Tag Archives: internet police

Women Should Keep Reading the Comments

Never read the comments. It’s the resounding motto of the internet, for good reason. The truism knows no shame or bounds: it applies to Facebook posts, YouTube videos, parenting blogs, tweets, even pictures of your family, because that is all fair game for some of the most disturbing, disgusting, vile people write on the internet.

Unfortunately, you can’t always “never read the comments.” Some of us were lucky enough to be in the actual audience yesterday at Google I/O. But the rest of us were left watching livestreams of what looked like a fantastical, future-filled two hours of magic wherein everyone was pleasant and professional and respectful. If, like me, you were watching the show YouTube were subjected to passively noticing an unending stream of comments ticking up the right side of the screen.

It’s strange to be watching some of the most groundbreaking, innovative technology in the world, while your peripheral vision is populated by racist, misogynist garbage-speak.

FK – This is probably a created ‘problem’ in need of a ‘solution,’ i.e. kill off all comments so that only the ‘official’ version(lies) gets out to the common sheeple. Google is working to mainstream the net and kill free speech and human Liberty. Simple fact.