Tag Archives: license and registration

THEY DID IT! Dems Officially Introduce Bill To Abolish ICE Then Make Most SHOCKING Announcement EVER


FK – It’s actually far more amazing that the commies want to abolish a govt. agency. Oh, he said he’d ‘re-task’ the Nazis to other things.

How about we task them to round up white-skinned commie trash, our real enemies, the ones who want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie?

LEO’s don’t exist to ‘protect’ anyone:


FK – The problem is that the majority of LEOs who may or may not be ‘well-intentioned’ because they believe the propaganda on their squad cars that reads ‘to protect and to serve’ or some such, are still enforcing evil law that has no place in a free society.

The SCOTUS has ruled multiple times that the police don’t exist to protect anyone. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and collect its revenue.

Their job is supposed to be to uphold their Oaths to protect our Bills of Rights but they have no understanding of this because there are no men in this country to force them to understand it.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

In a free country, there are no ‘special groups or people’:


FK – Delusion is normalcy for the tool using monkeys. That’s why we have political parties and religions.

Alert! Required National I.D. Hidden in New 400-page Immigration Bill


FK – Somebody please, SAVE US FROM OURSELVES!

They’ve had us ‘marked’ since the 30s. What can the average sheeple do without a socialist security number? And NOBODY got beamed up.

Wait till they get us all on a UBI. What will you surrender to keep that monthly check coming in?

Verrrr are YOUR paperzzzz???

But I bet they’ll still let my dogs vote, the most violent act anyone can participate in.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids