Tag Archives: mossad

The REAL reason for the Alex Jones, InfoWars ban — and why more purges are coming

FK – It’s all propaganda, for good or bad or something in between. I’ll kill if necessary for your free speech but you have NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to further enslave, completely enslave, everyone around you.

The average dumbass has no understanding of this as do very few patriots.

They are our enemies. We should be eradicating them, not tolerating them. The ‘left’ understands this. They know they’re at war. Do you?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

And I’ve been called every name in the playbook for exercising my ‘free speech.’

Really I think the fact that many don’t like Jones’ ‘style’ is further evidence of the pacification/pussification of our populace.

Even if Jones is an actor someone that can’t understand passion and anger over something so critical as our Liberty is a pathetic creature.

Again, we should be hunting them by now. But there are no men here.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

The killer bees of fake news

Crazy Things About the NiNe eLeVeN Official Story That’ll SHOCK You!


FK – During a militia meeting held in Feb. or March of 01 we were told via contacts ‘in the govt.’ that there would be a major event in August or September of that year with a major change in law to follow.

At the very least ‘they’ knew 9/11 was coming and they let it happen. The Federal Bureau of Instigators were involved in most ‘terrorist incidents’ in this country to include the first bombing of the twin towers in the early 90s.

They consider us to be livestock. All they do must be judged via that fact.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The only real reason for the militia

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Can You Handle The Truth About Conspiracy Theories?


FK – Most of the sheeple are whores that will suck any cock stuck in their faces so they can pay off their mortgages. That’s why ‘they’ don’t speak out.

Analyzing this propaganda and propaganda like it is almost pointless. They can always claim or hide behind ‘science’ and ‘statistics.’ There are things that can’t be really quantified. Like the dignity of self defense whether from government or common criminals. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to end crime it would still be evil.

UFOs have been seen all over the world for millennia but mainstream ‘scientists’ know their ability to pay their mortgages may be challenged if they give this ‘un-quantifiable’ phenomena any real public attention.

All we have to do is look at the laws passed, such as the anti-patriot act that was written before 9/11 and passed without any congress critter actually reading it, an action that should gain them all a death sentence.

And we need to rely on thinking, not ‘beliefs.’ Thinking intones an on-going process while ‘belief’ laid on the foundation of blind faith remains one of the most dangerous and mindless activities any tool-using monkey can engage in.

But it’s easier so they keep doing it and likely will for generations to come.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A little more on this subject:


FK – What I’ve noticed about ‘money’ is that those who have it spend most of their time thinking about it and how to get more of it so they often have a very sorry understanding of anything else of importance.