole assigned to him. Hunting squirrels, turkeys and raccoons soon made him an expert in the use of his gun.” – Dr. Joseph Doddridge, in his 1824 book ‘Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars,’ quoted in Michael Edward Nogays book ‘Every Home a Fort, Every Man a Warrior’

“Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.” – John Adams, Defense of the Constitutions, 1787

“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” – Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794) Founding Father

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever


FK – Of course the healthiest thing one can do is never question authority and certainly NEVER fight back!

Why don’t you all shave your heads so we all look the same and no one has to feel inadequate?

And why does anyone brush their teeth in the morning? Is that for that sleep snacking?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch Is TERRIFYING And Here’s Why

FK – I’ve delivered some freight over the years and I regularly see truck zombies drive multi-state trips with nothing more than a jacket and a shower bag, if they have that.

I can’t feel sorry for morons who allow themselves to be treated like jackasses and don’t have the brains to take along basic survival gear like a sleeping bag or wool blanket in case they break down or roads are impassable in severe weather. I also can’t feel sorry for morons who allow their employers to degrade their health and steal their home life and require all their time in the name of the ‘corporate mission’ which is always to make the owners and stockholders richer.

But the unfortunate truth is the govt. and the corporate workaholic assholes will treat us like jackasses as long as the majority stupidly puts up with it because of some mindless braindead so-called ‘work ethic’ that says ‘the job’ or ‘the mission’ or profit or whatever they throw in your face comes before a human being.

The assholes who tell us such should be gut shot and drug down the road a very long distance.

Those who have a slave mentality and allow themselves to be treated as slaves fully deserve it but that doesn’t mean all of us do.

The commies who this joker represents would put a handful of bureaucrats in charge that will be no less heartless in their own way than any other version or ism. We shouldn’t be allowing commies to hold any public position whatsoever.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE! This means we have the right to kill the corporate workaholic assholes and the commie trash when they try to push us into a corner we can’t escape from. In fact the mistake is not stopping the garbage before it gets that far.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Are you a thinker or an obedient slave?:


FK – The problem with the ‘golden rule’ is that many have no problem being slaves and will readily vote for the rest of us to join their slavery.

The patriot newbie guidebook