Tag Archives: nature

Is Our Universe a Fake?

I began bemused. The notion that humanity might be living in an artificial reality — a simulated universe — seemed sophomoric, at best science fiction.

But speaking with scientists and philosophers on “Closer to Truth,” I realized that the notion that everything humans see and know is a gigantic computer game of sorts, the creation of supersmart hackers existing somewhere else, is not a joke. Exploring a “whole-world simulation,” I discovered, is a deep probe of reality.

FKHow do we know our ‘self awareness’ is really ‘self awareness?’ It’s human arrogance/ignorance that ranks us above anything but tadpoles in the pond and death is no guarantee of escape from the Matrix.

Cecil, The Lion, A Victim Of Poaching, NOT Fair Chase Hunting

The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), a global organisation promoting the sustainable use and conservation of wildlife resources, is deeply concerned about the storm of misinformation of the public, which has been prompted by the illegal killing of a celebrity lion in Zimbabwe.

The ethical, sustainable hunting of wildlife (including trophy hunting) is recognized as an integral part of wildlife conservation policies and strategies[i]. The illegal taking of game is classified as poaching, a crime, condemned and fought against by enforcement agencies and the hunting community alike.

The CIC supports and commends the Zimbabwe authorities and Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides’ Association for the swift actions in relation to the poaching of Cecil. Parties found guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

FK – Whether this was ‘poaching’ or not seems to still be unclear. If the authorities were so concerned for Cecil’s safety why wasn’t he behind a tall fence? What happens to older male lions when they can no longer defend their pride? Male domestic house cats often kill young kittens, and each other in their quest to further their genetic line. Cecil probably did the same in his career.

To Anti-hunters all hunting is ‘poaching.’ They would ban it all if they could. Giving an inch to them is a grave mistake. We must stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies and treat them as they deserve to be treated, as garbage that doesn’t belong in our country.

‘Trophy hunting’ is just saying you killed an animal that is allegedly a little harder to kill than the average member of that species, unless it truly is some kind of ‘canned hunt’ or some such. Don’t let our domestic blood enemies decide the language we use or how we express our Liberty.

The deer and the real horror

Welcome to the jungle:

FK – From the vid description:

“This is what happened when a 4 year old male lion wandered into the territory of two dominant 9 year old male lions. The video was shot on safari in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve and shows how the two older dominant males protect their territory by killing another male lion who chose to chase a buffalo into the wrong area. You will see over the series of videos how the dominant males kill him slowly.

“In the end though, this unfortunate lion had 4 brothers close by who got revenge by killing one of the two dominant lions later that night and caused the remaining dominant lion to flee the area. It was a sad situation on both sides because two beautiful male lions were killed and as a result of the change in power, all the area cubs will be killed along with several females as the new 4 dominant males take over the territory.”

And another:


FK – This is not the cheesy touchy-feely world our native born freaks would have us believe.

Shooting the lion to put it out of its misery would probably be ‘illegal.’

Sometimes the hunted fights back:

FK – Amerikan ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ could learn something from this.

And from this one:


FK – Looks like the lions killed the Giraffe bambi…

Hunting these creatures is a dangerous proposition:

FK – And sometimes maybe the lions are just hungry.

The Truth About Lions

Extreme Huntress with a Message

Charisa Argys wants to be a role model for hunters. Her goal? Spread the message that more women and youth can participate in hunting, and lobby for laws in states so that they are protected after the hunt. She is hoping to become the 2016 winner of the Extreme Huntress competition in order to help her goals become reality.

In 2014, Charisa became the focus of animal rights activists after she posted a photo of a mountain lion she killed in Colorado (2013). She writes:

In 2014 the picture of my mountain lion hunt was placed on an anti hunting Facebook page where extremist groups used it to attack me personally and hunting. I was attacked by people from all over the world, some even threatening to kill me and my children. I chose to stand up and speak out about those threats and work towards tougher laws to protect hunters from harassment in the field and after the hunt.

From her website:

I am a wife, mother, daughter and avid outdoors woman. I started my hunting adventures atop my father’s shoulders at the age of three, and have been hunting since that day. I believe in living with integrity, honor, morals and honesty; a person is only as good as their word. I feel those attributes are important to have as a positive professional role model.

As a mother of two small children, I take them with me so that I have the opportunity to hunt and they are a part of the experience. The first time I took them hunting alone they were 9 months and 2. Hunting in the Colorado back country with two little ones proved quite the challenge. One of my fondest memories was a pronghorn hunt with my daughter who was two. She was as excited as I was when I harvested a buck. I love that she is following in my footsteps.

Meet the 2016 Extreme Huntress™ Semi-Finalists

Our panel of judges have carefully read each of the entry essays submitted from all over the world. As usual, it was an impressive pool of applicants! It wasn’t easy, but they have narrowed the pool of entrants down to twenty  contestants who they feel are the candidates for the competition.


Voting will begin on May 1, 2015

Now it’s your turn to choose. We encourage you to read all of the essays and then vote for the one women who you feel should move on to the finals at the 777 Ranch in Hondo, Texas.

FK – Who are the real pathetic freaks? Those who deny their ancestry and heritage by pretending we live in a safe cuddly world.

The deer and the real horror

Coyote Mystery: Attack in Wild (Nature Documentary)

FK – It’s simple, people, real human beings, who aren’t sheeple, carry a gun wherever they go so they can deal with govt., two-legged, or four-legged predators. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be in a free country. But then none of that applies to Canada does it?

Any govt. that forbids its sheeple from defending themselves should be overthrown and it’s elected public SERVANTS executed for treason against human Liberty. “Liberal”(commie) trash that doesn’t ‘agree’ with our most basic right should be fed to the predators.

The end segment where this young woman’s brain-dead indoctrinated mother apologizes for the mindlessness that led to her daughter’s death is truly disgusting.

If we got the “Liberal”(commie) trash out of the schools as we should and got over many sheeples’ inborn mindless pacifism young people could be educated in how to act in such situations, beginning with not being stupid enough to venture anywhere,  that’s anywhere, without some kind of weapon(s) and the knowledge and practiced skill necessary to use it/them.

In this case a good walking stick alone might have saved her life, but not without a honed and practiced survival instinct that would have caused her to fight/bluff and not run as the ‘experts’ suggest was the ultimate problem. So-called ‘experts’ who are ‘surprised’ or shocked when predators do what comes natural aren’t worth the paper their degrees are stamped on.

Hikers disappear in parks all the time. Look it up. I simply can’t feel sorry for most of them when I know they’re venturing into the woods with a Disney mindset.