Tag Archives: hate crimes

WTF?!? What Jeff Epstein’s Lawyer Says on the View is MindBlowing!!


FK – The so-called legal system can’t work that way. Even the worst deserve ‘defense.’ The problem is not crooked shysters defending criminals the problem is crooked shysters holding public office and sitting on benches.

You can be accused of anything, evidence, DNA or otherwise dropped to ‘prove’ it and and then railroaded into prison or to the electric chair. Happens all the time.

The ignorant brain dead sheeple will go along with it because a bright shining newswhore with a smile on its face told them it was OK because the ‘authorities’ you harp on so much said so and so was an ‘extremist’ or a ‘pedophile’ or whatever the most hated of the time is. Simple minded morons made up the lynch mobs(true anarchy) and attended hangings of the not always guilty and we stupidly let their descendants vote.

Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-olds in this country that can’t make a logical rational decision. When will we start prosecuting politicians for breaking campaign promises or men who lie to women just to get laid?

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

That’s how it works.

If those young women were forced into those situations then certainly all involved should get prison time. But we have far worse crimes by the klintons et al who regularly break the oath they took to uphold our Natural Rights, that have gone and will probably go unpunished because we have NO MEN to enforce the Bills of Rights on our governments and the shysters and commie globalist trash that run them.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Some of the links he provided:


New Jeffrey Epstein accuser goes public; defamation lawsuit targets Dershowitz

The New Zealand Mosque Attack vs guilt by association

FK – Is not calling Marxist globalists ‘fascists’ also guilt by association? But then as I’ve claimed many times it’s not name calling if it’s true.

The fact that matters is what I’ve been trying to get across, that as you said all they want is power, or as I put it, our submission.

All the rest is indeed propaganda, and all the ‘sides’ are guilty of it.

But there are few men here to see it and none to fix it.

My standard answer to such:

Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda.

When we allow our enemies to decide what we are ‘allowed’ to say or do or own they own us.

The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.

Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.

What Lauren Southern Isn’t Telling You

FK – But, but, but, the ancient tribal propaganda says we can’t question the sadistic bronze age god’s special chosen people…

Because they say so.

What is an ‘anti-semite?’

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The killer bees of fake news

What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

Have you made the list yet?:


FK – I’ve always considered making these lists to be a badge of honor.

There are no men left here to feel the real hate needed for our real white-skinned enemies.